

💸 Axios PM: Immovable gap

Plus: Cookie cash-in | Thursday, March 02, 2023
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Axios PM
By Mike Allen · Mar 02, 2023

Good Thursday afternoon. Today's PM — edited by Kate Nocera — is 450 words, a 2-min. read. Thanks to Sheryl Miller for the copy edit.

⚡️Situational awareness: President Biden told reporters today he plans to visit East Palestine, Ohio, and the train derailment site "at some point."

💸 1 big thing: Pay gap barely budges
Data: Pew Research Center. Chart: Axios Visuals

In 2022, women made 82 cents for every dollar earned by a man — marking only a slight increase from the 2002 average of 80 cents.

  • In 1982, women made 65 cents for every dollar a man made.

Why it matters: Progress in narrowing the gender pay gap has stalled over the past 20 years — especially compared to the previous two decades, Axios' Ivana Saric writes from a new Pew Research Center analysis.

🖼️ The big picture: While women continue to outpace men in earning college degrees and are more represented in higher-paying jobs than in previous years, the gap persists — and widens as women get older.

🧠 What's happening: No single reason accounts for the lack of progress made in the pay gap over the past two decades. But caregiving responsibilities likely play a role.

  • Women ages 25–44 with children were less likely to be part of the labor force than those without children. Those who did work tended to work fewer hours, affecting their earnings.

🔎 Between the lines: Half the respondents to a Pew survey in October attributed the gender pay gap to employers treating women differently.

  • Women were much more likely than men to choose this option.

Go deeper.

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2. TIME Women of the Year revealed
Image: TIME

TIME magazine released its annual Women of the Year list today.

  • 24-year-old climate activist Ayisha Siddiqa and actress Cate Blanchett are featured on two separate covers for the annual issue that honors women "working toward a more equal world."
Image: TIME

Other honorees include musician Phoebe Bridgers, actress Angela Bassett, soccer star Megan Rapinoe, and Iranian dissident and journalist Masih Alinejad.

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A message from Amazon

"After the 9 months, my salary increased 200%"

Mina discovered an interest in software while working as an Amazon warehouse associate.

The story: The Amazon Technical Academy helped her turn that interest into a career, and now, after a 9-month program, Mina is a software development engineer at Amazon.

Learn more.

3. Catch me up
President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at the Capitol today. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images
  1. President Biden told Senate Democrats today he won't veto a GOP resolution to block changes the D.C. Council made to the city's criminal code, reducing maximum penalties for some violent crimes. Go deeper.
  2. Gwyneth Paltrow is raising a $75 million venture capital fund, Axios' Kia Kokalitcheva scooped.
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4. 🍪 Girl Scout markup
Photo: Girl Scouts of the USA

The newest Girl Scout cookie, the Raspberry Rally, is already sold out. But it's available on the resale market — for a hugely marked-up cost.

  • The new cookie — described as a sister to Thin Mints, with a raspberry flavor — was the first Girl Scout cookie sold exclusively online. It sold for $5 a box.

This week on eBay, several auctions offered the cookies for $20, $30 and as high as $79.99 for a single box — with many adding shipping fees, Axios' Kelly Tyko found.

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A message from Amazon

"I'm on my way to getting my bachelor's degree"

Amazon offers prepaid tuition for hourly employees, helping associates like Billy earn their degrees without worrying about the cost.

Key numbers: Nearly 1 million Amazon employees and delivery partners are eligible for prepaid tuition, including the cost of classes, books and fees.

Read more.

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