

Under Consideration

I'm considering reactivating this blog experiment. This time around, I'd be hosting it on my own main hosting account at either Arconati.us, Arconati.net or Arconati.name. I'm not sure which one at this point. Also, I don't know which folder or directory to put it under and am thinking of something like the following.

  • /resources/
  • /newsletters/
  • /subscriptions/
  • /interesting/
  • /experiment/
  • /foo/
  • /ignoble/
  • /experiment/

Or quite possibly, I will save it as a format with the root file named with one of the above key words. For instance, /experiment.asp might work. If I do that, I'll have to update the template and some other changes. It shouldn't be too difficult.

My only question should be why. I don't have a reason. I might just be looking for a short cut or trick to improving my own rankings --shame on me. But what for? I have a few certain results that I want for my sites. But I'm pretty much getting those already. Why would I do this?

I'm not sure I have a reason.

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