

"Cloud Hosting" Channel Launched on InfoTECH Spotlight

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Cloud Hosting Channel Launched on tmcnet

Cloud Hosting Channel Launched on InfoTECH Spotlight

The Cloud Hosting channel, sponsored by Datapipe, has been launched as the newest addition to the InfoTECH Spotlight Community program.

The Cloud Hosting channel is designed for business of all sizes looking to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving cloud computing world.

Information on the Cloud Hosting channel addresses issues important to these businesses currently running or looking to deploy multiple hosted servers in one single location or across multiple locations for advanced provisioning, reduced costs and increased flexibility and customization tailored for varied business needs.

Visitors to the Cloud Hosting channel can find valuable resources such as feature articles, industry news, white papers, free product trials and videos.

The Cloud Hosting channel can be found at:

About Datapipe

Datapipe offers a single provider solution for managing and securing mission-critical IT services, including cloud computing, infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, colocation and data centers.  Datapipe delivers those services from the world’s most influential technical and financial markets including New York metro, Silicon Valley, London, Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Featured Articles

Cloud hosting serves as a critical part of the ever-evolving cloud computing world. Cloud hosting can incorporate either a number of hosted servers in one single location or multiple locations. Cloud hosting helps preserve strong server capability for server resources, which serves as an excellent way to manage resources and costs.
When it comes to cloud hosting, one of the main problems found is lack of flexibility - especially when concerning geographic dispersal. Organizations worldwide are more than capable of deploying a robust cloud system, yet their cloud-inclined capabilities remain stunted due to problems associated with geographic flexibility within the cloud. Even if you find a way to conquer this challenge, you still face the problem of customization. Combining the two should be like peanut butter and chocolate; smooth, tasteful and desirable, but instead, it's seems like there's a piece of tin-foil stuck somewhere in between.
Selecting an IT vendor is like The Bachelor - you gather a group of promising candidates together to look for a range of compatibilities, differential qualities and to test their attributes to see which distinctly suits you best. When choosing an IT vendor, consider them your "other half," or the one who will truly give you the boost you need to achieve long-term success. I was able to speak with Richard Dolan, Director of Marketing at Datapipe, where he exclusively detailed insights of this important process.
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