Plus, the rise of mocktails; today’s other big 1492 anniversary; did we interbreed with a ”ghost population”?
| PHOTOGRAPH BY ARTUR WIDAK, NURPHOTO/GETTY IMAGES | | Wine Country. Cosmo-soaked Sex in the City get-togethers. Tequila shots at the bar. Hollywood pushes the image of modern, empowered women bonding over—and clinking—glasses of liquor.
Ah, but there’s a hangover: As the gender gap in drinking narrows, alcohol-related complications in women are rising. Affected: everything from immune system disorders to breast cancer.
Here’s what we know. | | | |
| PHOTOGRAPHS BY JOSÉ MANUEL NAVIA | | On this day in 1492: Spanish forces took the last Moorish stronghold in Iberia, with its fabled mountaintop palace and gardens. Nat Geo recently got a behind-the-scenes look at the restored fortress (above left, a cloister-like courtyard; at right, a silo that stored grain—and served as a dungeon.) Which city are we in?
A. Córdoba B. Grenada C. Sevilla D. Toledo | | | |
| PHOTOGRAPH BY REMI BENALI, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION | | Do you believe in ghosts? There’s rising thought that early humans interbred with a “ghost population.” When and where, you ask? Is there proof? (Pictured, a skull from which researchers extracted DNA to trace the spread of early Europeans.) | | | |
Today’s soundtrack: Walking With a Ghost, Tegan and Sara
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