

A Bit of a Personal Message

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A Bit of a Personal Message

Andy SnyderBy Andy Snyder, Founder
 Rooster's Crow
  The financial research firm Dalbar is famous for its data that shows the average investor can't keep up with the market. In fact, the average American does about half as well as the S&P 500. Dalbar uses the insights to push investors toward a long-term buy-and-hold strategy. It's good advice... but it will only get you from subpar to mediocre. It certainly won't lead to riches. That why I'm hosting the Super Trader Rally - where I'll detail what it takes to get to the next level.
I've got something different today.

No "we" or "our." No musings about things you may not have thought of before.

Just you. Just me. And something I'm sure you've thought about a lot.

This is the start of something big.

You see, my readers mean the world to me. I get up every morning excited to pick up my pen and share my thoughts. The feedback I've received since starting this column several years ago has been tremendous.

But I recently got a note from a reader who was, well, a bit different.

I immediately printed it out and taped it to the wall of our office. I wanted the team to see it every day.

It's a reminder of why we do what we do.

It's a note from a reader named William.

Here's how it starts...
  • I used to have a good job, nice house, great wife, perfect life.

    But in 2005, it all changed.

    My wife contracted lymphatic cancer. She battled it for one and a half years, but the treatment ended up killing her.
Things went downhill from there.

The medical bills were too much. William lost everything.

He was forced to file bankruptcy. Now he relies on Social Security.

Here's the worst part though. He's tried to start over. He's done what the textbooks say he should.

But he's gotten only as far as most get...
I want to climb out of this hole. But I've never invested in stocks or made trades. And most of what I've read in the financial press is about as clear as mud.

I talked to three different stockbrokers that each left me counting my fingers after shaking their hands.

They left me feeling totally scared, threatened and stupid.
It's a story I've heard a lot.

But then William did something that may change not just his life but also yours.

He put some serious weight on my shoulders...
But your words give me hope that I can turn my life around.
He ends with some questions and a powerful proposition to prove that I am different.
So how do I get started? How do I make a trade? Do I have to use a stockbroker?

I would appreciate your help pointing me in the right direction. I know you'll be absolutely honest and forthcoming.
I've accepted the challenge... and turned it into one of the biggest and most important endeavors of my career.

America's Going to Look Very Different After This Corona Crash...

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September 2, 2020

I am going to not only answer those questions... break down my full investing criteria and strategy... and release my Trading Research Starter Kit for FREE... but also do it all during a one-of-a-kind webinar next week.

It's called the Super Trader Rally.

And it kicks off next Wednesday, September 2, at 1 p.m. ET.

The event has one purpose: to get as many people as possible out of their financial ruts... and onto the healthy, profitable paths they deserve.

This is going to be huge - and a ton of fun.

I'll be joining my good friend - and somebody you may know well - Julia Guth, the CEO and Executive Publisher of The Oxford Club.

With her help, I'll answer your questions... reveal the newest strategy I've been beta testing... and show you exactly what it takes to successfully make money in this market.

Of course, it's 100% free to attend.

And like I said, everybody who attends will get my Trading Research Starter Kit for free.

I'd like you to consider this your personal invitation.

If you're not happy with your investing results...

If you don't know where to start...

Or if you just think things could be easier...

Click here to add your name to our attendee list and get all the details on this one-of-a-kind interactive event.

It's going to be big. And it's going to change lives.

I could not be more excited.

Click here now.

Be well,


P.S. The free Trading Research Starter Kit that I'll give to all attendees is quite valuable. In it, I detail my favorite brokers, my favorite screening metrics and four ticker symbols that absolutely must be in your portfolio right now. Click here to sign up and claim your kit.

Have you also struggled to get started investing? Let us know at mailbag@manwardpress.com.

Manward Options Part 4
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