

Take action: Defend the right to abortion




URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Last night, the draft of a Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked. Now, it's up to people like you to stand up and protect the right to abortion.

The Supreme Court decision is not final yet. We need to take urgent action to defend the right to abortion and reproductive healthcare – before it's too late. Protests are coming together quickly. I'm calling on you to show up in solidarity with the reproductive justice and reproductive rights movements and fight for safe and legal abortions.

What: Rally to defend access to abortion

When: TODAY at 5pm local time

Where: At your local courthouse, town square, federal building, or Governor's mansion

The vast majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal, safe, and accessible. But the Supreme Court is making a move to allow states to ban abortion. We've seen how this plays out – in Texas women who have a miscarriage or stillbirth run the risk of being investigated and even imprisoned due to accusations of abortion.

The impacts of restricting access to abortion won't be felt equally. Black women are much more likely to die in childbirth than their white counterparts, and Black and Brown people already face more barriers in accessing reproductive healthcare like birth control.  

This is a crucial moment for environmentalists to stand in solidarity with all who are impacted by the Supreme Court's attempt to gut Roe v. Wade. If we don't show up now, it could send the signal that the Supreme Court can gut decades worth of progress on sacred constitutional rights and reproductive justice, racial justice, gender justice, environmental justice and more – without public outcry. Please, we need each and every one of you reading this to show up to your local courthouse, town square, federal building, or Governor's mansion TODAY and defend the right to abortion. Bring signs, invite your family and friends, and demand lawmakers and the Supreme Court keep abortion legal, safe, and accessible.

In solidarity,
Friends of the Earth


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