

This trading shortcut secret is brilliant... (access details inside)

Daily Trade Alert
This is a message from a Daily Trade Alert advertiser


I didn't believe it either until I saw
the proof with my own eyes...

===> Go to:


(That's why this email is a little long
but worth every second of your attention...)


Dear Daily Trade Alert subscriber,

Sometimes you just plain luck out...

Manny Backus is a friend of mine. I'm lucky
to know him because he is a genius day trader.

You see, Manny's brain is like a high powered
computer. His I.Q. is off the charts; 157.
Until a few years ago, his parents groomed him
to play chess at a championship level.

Fate stepped in and Manny became obsessed with
the stock market. Good thing for the rest of
us. Because Manny created an amazing trading
system which can...

... secure net profits up to $1250
... not in days or weeks
... but just 59 minutes or less

Here's a little conversation between his
students right after a recent trading day...

10:00 MANNY_BACKUS says
we had a awesome quick trade today

10:02 batuque says
I made $1256

10:03 sonya says
you beat me by 96 bucks

10:03 MANNY_BACKUS says
who else crossed the 1K mark

10:09 mwagrp says
I did over 2k today, Jess

The amazing thing is this: Manny and his
students only trade during the first hour of
trading. Which is why his system is called...


But it gets even better...

Because Manny does all the work for you. First
Hour Trading is an alert service.

Manny crunches all the numbers... watches the
markets like a hawk... figures out the best
plays... and... gives them to you in real time
as he trades them.

In other words, there's zero guessing on your
part. Just follow along as Manny places his
own trades and reap the rewards.

It just doesn't get any easier.

Here's the deal...

Manny is allowing me to extend a special free
trial of FHT to "Daily Trade Alert" readers. If you
go straight to his website and order you'll have
to pay the upfront fee to get in.

On the other hand, if you use the link below
here's what you get...

=> 30-day trial to the First Hour Trading
alert service.

=> A "Welcome Package" with a free CD which
walks you through the simple process of
getting started as an FHT member. The CD
also contains...

1) a video tutorial of how the FHT system

2) the e-book "Wall Street Mind Games" which
explains how the PR rating helps you pick
winning stocks... and...

3) a four-part video revealing how one FHT
member made $673 in 8 minutes.

=> Transcript of the CD you can use as a quick
reference guide when you're not by a computer.

=> Membership card with the phone number and email
address to the support center.

You're only responsible for the small shipping and
handling fee of $7.67 to receive the package.

The bottom line is this...

Manny's alert service is second to none. Hundreds
of people are making enough in the first hour of
trading to take off and do whatever they like for
the rest of the day.

Shouldn't you be one of them too?

Of course.

That's why I encourage you to check out the full
details by going to...



Jim Walsh
Wealthpire, Inc.

P.S. I almost forgot. This special offer is only
good until April 5th. After that it's off the table.
Take a look and decide for yourself. Because this
could be the smartest financial move you'll make
this year. And there's zero risk.

Go to...



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Santa Monica, CA 90405

Please note that Daily Trade Alert has not independently reviewed the validity of the claims or statements contained within this sponsorship, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions.

Never invest in a security or idea featured on our site or in our emails unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. We are not registered investment advisors or brokers/dealers and we do not purport to be. We make no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the content featured on our site or in our emails. Furthermore, the article authors and contributors featured on this site may own securities mentioned in their articles and not disclose this information. Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, and Bill Gates are not affiliated with DailyTradeAlert.com and our Buffett and Gates Tracker service. Please be sure to read our Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.

Copyright 2012 DailyTradeAlert.com

Go here to get more information from http://www.DailyTradeAlert.com


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Daily Trade Alert | 360 Nueces St Suite 3503 | Austin, TX 78701

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