

Tumblr Thread: The Big, Weird Empty Mansions of Rich People and more...

Having a mansion used to make sense when people had servants and guests with servants, but now the prospect of keeping a 3 person home with 8 bathrooms and 4 family rooms doesn't really make that much sense, leading to a weird "my empire of dirt" ...
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Tumblr Thread: The Big, Weird Empty Mansions of Rich People and more...

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Tumblr Thread: The Big, Weird Empty Mansions of Rich People

Having a mansion used to make sense when people had servants and guests with servants, but now the prospect of keeping a 3 person home with 8 bathrooms and 4 family rooms doesn't really make that much sense, leading to a weird "my empire of dirt" phenomenon with giant houses with empty weird rooms. If this isn't true, and your mansion is very cool and full of stuff, can we come over? Do you have Xbox? For some intriguing insight into the lives of rich people who don't know how much a sandwich should cost, here are wild cases of wealthy people being out of touch.


County Mower Shreds Dad's Shrubs, Dad Revenges With Rebar

This tale of pro revenge involving an inconsiderate county mower and a dad who wasn't going to put up with anyone's nonsense reminds us of another revenge involving a steel-enforced mailbox and a snowplow. The grin on dad's face must've spanned from cheek to cheek. Sounds like the county mower was ultimately unsuccessful with trying to get dad to cough up cash for those broken blades too. Talk about the icing on the cake. 


Canopener Bridge Pops Stack Off Of Semi Truck

There are only so many famous bridges in this world, and fewer still that are famous for the damage they consistently cause. The 11foot8 bridge has worked hard to build and maintain a reputation of strictly enforcing its own height restriction on any vehicle that tries to bend the limits of physics.


Rally Racing In Finland Is As Riveting As It Is Terrifying

Good old pristine nature. The birds are singing. There's a babbling brook off in the distance. And what's that? At the end of the path? There's a loud mechanical hum, a cloud of dust, and what looks like an almost out of control car barreling straight at you at a speed that seems unrealistic for the kind of road this is. It's getting louder now. It's getting--DEAR GOD WHAT IN THE HOLY-- and there it goes.


Dude Argues With Karen For Seat, Wonders If He's The Karen

Very few of us want to become a spectacle on public transportation, but it's also healthy to advocate for ourselves in situations where we're being treated unfairly. Here's the case of a seat-stealing Karen who tried to pull a reverse Uno on the guy who bought the seat she see found herself sitting in. Why do people have to be like this? For another entry in the book of Karen, here's a Karen who had a rude outburst and then ruined her own car.


Frustrating Plot Holes And Movie Details That People Can't Stand

We understand that the people who make movies are just doing their best to make a compelling story, and it's our job to suspend our own disbelief in order to enjoy them. No one is going to stand up in the theater while watching Harry Potter and go "hey, this is stupid, magic isn't real!" But it's those moments that have blatant disregard for their own internal logic that take us out of it. That moment when you think "seriously, why does the wizarding world have a complex court system when truth serum also exists?" To enjoy movies less, here are some frustratingly unrealistic movie logic moments.


Kid Gets Greedy On Halloween, Parent Makes Him Give His Candy Away

Kid takes too much candy, parent says don't do that, kid disagrees, kid gets punished by having to give candy away. Naturally, everyone has pretty strong opinions on parenting. It definitely feels like a satisfying punishment to lay down, but this one brings up some interesting questions. Is it right to assume that this kind of punishment is 100 percent effective? Is it right to expect a kid to respect the sanctity of the "only take this many" rule when they're jacked on sugar and the holiday spirit? How much candy did that kid have to give away? For some more parenting fun, here are parenting memes for those whose lives are over.


People That Made Ridiculous Risky Decisions

Human beings have an uncanny knack for making terribly questionable decisions. Clearly, these people didn't put a whole lot of necessary thought into the actions that they were making, before they went ahead and did their dang thing. Hopefully a list like this serves as a wakeup call to walk through this life with just a little bit more prudence. 


Parenting Memes For Those Whose Lives Are Over

In the time it's taken to look at a few relatable memes, the kids will have probably have found what's in your secret drawer or have climbed into a stranger's van on the loose promise of candy, so don't get distracted for too long. But if it seems like they're chill, here are some more parenting memes for the perpetually stressed and some dad memes for the dads out there.


Employee Contacts HR After Being Told to Work While Sick, Boss Sends This Unhinged Message

This boss is off his rocker. What a power play. Imagine having the gall to send a message like this to your employee after being told off by HR for trying to make your employee come into work while sick. Talk about being utterly unwilling to back down. 

This definitely takes some stones, I'll give him that, but it's also absolute insanity. As the commenters have said, hopefully there's a new management position opening soon.

There are some terrible bosses out there but this guy makes the list.


People Share the Things That Are Tragically, and Sometimes Thankfully, Disappearing From Our World

Some of these things are an absolute tragedy and some of these won't be missed.

It's hard to imagine a world without some of the natural wonders that we have grown up with and taken for granted. Imagine if suddenly the entirety of Yellowstone or Yosemite was to burn down and cease, utterly, to exist. That's basically what has happened to entire stretches of these underwater wonders of the world. Once beautiful and colourful worlds that were teeming with life are now barren and brown.


On the other hand you have malls. Who is going to miss those?


Guy's Pure Twitter Thread Is Lesson In Not Judging People

Unfortunately, far too many of us can fall into the vicious mental cycle of drawing all kinds of nasty assumptions about people we've never met, because there are plenty of difficult human beings out there. Well, the thing is that there also a whole lot of other folks that just want to help brighten people's days. Like this guy's classmate for instance. A pretty cool turn of events for these two. Yet another example that the knowledge passed on through textbooks only covers so much ground when it comes to navigating the real world with empathy and understanding. 


In Terrible Blunder, Guy Misreads Lip Reading and Kisses Deaf Friend

She might be deaf but he's bloody blind.

Or maybe he's just read the signs exactly right and then retrospectively misattributed it to something else when the anxiety. 

Either way it looks like, despite the FU, things are going to go his way here. Just goes to show that sometimes you have to take the leap! 


Funny Tweets And Tumblr Gems To Kick Boredom In The Groin

We are at heart, boring people. We live our boring lives, eat mostly grey food, and complain about the drama in our pets lives as if they were people. That's why we need funny tweets and tumblr gems to quote later. There's no sense letting people find out you're boring right away. That's for after you've tricked them into hanging out. So eat up them tumblr gems and funny tweets to have something to talk about.


Staff Sergeant Supervisor Gets Caught Lying About Doing His Job

Is there a better feeling than catching your supervisor in a lie? Yes, when it's in writing. And even better than that, when you can leverage that knowledge to make them give you a more accurate performance review. Interesting things happen when there's a strict chain of command, like this military wife Karen who demanded salutes and ended up getting mocked.


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