

Alex Green's #1 Microcap for the New Year

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Manward Digest

Alex Green's #1 Microcap for the New Year

By Andy Snyder, Founder

It's Andy.

I'm sharing something really exciting with you today from my colleague Alexander Green.

Something that could be the next game changer.

It's a tiny company that's developing a type of technology that could make smartphones obsolete.

Listen, this company destroys the competition.

It has more market share than even Google.

And Investor's Business Daily says this "upstart could take on Apple."

And when you watch this video, you'll see why.

CNN claims it's "the big technology wave of the future."

And Business Insider reports that it will "replace the iPhone."

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers reports that it is "today's fastest-growing technological innovation... the next big thing."

The industry is expected to grow to as much as $77 billion by 2025.

Alex believes this company is one of those transformative disruptors - like Amazon, Apple and Facebook - that come along only once or twice in a generation.

Yet its stock trades for only $4 a share.

Revenues at this company are growing faster than Netflix's were before its stock climbed 10,000%...

And more than Apple's were when it first released the iPhone.

And unlike many of the big tech companies out there, this company is still small...

Meaning it has far more room to grow!

Alex has just released a new video on the situation available to you today. You can see it right here...


I urge you to watch it soon... I don't believe this stock will stay small for long.

Be well,



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