

Tumblr Story: Man's In Doghouse, Gets Vegan Girlfriend Meat And Cheese Basket and more...

Real or not, just picturing this whole scenario where a dude walks into a shop like the one we have in this story, and the proceeds to cluelessly, stubbornly get his vegan girlfriend the last thing she'd want, is enough to get the laughs rolling. Some ...
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Tumblr Story: Man's In Doghouse, Gets Vegan Girlfriend Meat And Cheese Basket and more...

 In This Issue...

Tumblr Story: Man's In Doghouse, Gets Vegan Girlfriend Meat And Cheese Basket

Real or not, just picturing this whole scenario where a dude walks into a shop like the one we have in this story, and the proceeds to cluelessly, stubbornly get his vegan girlfriend the last thing she'd want, is enough to get the laughs rolling. Some people refuse to take the help that's so graciously offered their way. This guy really should've just listened up when he had the chance. We can't imagine that the particular plate got him out of the doghouse at all. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with this family's heated Christmas vampire tradition. 


Doofuses Cram A U-Haul Into A Parking Garage

In a sterling example of crap spatial awareness, these guys paid no attention to height specs and tried to park a U-Haul in a low-ceilinged parking garage. What started off as a "whoopsie" quickly turned into a "nononononononono" as they tried to turn around and burst a sprinkler pipe overhead. The moment of panic as that suspect brown water gets let loose is a thing of beauty.


Man Sneezes Into Trombone During Concert

This is one of those videos that just effortlessly manages to get funnier every time that you think about it. I wonder if there was some kind of panicked buildup for the guy that ends up sneezing, or if the sneeze simply escaped his body before he could prevent it from happening in the first place. 


Locker Room Incident Destroys Shaq And Barkely With Laughter

These guys are having an inspiring, potentially enviable amount of fun at their jobs. Everything is lost the moment that Shaq throws those papers up. The whole fit of hysterical laughter was inspired by a locker room incident involving the Rockets and Clippers. For some more gold from Shaq, check out the time that he lost a bet, and then had to reveal his hairline on live TV


Incompetent Manager Fires Only OSHA Certified Employee, It Backfires

This company clearly made a big mistake when they fired their only OSHA certified forklift operator. Fortunately, the forklift operator was able to maintain enough presence in the face of that unfortunate development, and ultimately report them, and get them fined to oblivion. Sounds like the incompetent company man decided to quit when it was all said and done. There are some people that you just don't go after. Good for this dude. 


IHOP Worker Turns Adam Sandler Away, Praised For Lack Of Preferential Treatment

Unfortunately, an element present throughout this wild world is that celebrities can end up getting so lost in their own fame that they lose touch with reality. Yes, they lose touch with reality to such an extent that they end up forgetting to practice common social decency when the various opportunities present themselves. This can manifest in some pretty nasty behavior, and terrible mistreatment of folks that are just trying to do their jobs without being berated by people that think they're better than them. 

Fortunately, this video possesses a positive tone. A tone filled with hope and optimism for the state of humanity. You see, Adam Sandler takes the news from TikToker @dayanna.rodas, in stride, doesn't pitch a fit, doesn't try to use his celebrity status to cut in line, but instead just peaces on out for a different place. Plenty of folks in the comments section were keen on praising both Dayanna Rodas and Adam Sandler for their respective behavior. It's nice to see someone with enough mindfulness and self respect not just give in to catering to a person's every demand because they're a celebrity. Check out some of people's nicest and nastiest celeb encounters over here if you're looking for some more celebrity gossip. 


Roommate Refuses To Pay Rent, Gets Schooled In Court

Man, nothing is worse than realizing you've ended up sharing a roof with a completely terrible roommate. In this case, we've got a horribly smug roommate who simply refused to pay their rent. Well, they clearly didn't anticipate the fallout that'd eventually ensue back in court. Hopefully they learned their lesson, and won't go and try to pull this ridiculous stunt again. 

Check out some more juicy roommate drama with this guy who outwitted his roommate by using the Pavlovian method.


Wonderful and Absurd Knockoffs and Off Brands

There's a lot of good money to be made off of well-known brands, and people know it. The whole issue is all those pesky licensing fees and copyright claims. What is a shrewd business-person to do? Obviously, create some uncredible off-brand and bootleg products. No, we don't have Pepsi, Shrek or Pokémon but how about Poopsi, Shronk or Pokermoms? Anything is possible in the world ofridiculous knockoffs.


Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

This company learned their lesson the hard way when it came to demanding an employee turn up at work, in spite of having to deal with a broken bike. Nothing quite brings the blood to a boil like a company that refuses to recognize their employees will have curveballs pop up, and that sometimes meetings simply can't be made. 


Choosy Beggar Legit Tries To Buy $300 Course For Free

These choosing beggars and their ceaseless delusional demands never cease to leave us amazed. Amazed, but in anything but a good way. In this case, we have a choosy beggar who tries to lock down a $300 course for free, and refuses to accept any of the reality checks being sent their way. At a certain point, you just have to cut your losses (loss of time), and send that choosy beggar back on their way, to be repeatedly rejected until they finally get the message. 


Trashtacular Moments of Shameless Garbage-osity

It's important to live without fear of judgement, but sometimes not giving a damn has unintended trashy consequences on those around us. For example, when considering crashing a wedding in order to steal the gifts, it's important to think hard about the effects your decisions might have on others, lest that behavior be deemed a trashy moment that belongs on garbage island.


Unsafe Maneuvers From Those Tempting Fate

It should occur to everyone that letting your dog pilot your scooter is a bad idea, yet some of us choose to trudge further on life's metaphorical (or literal) tightrope. Is it that we have too much blind faith in our ability to complete these unsafe maneuvers? Is it the belief that we're invincible? Is it self-confidence? Is it frugality? Whatever the reason for the many safety failures out there, it doesn't make them any less of a spectacle.


Couple Has Wedding In Sign Language, Mom Can't Handle It

It seems like if you do most of your communicating in a particular language and you're planning your own event, it's well within your right to do that event in said language. And since most of their guests speak sign language anyway, the idea isn't so absurd. It seems like this mom isn't a huge fan of irony. It's reminiscent of this uncle who demanded a meat meal at a vegan wedding.


Aggressively Rude And Belligerent Designs

Every now and again we cross paths with a product that's so structurally vile, so aggressively inconsiderate to the space it occupies, that it can leave us speechless. It almost feels like whoever was responsible for designing the product was nothing short of an evil mastermind, determined to bring more stress into people's lives by plaguing the world with terribly rude designs. 


Zookeepers Share Their Insider Zoo Knowledge

Zoos have to hold the title of some of the weirdest places to work. Where else do you have to deal with dangerous smelly animals as well as customers? What other job might you be briefed that the lion just ate the peacock? Zoos have the strange reality of being full of workers who are highly educated but also still have to shovel tons of chimp crap for a few dollars above minimum wage. 


Twitter Thread: Shameless Reasons People Are Still Single

Dating's easier for some folks more than others. Putting yourself out there in this day and age can be a daunting process. You have all these equally enticing, consistently silly dating apps available at your disposal, and it can end up being very hard to stand out from the rest of the pack. Or, just to find a match that's actually taking the wild world of a place like Tinder, seriously. Maybe these people's stories about the reasons that they're still single, will remind you of some of your own reasoning. 


Paranoid Boss Fires Employee, Employee Starts New Company, Old Boss Goes Under

Good for this dad. It sounds like the boss that he was previously stuck working for was nothing short of an insecure, maniacal nightmare. If you're in a position of power and you're so unsure of your own ability to navigate said position successfully, that you fire a well qualified employee, then it's time for a serious reassessment when it comes to your work approach. For another glorious tale of malicious compliance, check out the time that a boss denied an employee's PC upgrade, and the malicious compliance that ensued


Socially Acceptable Behavior In "The Sims" That Conflicts With Reality

Many, many folks out there have gotten lost in the Pandora's Box that is "The Sims" video game experience. One moment you're busy building the house of your wildest, most grandiose fever dreams, and then the next moment, you're trying to figure out how to nurse one of your sims' bladders back to health, because they insist on not using the restroom when they should. It's a wild game. And it's even more fun to imagine what kinds of chaos would erupt were the Sims logic ever to bleed over into real life as we know it. 


Dude Builds Automatic Lego Domino Machine

Here we were spending all of our waking hours setting our thousands and thousands of dominos up by hand. This is a godsend to anyone like us whose children go unfed due to the countless sleepless nights we spend setting up dominos. Our domino-chapped and blistered fingers have this guy to thank for creating a handy automatic domino machine.


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