

New from Transcript-Verlag

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Bonded Labour
Global and Comparative Perspectives (18th-21st Century)

Edited by
Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf, Ulrike Lindner, Gesine Müller, Oliver Tappe, and Michael Zeuske

New Perspectives on Collectivity
Gesa Ziemer

Fragments, Futures, Absence and the Past
A New Approach to Photography

Silke Helmerdig

Hawaiian Hula 'Ōlapa
Stylized Embodiment, Percussion, and Chanted Oral Poetry

Monika Lilleike
Intellectual Radicalism After 1989
Crisis and Re-orientation in the British and the American Left

Sebastian Berg

Musicians' Mobilities and Music Migrations in Early Modern Europe

Edited by
Gesa zur Nieden and Berthold Over
Performing the Digital
Performance Studies and Performances in Digital Cultures

Edited by 
Timon Beyes, Martina Leeker, and Imanuel Schipper

The Nonfictional Literature of David Foster Wallace and Dave Eggers
Lukas Hoffmann

Psychoanalysis: Topological Perspectives
Edited by 
Michael Friedman and Samo Tomsic
Roman Charity
Queer Lactations in Early Modern Visual Culture

Jutta Gisela Sperling

Target Markets
International Terrorism Meets Global Capitalism in the Mall

Suzi Mirgani
Trouble on the Far Right
National Strategies and Local Practices Challenging Europe

Edited by
Maik Fielitz and Laura Lotte Laloire

Watching Nostalgia
An Analysis of Nostalgic Television Fiction and its Reception

Stefanie Armbruster

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