

Pope Changes Conclave Rules

February 25, 2013
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Benedict XVI has changed the rules of the conclave that will elect his successor, allowing cardinals to move up the start date if all of them arrive in Rome before the usual 15-day transition between pontificates. Continue reading...
Candida Moss on Whether Christian Martyrs are a Myth
Martyrdom accounts are inspiring but we do those people who suffered and died a deep disservice when we extend their experience to claim that "all Christians are persecuted and always will be" because that's not true. Continue reading...
The Problem With Unbelief Is That It Allows Us To Believe Too Much
I, along with a few friends, began to break free of religious belief precisely because we were naïve ones who took the teaching of the church more seriously than those in the church. Continue reading...
Hiding in Esther, Hiding in Death
One of the most beautiful books of the Bible, Esther is the only one that doesn't specifically refer to God. Esther's story defies moralizing, but perhaps one of its lessons is that God's hiddenness is not God's absence. Even in the face of death. Continue reading...
Everything You Know is Wrong (About Your Mind)
Karma-ypga, jñāna-yoga and dhyāna-yoga are all occupational duties of the body, of the mind, of intelligence. But real occupation is the soul's surrender to Krishna, because the soul is eternal. The body and mind are not eternal. Continue reading...
Response to 'The Islamic Solution to Stop Domestic Violence'
Men and women need to work collaboratively to address these issues at both the domestic and local levels, as well ensure that they raise their children in a community that truly believes that men and women are equal. Continue reading...

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