

Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience and more...

It's not like this guy was going to stand up and throw the whole turkey in the trash or make everyone else not eat dinner. Her first priority was to avoid having to discuss her boyfriend's diet rather than just letting him not have turkey. Seems like in ...
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Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience and more...

 In This Issue...

Selfish Girlfriend Makes Vegetarian Boyfriend Eat Meat To Avoid Slight Inconvenience

It's not like this guy was going to stand up and throw the whole turkey in the trash or make everyone else not eat dinner. Her first priority was to avoid having to discuss her boyfriend's diet rather than just letting him not have turkey. Seems like in the end, this was the least graceful solution that was available when it comes to sustaining a real relationship. For an extra helping of food entitlement, here are the guests who demanding a guy cook his entire beef wellington well done.


32 Clever Tattoo Coverups That Made the Best of a Bad Situation

Tattoos are a great idea... Except sometimes when they're really not. Luckily these bodges were easily fixed with a lot of talent and some skilled hands. 

Check out these tattoos that turned scars and birthmarks into works of art if you're a fan of things like this! 


Motorcyclist Tries To Race Porsche, Goes For Wheelie, Totals Bike

This guy did a magnificent roll as his bike exploded, and it's remarkable that he was able to walk around after this. But once that adrenaline wore off he most likely discovered that his body could be sore in ways he never thought possible.


Overloaded Tractor Creates Instant Chaos

Sure it's fine when just one thing goes wrong, but when one unwise decision results in a Rube Goldberg style comedy of errors, we're just glad we've had the opportunity to see some cartoon shenanigans come to life. Good thing that dude was able to dodge the tire.


Boyfriend Gets Grossed Out By Cat Ownership, Internet Says Dump Him

Sometimes people who don't grow up with pets get shocked by the closeness people have with their animals. And there are definitely times when it goes too far. Like the people who let their dogs lick their mouths. We can mostly agree that that's a bit much. But the "unhygienic" practices seen here look a whole lot like regular cat ownership, and this guy hasn't been around for long enough to make demands. For another one like this, here's the guy whose girlfriend kicked out his cat, so he kicked out the girlfriend.


With Collective Exasperation, People Share the Thing That Instantly Ruins Movies and Shows

We all know how this one goes. You're dug into a film or tv series feeling fully immersed and engaged in the story they're telling. Your disbelief is suspended, the rules of the universe are cohesive, and the plot is gripping. 

Suddenly. BAM. It hits. What was that? Something that should have been left on the cutting room floor? 

It could be the deterioration of a script once the showrunners have run out of both source material and f#$ks to give. It could be a shot that the director should have reframed. Whatever it was, it pulls you right out of the story.

The big one that gets me with fantasy and sci-fi is when writers and producers can't be bothered following established in-universe rules. Then in interviews following the backlash, they all fall back to the same excuses, "It's just fantasy! It's pretend anyways. What's the big deal? Get over it!" These writers and producers usually aren't fans of the genres they're writing for or adapting and, quite frankly, should stick to what they know.

For a similar thread check out Things Movies Do That People Absolutely Hate.


36 Things That Are Just Very Not Smart

The events that led to the images in this collection were just kind of not smart. Like, just really sort of unintelligent and maybe not the best of ideas. 

If you put all of these apes in a room together with typewriters, given enough length of time, they would be able to knock out the complete works of Shakespeare. Or so I have been told.

Welcome to 36 things that are just very not smart, as brought to you by the geniuses of the world. If this is your cup of tea the be sure to check out these Masterful Feats of Low Budget Engineering.


People Share the Worst Holiday Bonus They've Ever Received, the Results are Stultifying

Well, if this isn't a glimpse into the dystopian future that lies ahead then I don't know what is. 

A lot of these answers are the drab sort of "gifts" that you might have come to expect from your dreary corporate employer. Gone are the days of big bonuses when you contribute to your companies success. Now, it all just goes to pad out the bottom line. 

The future of employment is on a pathway to bleak and bleary. Just take this woman who got chewed out for taking a personal call about her dying cat. Only to instigate a mass resignation.


Micromanager Plays Himself, Gets Fired When He Insists on Receiving Reports That He Doesn't Read

This micromanager certainly reaped what he sowed when he insisted on receiving reports from his subordinates that he wasn't actually reading. There's nothing like insisting that your employees do excessive work just for the sake of your ego. 

Maybe if he had actually focused on results instead of asserting his power he would have had something more to go off of. 

This guy sounds like the middle manager who tried to increase his bonus by putting more workload onto a smaller and smaller team.


Witty Tweets That Tell a Tantalizing Tale About Marriage

These clever tweets nail the essence of what it means to be married. They give us an incredible insight into the ridiculous back and forths that take place when your existence is embedded with another. 


Employee Stands Up For Herself and Quits on the Spot, Finally Has Had Enough of Her Bosses Harassment

Sometimes enough is enough and you simply cannot take anymore. It sounds like this is exactly what happened with this guy's niece with her job at the accounting firm.

These sorts of workplaces have a reputation for being "old boy's clubs" so it's no surprise that they continue to harbor relics of a past age who continue to live their lives as if they're in the pages of a "Mad Men" script. It's honestly disappointing how prevalent these types of attitudes are. 

This niece absolutely should not have put up with her boss's behavior. Perhaps, there were more constructive ways to go about handling the situation. A juicy lawsuit was just hanging there waiting to be nabbed up. 

For more stories about horrible bosses check out this doozy of a manager who tried to tell their pregnant employee that she had to waif for cover before going into labor.


Absolute Units That Are Large And In Charge

What can we say about absolute units that they don't already say for themselves? These sultans of size offer us a vision into the world of giants. These units are so gargantuan, so portly, so shredded that it's a miracle their mass doesn't affect the tides. While we putter around in our tiny little lives, theseabsolute units remain too large for this earth.


Daughter-In-Law Refuses to Spend Christmas With MIL's Foster Children Because "They Are Not Real Family", Gets Banned For Life

Just imagine... The absolute insanity and entitlement that could possibly lead someone to think like this. u/newhere1237 has a real problem on her hands with this one. I tend to agree with some of the comments, in that, the worst part of it all could be that she is trying to isolate her husband from her family. I mean, she is clearly trying to do that already. 

The u/newhere1237 is not the wedge here... That has been the daughter-in-law from the very start.

In-laws are never easy... Just take this sister-in-law who "lost" a $2k camera at the beach.


Lord Of The Rings Memes That Shall Definitely Pass

Is it a crutch to still have such strong feelings for a string of films that came out starting 20 years ago? No. It's not. Lord of The Rings memes are almost as perfect as the material they are based on. How dare you even suggest that they aren't completely relevant and terrific? For more stuff for unrepentant dorks, here are Dungeons and Dragons memes for those of us on a roll.


Cringeworthy Signs Someone Is Trying Too Hard To Look Tough

By all means express yourself, but if constantly talking about how you "could totally beat someone up if you really wanted to but don't right now" isn't exactly the quickest way to earn people's respect. We've all known a few people like this.  Some of us have even done this stuff before realizing its not having its intended effect. If you find yourself crafting a multi-paragraph Facebook post about how you're a shark and these waters are your grisly home, save that bad boy in drafts, sleep on it and give it a another look before showing everyone that you have the inner monologue of an 8th grader. It's surprisingly easy for people to see through performative acts like this, much like these giveaways that someone is pretending to be rich.


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