

Five gruesome facts about our health care...

Dear Investment U Reader,

I don't need to tell you that getting sick can be dangerous to your health.

Just look at what ABC News reported about visiting the hospital...

"A Tampa, Florida surgeon mistakenly removed the wrong leg of his patient, 52-year-old Willie King, during an amputation procedure...

"A surgeon at the Milford Regional Medical Center in Massachusetts mistakenly removed an 84-year-old woman's right kidney instead of her gallbladder...

"Donald Church, 49, had a tumor in his abdomen when he arrived at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. When he left, the tumor was gone -- but a metal retractor had taken its place. Doctors admitted to leaving the 13-inch-long retractor in Church's abdomen by mistake..."

In fact, mistakes and unsafe practices in U.S. hospitals kill at least 44,000 patients a year, according to U.S. News & World Report.

The same report liked the carnage to "crashing a 727 jet every day and killing everybody aboard."

Scary, right? It gets worse...

Did you know one in seven hospital patients experience "at least one unintended harm that prolonged his or her stay, caused permanent injury, required life-sustaining treatment, or resulted in death"? That's according to one recent congressionally mandated study.

But what if there was something that could prevent us from ever getting sick in the first place?

In fact, just outside the campus of MIT, a small company is developing medicine to do just that. I'm talking about a new medical treatment may soon replace surgery, drugs and traditional healthcare.

Leading scientific journal New Scientist is calling it: "The greatest medical advance since the discovery of antibiotics."

We're calling the greatest investment opportunity since the invention of the stock market.

What are we talking about? Click here for the stunning details.


Andrew Snyder
Editorial Director, Investment U

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