

Your Signature is Needed: Stop Congress from unraveling laws that protect bees


URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Stop Congress from REVERSING hard-fought state laws that protect bees from toxic pesticides!  

Toxic pesticides are KILLING BEES and other pollinators! In fact, some scientists have called the sharp population crashes in wild bees an "insect apocalypse!" Beloved pollinator populations like the fluffy Western Bumblebee have plummeted more than 90% over the past few decades! 

Cities and states have passed laws restricting these pesticides – and many of them were passed with the help of Friends of the Earth members like you! Now, extremists in Congress could overturn anti-pesticide laws, undoing ALL our hard work! Friend, tell Congress to oppose overturning of state and local laws that protect people and pollinators from pesticides before it's too late!  

Many of these laws were put in place to protect people's health. But Congress might tell cities and states that we have to allow dangerous pesticides – some of which have been linked to hormone disruption and birth defects of the heart and brain! 

This is urgent, Friend! We only have a FEW DAYS LEFT before Congress makes its decision which could let pesticides wreak havoc in many of our states! That's why I'm reaching out to you now. Every message counts! Will you send a message to Congress and demand your representatives fight toxic pesticides?

Standing with you, 
Jason Davidson 
Senior Food and Agriculture Campaigner, 
Friends of the Earth


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