

The law that would prevent future presidents from issuing racist travel bans ever again has been re-introduced to Congress.

It's called the #NOBANAct and we need your support to make it a reality.

MPower Change

As salaamu alaykum, Indiana—

Time is of the essence, so I will keep this quick. 

Congress has just re-introduced a bill called the #NOBANAct that would prevent future presidents from single-handedly issuing racist immigration orders like the Muslim and African Bans ever again. 

This is good news, but there's one catch—we have to urge House leaders to pass the bill as soon as possible. The longer congress waits, the more time anti-immigrant members of Congress will have a chance to sabotage our efforts for justice.

Together, we can ensure the #NOBANAct passes without a hitch—join us in calling on House leaders to pass the bill immediately. 

The #NOBANAct has passed Congress before, all we need is for House members Pelosi (CA-12), Hoyer (MD-5), Lofgren (CA-19), and Nadler (NY-10) to make the vote a priority.

Banner with two Muslim woman at a protest demanding to pass the NO BAN Act

Use our quick one-click letter tool to send a message to the House leaders with the authority to protect our future from racist travel bans, before it's too late. 

The Muslim Ban has been repealed.

The African Ban has been repealed. 

What happens next is entirely up to us. 

The #NOBANAct is the first-ever Muslim Civil Rights Bill. If passed, it would limit U.S. immigration law so that no future president could do what Trump did—issuing bans that bar the entry of people to the U.S. based on their national origin or religion.

There is so much positive momentum working in the favor of Muslim and African communities who have been marginalized these past 4 years.

Not only has the NO BAN Act passed in the U.S. House of Representatives last July, it also is included in President Biden's U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, a broad immigration bill that would improve the lives of millions of immigrants and their families.

House leadership has the authority to make the NO BAN Act a reality and without any bad amendments.

Will you join The No Muslim Ban Ever campaign and over 100 Muslim and Immigrants' Rights Groups to pass the historic NO BAN Act?

Rep. Judy Chu (CA-27) re-introduced the NO BAN Act this week and it is already cosponsored by 137 House members.1

This is what Muslim, African, and other marginalized communities need—checks and balances to ensure the harm created by Trump's Muslim and African bans will be prevented in the future.

Together, we can achieve this easy victory that will safeguard Muslim and African communities for generations to come. 

Will you spare two minutes to make the #NOBANAct a reality? 

In solidarity,

Ishraq, Sijal, Linda and the MPower Change team



1. "Local Congresswoman Reintroduces NO BAN Act to Prevent Future Muslim Bans," Pasadena Now, March 1, 2021

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