

Car Full of Girls Can't Handle Huge Spider and more...

Who cares what these people were trying to film. That spider has some fantastic timing. And to be fair, most of us would freak out to some degree if we saw that on the ceiling while driving. Also, despite the pandemonium, great work keeping the spider ...
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Car Full of Girls Can't Handle Huge Spider and more...

 In This Issue...

Car Full of Girls Can't Handle Huge Spider


Who cares what these people were trying to film. That spider has some fantastic timing. And to be fair, most of us would freak out to some degree if we saw that on the ceiling while driving. Also, despite the pandemonium, great work keeping the spider in frame.

Submitted by: (via World News)


Amazon Driver Meets Farm's Guinea Hens


Seems like a stereotypical quiet day on the farm until you see those guinea hens giving chase to that unsuspecting Amazon driver like none other. We can only imagine what must've been going through that Amazon driver's head when he heard those guinea hens coming up on him. 

Submitted by: (via smokeystables)


Woman Gets Into Car, Realizes It's Very Wrong Car


Some of us have had those startling moments when we realize we've boarded someone else's Lyft ride. It's an innocent enough fail, and can make for a funny time. Well, when it comes to getting in the wrong car, this has to be the most unforgettable cringeworthy kind of accident to happen in the ride sharing business yet. Whole lot of yikes. 

Submitted by: (via Rose ღ)


Employee Derails Incompetent Boss By Working Scheduled Hours

When you're already going above and beyond to cover someone else's loose ends, it's a breath of fresh air to be ordered to just do your job. This boss didn't know what they were getting into when they tried to tell this employee to simply work their scheduled hours. For another dumb boss story, here's a boss who orchestrated their own downfall.


Text - Posted by u/dorky_dad77 22 hours ago 17 10 e11 3 12 E 8 S Was told I had an 8 1/2 hour shift and not to leave early, so I started working for only 8 1/2 hours. oc M I work as a supervisor at a manufacturing plant, and I was hired for an 8 hour shift as the night time supervisor. As soon as I started, they changed, and said they really considered the shift to be from 11 pm to 730, so they would need it to be 8 1/2 hours. I'm salaried, there wasn't much I could do, and it wasn't a big deal,


Text - As I get into a groove working there, I find out that the 2nd shift supervisor is a train wreck. No one would describe him to me, just saying I had to meet him. He leaves an hour or two early from his shift 2- 3 times a week. Friday nights he leaves the plant at 530, and tells them to call him if there are any problems. He calls out, at a minimum, once a week. Its psychotic. Every time he is out, I come in at around 8 pm to cover the last 3 hours of his shift and my full shift. At least o


Text - Then Sarah starts as my boss. I actually have bosses, which is how every successful employee works. Sarah is a nightmare. Sarah wants me to work 11-11 on MTW, and 11-10 on Friday. I dig in my heels, document like crazy, and after a couple months of harassment, HR actually backs me up and she has to stop. But now Sarah is angry, and she sees me leaving at 715 one morning after coming in 2 hours early. She sends an email clarifying our time expectations. 2nd shift train wreck calls in that


Text - I get an email saying she is coming in early to talk to me, and when she shows up, I'm getting a formal warning for my early departures, going into my personnel file. I've never been written up in my life. During the meeting, with HR in attendance, she said I am expected to be there for my 8 1/2 hour shift. I made sure that the expectation was on record for an 8 1/2 hour shift, which HR documented.


Text - The next week, the 2nd shift supervisor is out two days. After the first day, Sarah asks me the next morning why I didn't come in early, as there were problems on his shift, and I said I fulfilled my 8 1/2 hour shift, and I'm not responsible for his. They had to hire a contractor at $125 an hour to cover all of his missed time, which amounted to 19 weeks this past year. Eventually they hired a 4th supervisor at $85k per year to cover his gaps. Sarah got demoted, and I only ever work 8 1/2

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Tagged: boss , manager , work , lol , story , dumb , funny , stupid

OSHA-Unapproved Moments Of Safety Failure

Anyone who's had to work with their hands has likely witnessed, or even low-key partaken in some safety fails that would make OSHA faint. These highly questionable and unsafely done jobs probably shouldn't be considered a point of pride, but people keep doing them, usually out of convenience. Here's a story of an incompetent manager who fired their only OSHA certified forklift operator and had it backfire.


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6. Hanging on by a thread

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13. Trusty modified nailgun

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15. What a way to try to sharpen a machete

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18. load secure

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22. infinite floor hole!

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Bride Wants To Airbrush Over Bridesmaid's Tattoos

Gotta love how this bride says she doesn't want to be "that bride" and then proceeds to be exactly that bride. Weddings seem to have that uncanny knack for bringing out people's inner toxic perfectionist. Sometimes people like this bride can get so caught up in trying to make sure everything fits their vision for the perfect day, that they end up being way more insensitive than they'd ever normally be. We've got to hope that's the case for this bride. Check out some more wedding drama with this bridezilla Karen who ended up looking like a pauper at her own wedding.


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Genealogy Discovery Ignites Nasty Family Conflict

Honestly, it sounds like there were some folks in this family that could've benefited from not making assumptions about their ancestry, and then proceeding to carve a whole lifestyle out of it. It can really pay off in the long run to just do your research, before making those big moves, like assuming you're Native American when you're actually Eastern European. Hopefully, this family was able to put their differences aside, quell the rage, and ultimately make up. 

Check out some more ancestry kit drama with this family that got blindsided by a shocking ancestry kit revelation. 


Text - AITA for making potentially "embarrassing" family genealogy discoveries visible on Ancestry.com? Not the A-hole I've been the extended family's amateur genealogist for more than 20 years. I've built an enormous family tree on Ancestry.com. Names and details on all living people are hidden (unless I give special permission to someone). Info on deceased people is visible.


Text - Like a lot of American families, there's a persistent myth that we have some Native American heritage. My late paternal grandmother told us that she was descended from a French soldier who married a Native American woman. Well, Grandma (who was a very sweet lady) made this up. She was orphaned at age 2 and didn't even remember her biological parents. Maybe she just wanted an origin story? I figured out who her biological parents were earlier this year by triangulating my DNA matches and s


Text - I'd actually forgotten about the Native American stories. My dad is no longer alive, but I shared this info with his brother, my uncle. He thanked me but asked, "Are you 100% SURE there's no Indians [his word, not mine] in our tree?" Yep, 100% sure, I told him. He responded, "Well, Ronny [fake name] isn't gonna like hearing that." Ronny is my cousin – I haven't seen him since we were kids -- and he apparently took the Native American thing to heart. He went out and got a bunch of tattoos


Text - I had and have NO intention of telling anybody in Ronny's world that this is untrue. But he did not take the news well. His dad shared my number and I got a text from Ronny telling me to take down any info about our family origin immediately. I responded no, and reassured him that his name wasn't displayed and his secret was safe with me. I'm not trying to "out" anybody as anything. I don't share findings on Facebook and you'd really have to dig through the Ancestry.com tree and know what


Text - I'm sorry Ronny didn't have the foresight to do his own research before "going native," but I don't think I'm an AH for accurately representing our family history where someone else could see it. Or am l? 1 7.2k 3 1, Share 825


Text - Thia_M • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [15] NTA. It was a huge thing, back in the day, for grandparents to tell family we were part native American. I have no idea why. My mom's side was "Cherokee". We aren't and are as white as could be. We are Irish, English, and German with a little Russian thrown in. Reply 1 2.5k , ...


Text - username2-4-3-7 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [6] This reminds me of a TIFU story about a white guy who adopted an asian baby. He jumped neck deep into Chinese culture. The kiddo went to a cantonese immersion school. Got Chinese aunties and uncles who took him to China to engage with his heritage. White Dad was so proud of his son and his support for his son's heritage. Then when filling out some kind of scholarship paperwork for college, dad had to fish out the original adoption paperwork...


Text - StAlvis • 1d • Professor Emeritass [97] NTA Like a lot of American families, there's a persistent myth that we have some Native American heritage. "I've got some Indian in me" was the earlier generation's "but l've got a black friend!" | Reply 1 1.1k 3 ...


Text - jrobin99 • 1d NTA. I do genealogy too and WOW I can't believe the amount of people who cling to that old Indian blood story! What is with that?? I heard the same story from my Dad's side. Did some poking around and found lots of people linking to names and graves apparently all made up! First rule of genealogy is to back everything up with proof. Your relative might have started with the hope of having Indian blood before DNA existed. It was easier back then to claim...whole lot harder no


Text - SnooWoofers4721 • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA Ronny should have checked and double checked before he based his lifestyle on a story. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Reply 6.5k


Text - Deus-system-failed • 1d NTA my mom did something similar a few years back, my grandmother claimed her father was a Native American and that's why her skin tone was so dark. Well my mom did some digging because she heavily doubted it, well it wasn't a big secret that my great grandmother was a Gypsy immigrant but she was the only one who DIDN'T LIE. My mother is 96% Greek Romoni, my entire family on my mother's side are Gypsies and super racist against Gypsies even claiming "All Gypsies ar


Text - hmcfuego • 1d NTA, but my family is actually on the tribal rolls with family ON THE REZ and my DNA came back with absolutely 0 NA. Reply 1 15 < ...


Text - west_to_southwest • 1d When you remove your cousin's over the top aggressive behavior, this story actually highlights an important issue: genetic privacy. Currently, it is absolutely your right to share genetic results and what not with the world; however, because your family shares genetics, you are sharing other people's genetic results/information with the world too. I can absolutely imagine a case where a family member doesn't necessarily want their genetic information broadcast to th


Text - coconutshave • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [18] NTA–I understand it sucks for Ronny but he had no right to swear at your or make demands. You didn't do anything wrong to get or share the info. Who knows if gran lied. He knew it was possible it was just a story and l'm sure his Native friends did, too- so even if grandma was the granddaughter of a Native woman, that's what? 1/16th? Isn't the joke that every white American claims to be 1/16th Cherokee? Hard to imagine he told the truth and no o


Text - thestingofthemonarch • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA Facts don't make you an asshole, no matter who doesn't like them. Its not like you made a callout post calling him white, he just hates it and thinks that by hiding/censoring actual information it'll somehow make him something he isn't. Also it's YOUR heritage too, your uncle and most certainly Ronny doesn't own you. Q Reply 46 ...


Text - loligo_pealeii • 1d NTA. It's kind of you to try to hide this and not out Ronny but it's not your fault your genealogical history didn't turn out to be what he wanted. Also, your grandmother was adopted at 2. Ronny had to know there was a good chance her stories weren't accurate. He seriously thinks a 2 year old had a good idea of her family heritage? Also, you're not the only one with a dumbass cousin. Mine got a giant Blackfoot symbol tattooed on her chest and neck at age 18. One too ma


Text - voxetpraetereanihill • 1d NTA. He's not named, and I seriously doubt anyone's going to go digging. My family tree has been done back to the 1600s on both sides. We've got horse thieves, bigamists, Scottish rebels, Nazi officers, you name it - and all those skeletons are rattling around online for anyone who cares. Except no one cares. lol Reply 4 3 3 ...


Text - adlittle • 19h • Partassipant [1] NTA. My family did this nonsense too (though thankfully no one turned it into an actual identity). Got the dna testing and confirmed we are like 100% English. The best part was, I got accused of being racist for saying this was all bullshit back in the day. No, l'd be proud of whatever heritage turned up, but there's WAY TOO MANY annoying white people who want to claim the romance and intensely American origin of being Native American, but without having


Text - toughdog18 • 1d NTA. He's mad because you're exposing his lie. He may well have believed in it, but the truth can hurt. It's unfortunate that this lie is part of his identity. This is why he's defending the lie so aggressively. But that doesn't mean you should take your own info down. He doesn't have to look at it if he doesn't like it. Your uncle is 100% wrong on all levels. Let him be 'disappointed.' What I don't understand is how Ronny found out. Did the "disappointed" uncle take it up


Text - Ok_Entrepreneur6273 • 1d NTA. He should apologize to the community. It's not wrong that he was mislead it's wrong that he doesn't want to face the truth and the music. Reply Vote


Text - RexIsAMiiCostume • 1d NTA. I KNOW where my little bit of Native ancestry comes from and I didn't go out and get tattoos of a local tribe that I'm not even descendant of... Cause I know it's too far back to matter. Reply Vote ...

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Wholesome Memes to Keep Things Moving

Just about anyone could make full use of some wholesome memes now and then. In this world full of chaos and failure, it's good to be reminded that some things are still nice, and there's a base level of understanding between people. It can seem like the world is falling apart sometimes, but it's good to have some wholesome memes to help wade through the muck.


Action figure - All of humanity Teachers who Genuinely love their job


Photo caption - Me when Ive finally accepted my receding hairline and I shave my head I'M SO SHINY!


Cartoon - When your kids start listening to the same heavy metal music you do The Trollercoaster


Transport - Society People who put trash in their pockets until they find a bin


Hair - When everything is going wrong at work and you're apologizing and a customer says "oh honey it's not your fault" made with mematic


Text - When you see your attractive but socially anxious friend hit on someone for the first time. What is he doing? He's beginning to believe.


Cartoon - me when I tell my wife I don't want anything, but she gets me an apple juice anyway.




Blue - Reason why Il'm polite to waiters Because I realise they're human beings trying to make a living, not my servants


Album cover - Nobody: My grandma to me after I changed the TV channel for her: HACKERMAN made with mematic


Cat - *I start going to the gym* My grandma: Who is that strong man? Show me your muscles! Me:


Movie - Grandparents Behold Photos of their grandchild Picasso drawing their grandchild make Four-leaf clover their grandchild found My treasure




Grass - when dad takes and you your friends to the park for ice cream [HELL YEAH]




Cartoon - Michelangelo Da Vinci Caravaggio Italy Masaccio Giotto America Bob Ross


Seal - Me aged 7 explaining that we will both sleep better if we both go downstairs and get a midnight snack My teddy bear ngflip.com


Vertebrate - me, just about ready to give up on my career after being unable to find a job in my field since graduating in 2017 finally getting a job in my field that I start in a week


Cat - When the person you're trying to cheer up says you actually helped. made with mematic


Games - my favorite teacher Give up on me because I keep failing Or Draw 25 UNO


Photo caption - Me when I see a homie updated their profile picture


Facial expression - My 2 month old puppy seeing me come home from school for the 1st time: My 6 year old dog seeing me come home from school for the 475,892,613th time:


Text - When you're making small life changes and your depression is trying to downplay the positives Progess is progress!


Face - Draws branch Draws a second branch because everyone needs a friend


Saltwater crocodile - Zoom family reunion My two month old cousin going "aaaaaaa" 25 of my adult family members going "AAAAAA" back to her

Submitted by:

Tagged: aww , wholesome , Memes , lol , nice , good , funny

Landlord Won't Pay For Electricity During Winter, Nuclear Revenge Ensues

It's entitled human beings like this that give the rest of the world's hard working landlords a bad rap. This landlord was pulling all kinds of criminal stunts. Not only that, but he refused to pay for the building's electricity during the icy heart of winter. That's just wrong, man. Fortunately, there was a moral enforcer around who was ready to do the research necessary to take this landlord down. By the end of it, the dude ended up owing thousands, and it sounds like that was completely justified. 


Text - r/NuclearRevenge + Join u/TheAsianSquad • 1y 1 3 1 Take away our heat and electricity during the winter? Enjoy losing your job and paying thousands. (Repost) NOTE:This post is owned by u/lillesdaddy TL;DR at bottom I regretfully got an apartment with what is in my opinion the worst landlord ever. This man, I will call entitled dick or ED, has the audacity to call himself a good person in court. Let me fill you in. I got an apartment shortly after being released from prison. Happy that som


Text - All was well for the first few months, then winter hit and the heat went out. It took three days to get ED to even answer his phone. By that time his voicemail was full of complaints from his freezing cold tenants. He told me the law gave him reasonable time to fix it. We went two more weeks with no heat using our stoves and camping in the kitchen in our respective apartments. When ED got his electricity bill he attempted to raise the rent on the apartments. Obviously he was not allowed b


Text - This is where my OCD kicked in and I went full research mode. I studied every law in regards to federal, state and city landlord tenant laws and rights. I found so many violations it was no longer funny but scary. I studied building code, I studied the condition of all of his apartments. This was easier due to the fact I was either friends with his tenants or had gone there to repair damages caused by frozen pipes and electrical outlets failing due to shoddy wiring and so forth. ED had pi


Text - But ED had his own plan. January 2nd at two AM I was awoken by the smoke detectors in the whole building going off. I quickly ran to the back hall because no smoke was in my apartment yet but I was on the top floor. I opened the door and was greeted by a thick wall of smoke. I quickly ran downstairs after shouting for my GF at the time to get out of the house quick. I pounded on every door and screamed fire. I got as many people as possible to evacuate but the floor with the fire no one w


Text - Two weeks later the results were released. ARSON! The tenant had used hairspray to start the fire and hid the evidence in a hole she punched into the wall. The very person who had been given money by the landlord. Ironically she was the only tenant who had paid rent in the whole building because she had started moving in two days prior. I had not known she was now a tenant and her sister and kids had moved out the day before. I looked at ED and told him "I know what he had done" and I was


Text - I formulated a new plan. I sucked up to him and made it known I am a computer tech. ED had a few broken computers and some printer and network issues. I was in. We worked a deal on payment for back rent. I knew he was not good for his word but it was all part of the plan. Once I got his passwords and logins I copied his entire HDD to my portable one. I copied all emails in his business account and printed his financial records on my wifi printer which was next door. After I "fixed" his co


Text - I contacted code enforcement with all of the violations of code for every building including the illegal electrical installation in his new office without permits or even an electrician. He was immediately investigated. That night I found a seven day notice to quit on my door. My roommate was worried but I filled him in on the plan. Remember I studied all those laws and rights? Well, we get to court and I open with your honor I have proof of a clear violation of the warranty of habitbalit


Text - The next month I was given another eviction notice. Still he is losing money due to the fact I was teaching his tenants landlord tenant rights and the laws associated with it. ED kept losing his court dates and kept being told to fix stuff and was continuously fined by the courts and the code enforcement. He was sinking fast. Back to that fire, the woman living there was arrested for arson and charged with two counts due to the "accidental" electrical fire on New years day turned out to b


Text - Needless to say spending the winter without heat took a toll on us tenants. We bought electric heaters and informed the power company that the landlord had shut off all the power to all his building and was requiring the tenants to pay for their own power. Well apparently his illegal wiring caught up to him. He had wired apartments to run off each other and the common areas were now attached to wiring in every apartment. This put ED in a rough position as local law says it's the landlords


Text - ED was panicking. He kept losing in court, people were legally withholding rent, he couldn't shut off services, and the fines were debilitating. He kept blaming his tenants and refused to repair things. One by one the buildings were condemned and ED was required to pay for relocation of his tenants by law. Well he didn't. He couldn't! He was arrested for attempting to sell three buildings the city confiscated from him and for selling one that was condemned. ED got what he deserved. He los


Text - I have since gotten a new apartment and everything he owned has been taken by the city, state, and IRS. I have not seen ED in three years and all of his properties have been bought by someone new, repaired, and have all new tenants who are happy with their new landlords. The old tenants got better places with decent landlords. And what about our wonderful entitled dick? He is serving multiple sentences for the crimes he has committed and is already not getting out anytime soon yet the inv

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Tumblr Thread: Werewolves Would Be Ultra-Competitive Neighbors

Tumblr has its fair share of avoidable werewolf fiction, but very little of it has to do with how hard it would be to keep up with a werewolf PTA mom. The bake sales would be absolutely brutal. For other tumblr things of the sort, here's a blessed tumblr post on wolves and a funny tumblr foray into the Addams Family.


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Popular Sayings That Are Kinda BS

A lot of us use popular sayings just to make ourselves feel better in times of crisis, and some people use these to justify their jerk behavior. Some of them are metaphors that aren't even literally correct. Our knowledge of a lot of popular sayings is so flawed, we don't even know there's a second half, as shown by this tumblr thread on the full versions of sayings.


Text - Timmibal 34.2k points · 6 hours ago O & A 14 14 & 27 More "The Customer is Always Right." Because half of it's missing. The full truism is "The Customer is Always Right in matters of taste." Guy wants a pint of half baileys, half orange juice? He's paying. Lady wants to wear a raw turkey as a hat? You do you love... What it doesn't mean is that Kyle and Karen get free reign to treat people like shit because they happen to be handing over money at some stage of the interaction.


Text - swallowyoursadness 29.2k points · 6 hours ago E 4 2 5 e4 & 12 More If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best This is like toxic relationship starter pack stuff


Text - Familiar_Internet 22.6k points · 5 hours ago A 2 4 2, "Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are college dropouts" Dude they went to Harvard, not community college.!


Text - GIGABRO98 16.0k points · 6 hours ago 8 2 2 e6 3 3 E 5 "There's plenty of fish in the sea" You know what else there's plenty of in the sea? Trash.


Text - InAndOut51 15.6k points · 5 hours ago 5 2 4 34 2 "Looks don't matter." They do. Not always, not completely, but they very much do matter. Humans are kind of superficial in that regard.


Text - Tekmantwo 14.3k points · 7 hours ago · edited 5 hours ago 2 11 18 & 64 More 'What doesnt kill you just makes you stronger'.. bull. 2x cancer survivor here, it sure didnt make me any stronger...


Text - naaatssann 14.0k points · 7 hours ago 32 3 4 3 Be yourself. If your a fucking asshole and even the nice people hate you, then you should fucking change and not be yourself


Text - MsBobbyJenkins 272 points · 3 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago 'Never judge a book by its cover' as someone who works in a bookshop - you're damn right I'm gonna judge the quality of a book by its production. As do most customers. I have gotten insights into the world of publishing and the decisions they make based on the quality and success of the product they are pushing. For instance - an author just starting out? The catchy title of the book is going to be the biggest text on the book.


Text - Our Scottish buyer is very good at sniffing out underdog books. Books that are incredibly well-written, but haven't got the recognition they deserve, and she will discuss with the publisher about changing the cover of the book to reflect this. Suddenly huge boosts in sales. When a customer is looking for an obscure title, and I look it up, I can almost immediately tell if its a low quality independent publication by the way the cover looks. Disclaimer - much like with the underdogs, there


Text - byawaworht 13.2k points · 4 hours ago 344 34 "Sleep is for the weak" or "I'll sleep when I die" Well actually, not sleeping is making you weaker and decreasing your lifespan as you gloat about it right now. Sleep is essential people.


Text - dothisnowww 12.6k points · 7 hours ago A 2 33 E 2 You don't need money to be happy. Usually this quote is being used by those who are already filthy rich swallowyoursadness 6.9k points · 6 hours ago You don't need money to be happy but you do need shelter, warmth, food and water to be happy and those things cost a fucking fortune right now


Text - TwistyMakneepahls 10.7k points · 5 hours ago & 5 2 4 e2 & 5 More "Money can't buy happiness." Poverty can't buy anything.


Text - JellyRollGeorge 9.5k points · 6 hours ago 2 2 3 e 3 3 323 3 "A watched pot never boils." It does, I've checked.


Text - The_Hulk_rage 8.2k points · 6 hours ago 2 2 e 3 "Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get." Every box of chocolate I have seen has a little book that tells you what you'll get.


Text - DaRkxDaSHeR 6.6k points · 7 hours ago What you don't know can't hurt you , while yes it's technically true it's also not a positive thing , theoretically if someone's partner was cheating on them yes they don't know so they can't be hurt but it's still a bad thing


Text - TheSupremeGrape 6.5k points - 7 hours ago · edited 37 minutes ago "Do what makes you happy" in regards to searching for a career. Edit: Getting several questions as to why I think it's bullshit so I'm going to copy and paste one of my responses to that question. Because I have come to find that people tend to not be passionate about their jobs. Sure, there are some who enjoy it but it isn't something they're passionate about. I personally believe that any hobby you turn into a necessity k


Text - augenwiehimmel 4.1k points · 7 hours ago 4 Time heals all wounds. Malarkey. Dev_Lightning 2.9k points · 7 hours ago I dunno, I lost my leg and after a decade it grew back


Text - FierceMilkshake 3.7k points · 6 hours ago This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you. LIES!!


Text - ImWritingThis 3.6k points · 6 hours ago "Happiness is a choice." That's maybe sometimes a little true, but depression is real, and it's not what anyone chose.


Text - odette-loves-cookies 2.5k points · 6 hours ago 3 "I'm just being honest". No Jennifer, you're just being a douche canoe and saying what you want expecting there will be no repercussions because "you tell it like it is and if you don't like it then leave"


Text - velour_manure 2.2k points · 4 hours ago "Good things come to those who wait." Try waiting your whole life and see what comes to you.


Text - toreadornotto 2.3k points · 7 hours ago 2 Whatever happens, happens for a reason O lady-neuro 1.1k points · 6 hours ago God I hate this one. It's more comforting to me to think that there's no underlying reason of everything. Suffering is just suffering, not a part of some grand plan.


Text - Bish182 2.3k points · 7 hours ago Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me BipedSnowman 2.7k points · 6 hours ago 3 2 Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will make be believe I deserved it


Text - NooneKnowsImaCollie 471 points · 6 hours ago "It's always darkest before the dawn." No, it's darkest in the middle of the night. It gets gradually lighter before the dawn. And if you're talking metaphorically it still doesn't work: hard times often improve gradually. Stupid bloody saying.


Text - jrf_1973 327 points · 5 hours ago Practice makes perfect. No it doesn't. Practice makes permanence. If you start off doing something wrong, and do it over and over and over... you'll get great, at doing it wrong.

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Tumblr Thread: Spy Kids Is A National Treasure

Many of us can fondly recall the ridiculous rollercoaster that was watching the various Spy Kids movies. You never really knew what you were going to get. Sometimes, you end up with George Clooney making a cameo, or you've got the national icon, Sylvester Stallone, dressed up as four different complete weirdos. Apparently, the star-studded cast can be attributed to the fact that Robert Rodriguez was such an infectiously enthusiastic filmmaker that people just loved to work with him. He also had a knack for shooting the movies in very short periods of time because so much of it was done on green screens. 


Text - breadlesbian Follow i still do not understand what possessed so many well-respected actors to do the spy kids movies like did they pay really well? did you want these beautiful, terrible movies to be a blemish on your career forever?? why antonio banderas did so many high-profile movies then in spy kids he looked like this




Cartoon - tony shalhoub has won multiple emmys but he did spy kids and


Screen - even fucking george clooney wtf


Water - steve buscemi is pretty goofy but still 2008 TOO


Face - salma hayek's pigtails in this wow


Fictional character - elijah wood was the lead in a movie that's tied for the largest number of oscars of all time and he played a character creatively named “THE GUY"


Photo caption - sylvester stallone is like a cultural icon and he played not one but FOUR ridiculously dressed weirdos


Formal wear - alan cumming is the only one i can understand


Text - anothercleverjedimindtrick Follow Spy Kids is a national treasure thealmightytrebleclef how dare you talk about spy kids as though it is not the most brilliant franchise ever created a stoppunchingmyllama They did Spy Kids cuz Spy Kids fuckin SLAPS. Bad post op


Text - dasha-henshins Real answer: because Robert Rodriguez's experience working with Tarantino lead to him developing a way to make movies with essentially no budget AND made him a lot of friends in Hollywood, plus he was making these movies specifically for his kids and had such an infectious energy about it, he was a joy to work with and those big-name actors did it almost for free.


Text - tabbythekouhai Follow So, basically, they did it for fun. Is that it? a dasha-henshins Yeah, and because it was very little work, the movies were shot in record time almost entirely on greenscreen. 651,035 notes

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Incompetent Manager Fires Only OSHA Certified Employee, It Backfires

This company clearly made a big mistake when they fired their only OSHA certified forklift operator. Fortunately, the forklift operator was able to maintain enough presence in the face of that unfortunate development, and ultimately report them, and get them fined to oblivion. Sounds like the incompetent company man decided to quit when it was all said and done. There are some people that you just don't go after. Good for this dude. 


Text - r/ProRevenge + Join u/BeagleonBass • 18h 1 16 2 7 @ 10 3 8 6. Fired from last job, but I got the last laugh. Pardon the format, I am on mobile. I worked at a retail chain that sold pet supplies and products. When I started working there it was great, family owned and everyone I worked with was fantastic. The owners eventually wanted to retire and sold the small chain to an investment group. Once the investment group took over, almost all but a few employees were let go, forced out or just


Text - New company brings in new manager to my store. My store was the top performing store in the entire chain, bringing in about $10,000-12,000/day on average. It was always more on weekends and especially around the holidays. The new manager is a Mr Company man, company told him they only want employees around for 2-3 years, myself and two others had been there 10+ years. So naturally he began ruffling feathers and giving us all a hard time. Unfortunately he decided on me first. Mr Company ma


Text - hear that, and told me I either had to work nights and weekends, or that day would be my last day. I told him, "Don't threaten me with a good time, I suppose today is my last day then." I was pretty pissed about that, but it's not a big deal now, ended up being the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I went home early, didn't finish my shift, because fuck em. But when I got home I decided to call my local OSHA inspector and report them for not having a certified operator on staff, as

Submitted by:


Moments that Confirm That Kids Are Weird and Dumb

It's not a question that kids are weird and dumb. They'll take multiple bites of fake fruit, lie about objective facts, and cover themselves in house paint for no reason. Everyone knows a few moments that prove the weird dumbness of children, especially when it comes to the stupid things they remember themselves doing. 


Text - Bobby Schroeder @ponettplus 000 apparently my nine-year-old nephew wanted permission to make a facebook account and my sister was like "no, you're nine" and then he figured out how to make one behind her back and got caught immediately when he sent her a friend request


Text - My niece done told her school we put weed in her food at home that's why she be sleepy YALL ITS PARSLEY My sister going to jail


Text - joe heenan @joeheenan There was a massive unflushed Jobby in the toilet. I asked my boys who did it & my 10yr old son said it was him. My 5yr old son is crying cause he says it was him & his big brother is taking the credit. Have a great week everyone!


Text - Brian Wecht O @bwecht Audrey (6yo): Daddy! Did you know that after Michael left my school, he came back and now people call him David? Me: Does he look and sound totally different too? Audrey: Yes!!! Me: That's not the same kid, honey. Audrey: *long pause* Maybe 3:51 PM 11/6/20 · Twitter for iPhone


Roof - Where in the dad manual did it mention how to stop a 3 year old from taking bites out of fucking dry wall?


Text - ... 2 hrs • O My son just came up to me with a bag of chips and said "Daddy, I can't eat this. The bag is broken" pointing to the open end of the bag. Me, thinking he was just being a 5 year old and making a big deal out of some minor grievance: "There's nothing wrong with it, just eat the chips." Son: "I can't, the bags broken!" Me: "What does that have to do with the chips?" Son: "No, I can't eat it because there's a hole in the bag." Me: "Yeah, that's how you open it. Here, give me the


Text - ... Remembering when I was 7 and found out that showers instead of baths saved water, so then filled the bath up with the shower head to save my parents money Imaoooo 43 3 comments O Like Comment Share


Text - TRAINER Bill Draw 2 cards. (P.lacky, Blus. Ken Sugimori 01995, 96, 96 Nintendo, Creatures GAMEFREAK O1999 Wizards 91/102


Photograph - GREEN OROUP waht "when I grow up I want to be a dog"

10. "Rocket ships"

Shelf - ti


Text - Alex Faulk @Luz_235 When I was ~6 I learned how to open the child safety latch on the cabinet where my parents kept all the cleaning supplies after a long time of trying to figure out how it worked. Luckily for me I was too excited opening and closing the cabinet repeatedly to poison myself.


Text - : Anonymous 06/23/18(Sat)19:13:48 No.772383429 >be 9 >playing Paper Mario >halfway through game get to part where you have to buy a quest item from a store >shop owner (toad) says item is out of stock and will be in stock soon 309 KB PNG >assume it means I have to actually WAIT for it >spend 3 IRL months checking in the game to see if the item has come in stock yet >8 years later watching a speedrun of the game >realize you didn't have to fucking wait for it, you just had to fucking conti


Drink - C Jess 2h •O Good evening who needs a free happy meal? We have 18 available. My 5 year old knows how to grubhub. livery MeDela Aatlivery McDelivery V002


Photography - pineapplefiendwillriseagain: This is my little baby cousin and he is dressed as a smoke detector for Halloween None of us know why but he is really obsessed with smoke detectors That's all he's asked for in the way of presents these past two years He calls them "snoke edectors" Also he has a scrapbook of everyone in the family posing with their smoke detectors




Text - Truth teller This reminds me of when I took my young daughters to the Ohio River to watch submarine races. OK, it's easy to fool kids, but fun. 3 years ago 12K 1 50 SHOW MORE REPLIES


Text - Britt | Resume Writer & Career Enha... @bossy_britt My son kept saying he wanted "brownies" so I baked brownies and was still crying saying "no I want the white brownies" Thad to call my husband and ask what he meant. Whole time he meant "hashbrowns"


People - He really sitting here watching the TV like he ain't just use the whole thing of Vaseline in his head man 144


Text - My almost 3 yr old daughter found our Ouija board and has been using it to practice her ABCS and Numbers. ES OUIJA NO ORSTUVWA 1234567890 GOOD BY


Text - 纪 family had super powers a cud fly mum could go invisible , told her that hers wis dain big farts n she's devastated Just watched the incredibles n told her our MORE DFT 1DEAS ONLINE ANDD




No way has my kid eaten fucking sponge




Cat furniture






Text - I may have done a lot of embarrassing things in my life, but my older sister actually once found a cabbage patch kids birth certificate in my moms filing cabinet, started screaming at and accusing our mom of hiding our "brother" Clyde Fabian from us, and she was like 15 9:35 PM 11/30/20 · Twitter for iPhone 79 Retweets 11 Quote Tweets 1,173 Likes

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Amazon Driver Chased Off Property By Hens


The multiple angles are what makes it here. Once those birds in the distance notice this person walking around, they straight charge with no regard for politeness or decency. Who knows if they'll have trouble getting packages delivered to their door in the future.

Submitted by: (via smokeystables)

Tagged: birds , chase , driver , hens , lol , farm , funny , stupid , delivery

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