

Customer Demands Refund For Their Own Mistake, Call Center Maliciously Complies and more...

Our hearts go out to anyone who has to muddle through shifts at a call center. It seems like call centers are magnets for the world's most insufferable, painfully entitled individuals. It's as if the people that contact call centers with whatever ...
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Customer Demands Refund For Their Own Mistake, Call Center Maliciously Complies and more...

 In This Issue...

Customer Demands Refund For Their Own Mistake, Call Center Maliciously Complies

Our hearts go out to anyone who has to muddle through shifts at a call center. It seems like call centers are magnets for the world's most insufferable, painfully entitled individuals. It's as if the people that contact call centers with whatever complaints they have on tap, also manage to completely forget how to carry themselves like decent human beings. Seriously, there's no excuse. Fortunately, this call center was able to play right into the customer's demands in a way that resulted in glorious malicious compliance. If this post got you going, then definitely check out this post about a customer who demanded a plain omelette, and was then furious that it was just plain eggs.


Dude Messes With Scammer Claiming To Be Mark Zuckerberg Himself

The sad reality of scams like this is that they exist because someone out there will believe they're talking to the real Zuck and they'll be thrilled to give a scammer their personal information. But when it's this obvious, there's not much else to do but keep talking to this person and see what kind of foibles you can squeeze out of them .Here are some more scammers who were their own worst enemies.


Dashcam Catches A Road Rage Door Fight In Brazil

Road rage is a scary thing. It's never good to be furious behind the wheel of a vehicle, and it's impossible to have a civilized conversation with someone in a separate car. So when no one can shrug it off, and cars start getting hit, the only true winner is the person with the less expensive vehicle.


Ghost Hunters With Farts Is Absolutely Delightful

Let's face it, ghost hunting shows are a waste of time. If we wanted to watch people wander around an old house and yell things at no one, we'd visit our parents. But lo and behold, with just a touch of effective editing, we can conceivably believe that there really is an invisible, evil force waiting to enter the bodies of the living.


Hilariously Bold Tinder Moments That Make The Game Worth It

Dating is, at best, a bit of a mess. There's expectations, feelings and one-liners flying all over the place, and it can be hard to tell which way is up. That said, meeting a new person can be a hilarious, weird and unique experience that makes all that mess worth it. Or it's not and they're just super weird. But still, it's worth a shot.


The Hot Takes Of Xavier, The Lord Of Snappy Responses

To those who are invested in the memeverse, you may recognize the face of Xavier. That's because the image was synonymous with the invented Twitter personality Pakalu Papito, who also shared hot takes and dished out irreverence. We're just happy there's at least some kind of spiritual successor to Papito's good name. For more, here are some of the hot takes of Xavier.


People's Pettiest Moments Of Sweet Revenge

We live in a society. And that means when someone truly wrongs us, we can't exactly go to their place of work and spray paint "idiot" on their car the way we want to without getting in worse trouble. That's where petty revenge comes into play. Sure it's childish to eat someone's leftover ribs 5 years after they eat yours, but there's a certain compelling feature to cases of extremely petty justice.


Incompetent Manager Forces Unqualified Employee To Fix Machine, Breaks It More

Most of us have nightmares about having to do something and not knowing exactly how to do it, but having a boss shouting at us to make it happen. It happens in real life too, and sometimes it works out. Usually not, but sometimes. The working world drives us to absurd scenes, like this employee who wasn't being paid for being on time or these wild employee complaints that turned out to be legit.


Rare Insults That Decimated People Creatively

Sure, we can live our lives telling the people around us "you look dumb" or "you stink" but that lacks panache. It's when you hear someone say "nice hair, you look like a dropped lollipop" or some crap that makes you go alright, that was one of those rare and spicy insults that hit different. People may not be good at reading, writing, being kind, driving or doing their jobs. But damn they're good at insults. Holy crap.


Neighbor Demands Farmer Not Clear His Driveway At 5 AM, Gets His Wish

By all means, if you don't want the snow off your driveway, go ahead and say so. This little tale reminded other people of times newcomers needed to curb their fantastic expectations about where they found themselves living. Sometimes the ways of rural living need to be explained to people through their own failures, like the time this internet company refused to cancel service to a rural customer.


Entitled People And Their Ridiculous Antics

There's something about seeing an entitled person do their magic that never ceases to amaze. "Does he really think that it's reasonable to leave an all caps one star review of a sandwich place because he got there literally at closing time?" we ask ourselves. And the answer is that not only does he think it's reasonable, he's already left three more reviews of the other locked places he tried to get into afterwards.


Guy's Foot Odor Inadvertently Sends Him To The Hospital

It's important to take care of yourself. And when the lines blur between self acceptance and intolerable stink acceptance, it doesn't help when your odor ends up injuring you. In this guy's case it wasn't just foot neglect, but the neglectful act of not having a proper railing that led him to his figurative and literal downfall. It definitely chalks up there with other stupid ways people accidentally injured themselves.


Blessed Images To Lighten Up The Mood

With our relentless pursuit toward covering all the ridiculous life dramas and fails from the world, it can be dangerously easy to forget that there's also plenty of the good stuff out there. Funnily enough it seems as if so many of the world's blessed images involve animals being absolutely adorable. There's just something about the pure innocence of a dog who doesn't have a bone to pick with anyone, that can lighten an otherwise glum mood. 


American Things That Baffle Non-Americans

America is a huge place. Like terrifyingly, beautifully, bafflingly huge. It's full of all sorts of people who lead all sorts of lives and those lives seem to makes sense to them. But sometimes hearing from someone outside of your immediate social circle makes you realize: "Oh yeah, maybe commuting 90 minutes on the freeway with a 124 oz diet coke in my cupholder is something that people in other places don't exactly get." For some fun tales, here are obnoxious things done by American tourists.


Dumb Criminals Order Pizza, Pizza Guy Gets Roped Into Police Investigation

Pizza delivery drivers see enough weird people even without getting mistakenly involved in crime. These dudes thought they could help cover their tracks by ordering an actual pizza when waiting for their "pizza delivery" but it only served to link this harmless pizza guy to their nefarious activities. The weirdness never ends for pizza delivery drivers.


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