

Your Signature is Needed: Wild bees facing extinction because of the pesticide industry’s power


Dear Friend, 

Urge the USDA to stand up to pesticide industry giants and save bees from their toxic products!

A lone Western bumblebee lands on a bright yellow blossom, searching for sweet nectar and energy. But it's fallen into Big Ag's trap – seeds covered in neonic pesticides grow into plants that are toxic to this bee and other pollinators facing extinction. Take action now.

In the past twenty years, the Western bumblebee population has declined by 93%. And they aren't the only bee species suffering catastrophic declines. Neonic pesticides, which coat virtually all conventional corn and soy seeds, are a key driver of bee declines, killing them outright, interfering with navigation and reproduction, and making them more susceptible to pests and diseases. 

These bee-killing pesticide coated seeds are used across the country, contaminating our water, soil, and plants that pollinators rely on -- and neonics have made agriculture 48 times more toxic to bees over the last 20 years. Because only four pesticide mega-corporations produce the majority of the world's seeds and pesticides, non-organic farmers are left with no pesticide-free alternatives to Big Ag's toxic, pre-poisoned seeds. But the USDA could protect bees by ensuring farmers have access to neonic-free, sustainable options.

Demand the USDA take action to address the excessive power of a handful of pesticide mega-corporations!

Bees and the planet are in grave danger. 40 percent of insect pollinators are at risk of extinction, but the harm doesn't stop there. Scientists have warned of a "catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems" if insects continue hurtling towards extinction.

Not only that, but studies have found that 93% of endangered species are at risk of being harmed or killed by the glyphosate -- the world's most widely used weedkiller! Roundup and other toxic pesticide use has skyrocketed as Big Ag corporations like Bayer-Monsanto pushed their patented crops, genetically engineered to not die when doused with pesticides. USDA must put our health and the health of our planet before the profits of Big Ag companies. 

Corporate consolidation in the seed and pesticide industry is leaving farmers with no choice but to use their harmful products. And these monopolies keep driving up prices for farmers and consumers alike. But the USDA could step in to help break up Big Ag's stranglehold on our food system. Can I count on you to sign your name and urge the agency to address this crisis?

Tell USDA to address corporate consolidation in the pesticide industry and save bees from toxic pesticides!

Pesticides like neonics kill insects indiscriminately. Precious pollinators like the western bumblebee are dying in droves. 

Corporate consolidation in the seeds and pesticide industry, with four major companies controlling the vast majority of the market, means farmers can no longer find alternatives to seeds covered in toxic chemicals. The USDA must step in and regulate Big Ag companies before the damage to pollinators and the planet becomes permanent.

Sign your name: Tell the USDA to protect pollinators and put the health of our planet over Big Ag profits!

Standing with you, 
Jason Davidson, 
Senior food & agriculture campaigner,
Friends of the Earth


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