

Pity Party- Overnight Success 6 - [chrisbrogan.com]

Pity Party- Overnight Success 6 - [chrisbrogan.com]

Pity Party- Overnight Success 6

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 01:31 PM PDT

As part of the Overnight Success series, I’ve got a new one for you: pity party. Yep, sometimes, we get a little sad, and really into the trap of feeling bad about ourselves. Get out, and get out quick. Here’s the video.

Click here if you can’t see it.

And stay strong.

Twitter Lists- Im Not Down

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 01:24 PM PDT

lonely in a crowd I just took a look into creating my first ever Twitter list. I’m listed on over 1500 at this writing, so I figured I’d give it a go. Immediately, I realized what I’m not going to like about them: they will exclude people. Sure, on the one hand, they’re a great way to group people and information together. For instance, I might make a list for news feeds. I might make a list about travel, like hotels and airlines.

But the minute you move into the people department, things get sketchy quick.

twitter list In talking with friends about it on Twitter, people immediately started DM-ing me, telling me that they felt left out or even LESS important because they weren’t on any lists. Lists are exclusionary by nature. They’re static. There’s a lot of reasons why they might not be all that pleasant for people.

I think there are some uses that are important, but for the most part, the way I’m going to deal with my listmaking is in private, so that people don’t feel left out or less important, or whatever else they’re going to feel. Man, it stinks feeling left out.

Photo credit Tom@HK

Thesis Ups Its Game With New Design Options

Posted: 31 Oct 2009 06:15 AM PDT

This blog is designed using the Thesis Premium Wordpress theme, and I am so in love with the product that I am an affiliate for the theme. (In a previous article, I tell you why I promote the HELL out of Thesis. The short answer: I love what Chris Pearson did for Copyblogger.com over the years, and this is my chance to have quality design and powerful SEO tools built into my blog.)

The new design options are spectacular. They answer a few people’s concerns that thesis can look pretty similar when just turned on and applied to your blog. There’s a video showing you some of the design options here:

Click here if you can’t see it.

This will give you a bit more design control. The thing is, MOST people use Thesis as a starting point and then use a designer to make it pretty. I can strongly recommend WeFixWP and Coffeehouse Ideas as two groups who can up your design.

Anyhow, if you want to pick up my vote for the best wordpress theme out there, and if you want to earn me three beers worth of loot for doing so, check out Thesis and get the best SEO boost your site’s had in a while mixed with flexible design and features that I feel improve the performance and the presentation of your site.

There are many other great WordPress themes out there. I’m supporting Thesis because I like the team, I like what it does for my blog, and I believe a quality theme goes a long way towards earning me more success.

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