

Top Five Tech and Investing Stories

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Tech and Investing News of the Week

By Adam Sharp, November 4, 2016

Uber Adds AI to Its App

Rideshare company Uber is launching a new app that predicts where you want to go using machine learning. For example, if you wake up and hop a ride to work every morning, Uber's new app would learn this and start offering a shortcut: Would you like a ride to work now, Dave?

Startup Valuations Fall Year Over Year
Startup Valuations Fall Year Over Year
Median valuations for startups fell over the last year. This has primarily affected late-stage tech startups, as you can see in the red line on the chart above. Venture capitalist Ryan Lawler explains with plenty of data and charts.
Will You Buy Any "Big Ticket Items" in 2016?

A new car... big vacation... engagement ring... fishing boat... college tuition payments... repairs to your home?

If so, the government may owe you money.

A new law signed at the end of 2015 offers "cash rebates" to 119 million eligible Americans for purchases made in 2016.

This is a chance to collect anywhere from $1,230 up to $12,900 and perhaps beyond.

But you must prepare now to maximize your payout. Our friends at The Oxford Club have the details here...
Introduction to Bitcoin and the Blockchain

TechCrunch has a new YouTube series called Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain. This is a great place to start if you need to brush up on bitcoin and digital currency.

HTC Plans Virtual Reality Arcades

Electronics giant HTC has announced a program that will put its virtual reality headsets in arcades and internet cafés around the world.

NFL Making Virtual Reality Series With YouTube

YouTube and the NFL are working on a new type of show designed for Google's new VR headset, the Daydream. The nine-part series will debut on Thanksgiving Day (smart).

That's it for today. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Adam Sharp
Founder, Early Investing
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The Wisdom of the Crowd May Not Be All It's Cracked Up to Be
By Andy Gordon, November 2, 2016

Crowdinvesting is a more inclusive way of providing capital to startups than what we had before, but is it accurate? Read on...
Gaming Industry Taps Equity Crowdfunding
By Adam Sharp, October 28, 2016

A new crowdfunding platform allows investors to fund video games and be rewarded with a percent of revenue. Read on...
What Blockchain Technology Can Do for You
By Andy Gordon, October 26, 2016

Blockchain, the technology behind bitcoin, may hold the key to overhauling today's exchanges. Read on...


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