Film lighting: 5 important aspects of any setup
A lot of people mistakenly believe that shooting with a better camera will give them better footage. In reality, shooting with a top-of-the-line cinema camera often does more to reveal the flaws in your shots than it does to improve them. A film will never be as beautiful as it could be without good lighting.
The biggest difference between bringing home so-so shots and fantastic footage isn't what you are shooting with; it's what you are shooting at. The best way to shoot better shots is to take greater control over the look of the things you are shooting. This means thinking less like a camera operator and more like a Director of Photography.
Think about it: A camera operator stands behind the camera and shoots what he or she sees But, a Director of Photography moves all over the set and takes control of everything in the frame. A Director of Photography isn't only concerned with the camera settings. The DP makes decisions about everything from the color of the shirt on the subject to the position of the props and the look of the lighting. Film lighting is the most critical factor in determining image quality.
Creator Handbook: YouTube Live: How to make money streaming on YouTube
While Twitch is the most popular streaming platform, it's not without its faults. Considering how many big-name streamers use Twitch, Twitch doesn't have many resources for smaller streamers to make it big on there. YouTube Live is a great alternative to Twitch and is more friendly to new streamers because of its connection to Google and video searchability.
YouTube Live offers many ways for new streamers to make money on the platform. It will take a little time to monetize your channel. However, once you do, you can start making money. For some of you, you might even make a living off YouTube Live.
The rolling shutter effect explained
The rolling shutter is both a common and complex visual effect. Most people don't even realize what it is or why it happens. But if you've ever shot distorted or wavy footage on your phone or video camera, then it's safe to say you, too, have come across the phenomenon. To some video shooters, it can be a pain, but for some, it is a way to add some pretty cool special effects to their footage.
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