



The Hunting Duck & More Neat Posts

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:11 PM PDT

From our new Picto network of sites, here are some extra neat posts:

The 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Contest had a rule that the entries must have a hunting theme, but didn't specify who is hunting whom, so an artist drew this clever image: The Hunting Duck.

The Traveler Statue is a middle-aged guy asleep on his travel bag in Orlando International Airport that has been missing his flight since 1986.

Someone spared no expense to create the ultimate Jurassic Park game room.

This 8 bit music video is 9 years in the making and is a LEGO masterpiece!

What's more badass than a katana? How about a chainsaw katana!

Can't wait for Cybertruk? Meet its DIY plywood version, Plybertruck. Elon, eat your heart out.

As clever as you are, you're nowhere near as clever as this cat who cons people into buying it some food in the grocery store.

Scientists found 12 new species of jellyfish under the Antarctic Sea-Ice. Now that's cool!

Now something sweet: an edible cherry blossom tree made out of candy floss by the MilkCake Man.

These neat posts are brought to you by Pictojam (science & tech), SupaFluffy (cute animals!), Pop Culturista (everything pop-culture) and Homes & Hues (our home decor site). Please check 'em out!

How to Boil an Egg Perfectly

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:10 PM PDT

J. Kenji López-Alt, a professional chef, has spent years studying the fine art of boiling eggs. Although he written about the subject in the past, López-Alt is updating us with the latest research.

And, yes, he means data-driven research. He's not speaking from just anecdotal experience.

López-Alt informs us that the age of the egg doesn't really matter, nor does adding vinegar or salt help make the eggs easier to peel. What does help is setting the eggs in the water after it's boiling to prevent the white from fusing to the shell. He also suggests using a needle to puncture the air pocket to relieve pressure inside the egg during cooking.

In this demonstration video, López-Alt demonstrates his perfect 9-minute eggs, which peel cleanly and without any difficulty.

-via Laughing Squid

The Deepest Escape Tunnel Underneath the Berlin Wall

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:58 AM PDT

From 1961 to 1989, the Berlin Wall separated the city into sectors controlled by Communist East Germany and by West Germany. West Berlin was completely surround by East Germany, but was considered part of West Germany as agreed when the country was partitioned by Allied forces after World War II. For decades, people risked their lives to cross into West Berlin. Many were shot, but others were successful. Of several clandestine tunnels dug underneath the wall, Tunnel 57 was the deepest, at 30 feet below ground. It led from a backyard outhouse to an abandoned bakery in West Berlin. In October of 1964, a daring escape took 57 East Berliners through the tunnel, but not without bloodshed.

Andreas Springer was one of the 57 people who escaped by crawling several hundred feet on all fours through the narrow tunnel. For decades he rarely spoke of how he got out of East Germany. Now 78 years old, Springer tells us about that fateful night in an article at Atlas Obscura.

(Image credit: N-Lange.de)

What’s The Best Method For Removing Coffee Stains On Mugs?

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:19 AM PDT

Personally, as a coffee lover, coffee stains on mugs are not really a big problem that I have. Maybe it's because I use instant coffee, or because I'm blind and I haven't noticed the stains yet. Either way, if coffee stains in mugs are a big problem for you, The Kitchn's Ever Meister might be of help! 

Meister tested five different methods for clearing said stains in order to find out the most effective way. Check the results of her experiment here! 

Image credit: Sarah Crowley

Florida Man Captures Alligator with Trash Can

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:18 AM PDT

Australia is sometimes called "British Texas". That's fair, but I'd like to propose that Florida is "Australian America," if for no other reason than due to the extremely dangerous wildlife.

Florida Man Roy Bonilla recorded video of fellow Florida Man Eugene Bozzi capturing an alligator by maneuvering it into a trash can. Toward the end, the gator fights with all his might to escape. Bozzi did not, though, kill and eat the gator (they taste like fish, by the way), but instead rolls the trash can down to a lake to set it free.

This is why Floridians prefer trash cans with wheels. It pays to think ahead.

-via Twisted Sifter

UPDATE 9/30/21: Courtesy of The Mary Sue, here is the release of the alligator:

A New Way To Recycle Plastics More Efficiently!

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

Engineers have developed a new approach to plastic recycling. The new method was presented in a study as a proof-of-concept. The approach is inspired by how nature naturally 'recycles' organic polymers into different proteins. These building blocks within organic polymers are broken down into parts and reassembled. Following this thought, researchers established the "nature-inspired circular-economy recycling", or NaCRe. 

Through NaCRe, the scientists involved in the study were able to turn the proteins from silk into green fluorescent protein, which is a glowing tracer used in biomedical research. Learn more about this new method of recycling here! 

Image credit: Marc Newberry/Unsplash

Where Does Dust Come From?

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

Dust is annoying. It's everywhere, and no matter how many times you keep cleaning, it will always come back! So instead of just mindlessly cleaning up after this unwelcome visitor, maybe it's time to understand what dust is and its origins. Macquarie University in Australia launched the DustSafe program to learn more by analyzing different dust samples sent by people from all around Australia. According to the program's analysis, house dust can include elements like trace metals, radioactive elements, antibiotic-resistant genes, and microplastics. In addition, they estimated that one-third of trace element contaminants in household dust originate from sources inside the home. 

Check out The Conversation's full piece on house dust to learn more! 

Image credit: Mika Baumeister/Unsplash 

What’s Spacetime?

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:17 AM PDT

When you look at the sky during the night, how do you tell the exact location of the different celestial objects that you see? Similarly, how do scientists determine where the planets are located? A concept called spacetime was implemented by experts. 

Spacetime is a way to describe an object's location at a specific point in time. Combine the three-dimensional space with time and you have a total of four coordinates. Physicist Mike Evans further explains (and lowkey complains about it) here! 

Image credit: BBC 

This Musical Composition Was Inspired by the Rings of Saturn

Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:15 AM PDT

The Liberal was a British journal which published between 2004 and 2012. For one of its earliest issues, the editors invited a contribution by Michael Finnissey, a British musical composer and pianist. The music blog 5:4 reports that the subject of that issue was space exploration. So Finnissey's response was an ensemble piece that, in written notation form, resembles arms of the rings of Saturn.

Finnissey titled his work Back on Earth, inspired by childhood memories of his father saying, "Michael, please come back to Earth." Perhaps, in this composition, we can hear the sounds of a celestial journey from Saturn to Earth. Listen and judge for yourself:

-via Futility Closet

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