

Save on THE epic book of diverse, multicultural scales and melodic patterns every jazz musician should own!

Yusef Lateef's Classic "Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns"
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$ave on the classic treatise!

280 pages of the melodic ideas and scale patterns that powered a new generation of jazz greats

 For all instruments. John Coltrane famously practiced from Slominski's "Thesaurus of Scales", but it was primarily a classical music book and not written specifically with the jazz player in mind. "The Repository of Scales and Melodic Patterns" is the jazz answer to Slominki's masterpiece and became an immediate favorite with all musicians seeking new ideas and inspiration.http://www.jazzbooks.com/jazz/product/YL

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Now, save big when you purchase all three of the most popular Christmas Jazz Play-A-Long sets together. Never miss a request when you have 42 tracks ready at your fingertips. Pak includes these three play-a-longs:
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