

Scientific Reports Earth Sciences Table of Contents e-alert: 1 July 2014

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  01 July 2014   
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Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact on Gulf coast microbial communities
In this article, Regina Lamendella and colleagues investigated the impact of the oil on the microbial composition in beach samples collected in June 2010 along a heavily impacted shoreline near Grand Isle, Louisiana. Successional changes in the microbial community structure due to the oil contamination were determined by deep sequencing of 16S rRNA genes.
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Earth & Environmental Sciences

Synergistic effect on the visible light activity of Ti3+ doped TiO2 nanorods/boron doped graphene composite


Mingyang Xing, Xiao Li, Jinlong Zhang


TiO2/graphene (TiO2-x/GR) composites, which are Ti3 self-doped TiO2 nanorods decorated on boron doped graphene sheets, were synthesized via a simple one-step hydrothermal method …


Decomposition of Phragmites australis litter retarded by invasive Solidago canadensis in mixtures: an antagonistic non-additive effect


Ling Zhang, Yaojun Zhang, Jianwen Zou et al.


Solidago canadensis is an aggressive invader in China. Solidago invasion success is partially attributed to allelopathic compounds release and more benefits from AM fungi, which …


Defection and extortion as unexpected catalysts of unconditional cooperation in structured populations


Attila Szolnoki, Matjaž Perc


We study the evolution of cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game, where besides unconditional cooperation and defection, tit-for-tat, win-stay-lose-shift and extortion …


Pacific freshening drives Pliocene cooling and Asian monsoon intensification


Junsheng Nie, Thomas Stevens, Yougui Song et al.


The monsoon is a fundamental component of Earth's climate. The Pliocene warm period is characterized by long-term global cooling yet concurrent monsoon dynamics are poorly known. …


Isolation, plant colonization potential, and phenanthrene degradation performance of the endophytic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. Ph6-gfp


Kai Sun, Juan Liu, Yanzheng Gao et al.


This investigation provides a novel method of endophyte-aided removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from plant bodies. A phenanthrene-degrading endophytic bacterium


Alternative hypotheses to explain why biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships are concave-up in some natural ecosystems but concave-down in manipulative experiments


Camilo Mora, Roberto Danovaro, Michel Loreau


Recent studies of the relationship between biodiversity and functioning in marine ecosystems have yielded non-saturating patterns that contrast sharply with the results of …


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