From the individual investor resource Wired magazine calls "sharp, up-to-the-minute financial advice" and The Economist dubbed "an ethical oasis": The simple fuel injector (pictured below) could power the "No Choice" revolution... - And the ONE SMALL, PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY that makes it has a patent portfolio that dwarfs those of Siemens, Toyota, Ford, and CAT -- all now clamoring to get a piece of the action...
- On March 30th at Georgetown University, President Obama publicly backed this small company's mission -- and sent its shares soaring...
- Here's the important part in all this for you: this stock is still poised like a spring, waiting on a congressional announcement that could come as early as TOMORROW...
That's why you're urged to read on and get the full story today! May 17, 2011 / Alexandria, VA Dear Fellow Investor, First let me explain what I mean by "no choice"... Because you could say at different times in our history, Americans had "no choice" but to come together and defy the odds. Take the transcontinental railroad for instance... Or consider how we had no choice but to evolve the European tradition of manufacturing into an assembly line. And produce things like Colt and Winchester firearms (the guns that won the west), and later Ford Motor Cars... Or think about the "must-win" spirit of the personal computer revolution. Beginning with the moments of historic innovation in garages in California during the 1970s... and later, in the labs and boardrooms of Silicon Valley. In fact, all of America's greatest triumphs have innovation and certitude at their core... Which is important, because this moment is possibly our most crucial yet. Of course, some savvy investors recognize this and have positioned themselves to cash in. Others will get on board just in time (literally, in the hours and days ahead), and they, too, could make a bundle... That's the reason for this email. You see, there's one small company that could power the "no choice" fuel revolution. And it's not a household name YET. There's REAL CONFIRMATION of this business' potential in place... It's a "first mover" and already "top dog" in a $394 billion-a-year industry. With some of the world's most powerful companies trying desperately to get a piece of the action: - Giants like GM, which has over 40x the market cap, and yet only a quarter as many critical patents as this little company...
- Siemens has over 100x the market cap, and a third as many patents...
- Ford has over 50x the market cap and less than half as many patents...
In a moment, I'll introduce you to a legendary investor who has helped his readers make FORTUNES in the recent past from remarkably similar scenarios... I'm talking about investing in game-changing companies with substantial intellectual property portfolios... at the right moment. So if you've ever kicked yourself for missing the biggest investments of the last 10 years or so... companies like Marvel (up over 4,000% through its buyout by Disney), Netflix (up over 2,700% since its 2002 IPO), and Apple (up close to 3,000%)... I urge you to take a few minutes and make an informed decision about what could be your second chance. And it begins with a question: Do YOU have the single character trait that makes profits like these possible? A handful of the world's most successful investors are right now zeroing in on this little company. We're talking about investors who don't tend to follow the crowd. And rarely bother with the same methods everybody else uses. - Peter Lynch invested this way and averaged a 29.2% return every year from 1977 to 1990... So did Philip Fisher, author of Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, who bought Motorola all the way back in 1955...
- More recently, that legendary investor I just mentioned directed his readers to fully documented gains of 1,065%... 1,152%... 1,329%... 1,698%... 1,913%... and 2,080% -- all in the last 9 years.
You'll meet him in a moment. And discover exactly why he projects this little company to be his NEXT 10-BAGGER STOCK. In other words, a stock you can buy and make over 10 times your original investment and then some. (Which would be the seventh time he's done it since 2002!) And here's the part that may surprise you. This renegade approach to investing isn't particularly difficult to master. It doesn't involve studying stacks of books, or years' worth of Berkshire Hathaway shareholder letters. Or spending a lot of time learning complex calculations. It does require, however, a knack for identifying true innovation at the exact historical moment that innovation really takes off. And then, basically investing like a venture capitalist... So let's walk through the process quickly, and see how this opportunity stacks up... True innovations -- the kind that build bold fortunes time and time again -- are always characterized by two things: - They create unbelievable value and cause massive disruption to the status quo. Which we'll look at now.
- The world yearns for these breakthroughs because they meet a historic need, or solve a problem. Which I'll get to in a second, when I tell the story about the revolution this product recently caused in Smithtown, NY, and other places.
Here's one of the simple secrets to investing like a venture capitalist... It's interesting this secret isn't more widely known. Or widely recognized. Because it's the most important principle of capitalism. Here it is: the best innovations lead to lower consumer prices. That's it. That's all there is to it. But of course, breakthroughs of this magnitude don't come along all that often, and can be hard to recognize. Now what if I told you, according to the projections of The Motley Fool's single sharpest investing mind -- and hands down, our most successful investor -- this little company's product, the fuel injector I mentioned a minute ago, has the potential to lead to massively lower consumer prices... And could become one of the major stock stories of this decade and make you a fortune. Let me introduce you to David Gardner David Gardner, the original information-age bull on America, has directed his readers to huge gains on Netflix (up over 1,690%), Priceline (up 2,080%), and (up 6,200%), to name just a few.
| You may remember David and his brother, Tom, as the two maverick brothers who flipped the Wall Street establishment upside down during the 1990s. By putting on jester caps and speaking out against conflicted financial services... shady corporate accounting... and everything else that tilted the playing field against individual investors like us. In fact, a former chairman of Merrill Lynch once described the Gardner brothers as "thoroughly dangerous." Because they were behind the simple notion that nobody is better suited to manage your money than you are. Maybe you recall David getting a lot of attention in the financial press in 1997 for recommending Amazon shares shortly after its initial public offering. I remember it well... many so-called expert investors and financial writers laughed him off. Yet if you bought... and held... shares of Amazon until today -- you'd be up over 6,200%. That's a "63-bagger" in less than a decade and a half. Which is to say, you would've made 63 times your original investment. Not bad, right? And more recently, during the so-called "lost decade," David has directed individual investors like you to stocks such as Marvel -- up more than 1,900%... Priceline -- up 2,080%... Netflix -- up over 1,690%... and the list goes on, as you'll see in a moment. So you're probably wondering just how David uncovers investments like these... The answer might surprise you. And explain why so many professional money managers struggle to beat the market... Here's David's secret: Rather than positioning himself in the most crowded part of the field, and performing the same sort of analysis and calculations that hundreds of thousands of other investors are using... David instead invests like a venture capitalist -- focusing on "first movers" and "top dogs" capable of breathtaking innovation... often delivering lower consumer prices and improving the lives of millions and millions of people in the process. But let's back up a second. Here's what I mean by a "first mover": A company with a product or service so revolutionary it disrupts an existing industry or creates an entirely new one. And a "top dog" is a company that dominates its industry and basically has no peer. On the rare occasion you find a company that is both a top dog and a first mover -- the chances are pretty good you've found your next big winner. And that's exactly what David projects for the small "no choice" fuel company I've been telling you about... Keep in mind, though, the time needs to be right if rare, possibly life-changing profits are your goal... there needs to be a historic need for a solution. And a particular company uniquely positioned to deliver it. Consider: - Oil prices are up over $100 a barrel due to ongoing unrest in the Middle East, which supplies over half our oil...
- Revolutionary technology has recently unlocked enormous new supplies of natural gas in North America (some experts say enough gas to last centuries!)...
- Natural gas-powered technologies for trucks and buses have moved from the drawing board to actual use... along with a refueling infrastructure....
- There's political will to jump-start natural gas-powered trucks and buses here in the U.S... in fact, the "Nat Gas Act 2011" is right now in Congress and could pass any day...
- There's ONE SMALL-CAP COMPANY that sits at the intersection of this momentous opportunity!
This little company, David Gardner's top pick for new money now, is the technology leader in the conversion of diesel-fueled engines to natural gas. Its proprietary technology centers around the fuel injection system, it has all the patents sewn up, and the lion's share of the natural gas engine market already locked down! The New York Times writes, "this isn't pie-in-the-sky technology: there are already 12 million vehicles around the world that use either liquefied or compressed natural gas, though only 140,000 in the U.S." Meaning, we're in the very early stages here in the U.S. of a landmark shift to what one analyst at bank Societe Generale calls the fuel of "no choice"... That's because it's really our only viable course. Take a look: there is enough known natural gas in North America to last centuries... and it won't involve a future of transferring huge amounts of wealth to Middle East sheikdoms while competing with the Chinese for imported oil. Natural gas is cleaner burning and lower in carbon emissions than oil or coal. According to Lawrence Goldstein, an economist at the Energy Policy Research Foundation, "At the end of the day, when you look at the risk-reward equation, natural gas comes out as a winner. It's a technical knockout." "The final frontier for alternative motor fuels, powering big tractor trailers, has been crossed." -- The New York Times, Feb. 22, 2011 According to Michael Britt, Sr., director of maintenance and engineering at UPS, "it's the only long-term viable option to diesel." That's why UPS just ordered 48 natural gas-powered trucks, with plans to add 952 more! And again, you can't draw a line through this opportunity from any two points without coming upon David Gardner's top pick... the small-cap leader in conversion to natural gas! But a quick word of warning: Wall Street is beginning to catch on. In March, Morgan Stanley issued its first report on this little company... JP Morgan began covering this stock in April with a 42-page "initiation report." And other firms are following suit as we speak. Now I have to ask you... what would make the biggest financial firms in the world take notice of a small-cap company like this? I'd say it could only be one thing: they project an epic move. And fortunately for you that's something David Gardner knows a great deal about. You see, he routinely beats Wall Street to the punch... He did it in the online retail market with Amazon... and then again more recently with Netflix in the DVD-rental market. David led individual investors like you to gains of more than 6,200% and 1,690% on these stocks... He recognized these companies were redefining the way business was done and launching entirely new industries. That's why they continue to dominate right up to the present moment. And most important, they've made fortunes for our readers. (Take a quick look at the testimonials on the right... » ) You can see why David has dedicated his working life to finding companies that are both first movers and top dogs... and always keeping his eyes peeled for upcoming tectonic shifts in business and commerce. But there's a deeper layer to this process.... You see, David discovered long ago that in order to realize truly life-changing investment returns, you have to break the rules. And go against much of what passes for "wisdom" on Wall Street. So while ferreting out companies with a sustainable competitive advantage that can be exploited for years to come... excellent management... strong consumer appeal... and, of course, landscape-changing innovation... David also watches for documented proof the so-called experts think a particular company's potential is an illusion. Which brings me back to David's favorite stock for new money now. This small breakthrough company is already shaking up the landscape in places like New York and Los Angeles, to name only a few... The town of Smithtown, NY, recently switched all of its trash trucks to run on natural gas... the cement mixers delivering concrete to New York City now run on natural gas... Los Angeles buses run on natural gas... UPS has 48 natural gas-powered trucks with plans to add many, many more... Companies like Ryder, a leader in commercial transportation, just ordered 200 heavy-duty natural gas-powered trucks as part of its effort to replace 1.5 million gallons of diesel fuel with 100% North American natural gas... and reduce 9.2 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions each year. Orders for natural gas-powered trucks -- all outfitted with our little company's technology -- are beginning to pour into manufacturers like Kenworth and Peterbilt... And yet, many so-called experts on Wall Street and pundits you see on television are quick to characterize this company's potential as an illusion. Which is great news for us. (Because as we speak, this stock sits in a nice buying window, with a wide open sky waiting!) David will tell you: It takes patience... patience driven by an insistence on looking past the next quarter's earnings, and sometimes even the next year's... to see a place where this company has market dominance, leadership, "no Pepsi to their Coke" as David likes to say, and high margin success... Because this is a 10-bagger stock in the making! And according to David, this kind of investment return on a single stock is virtually never achieved by people who are too insistently numerical, too near-term in their thinking, and -- yes -- too "smart" for the market. I'd like nothing more than to give you the ticker symbol and all the vital details of David's next 10-bagger. But out of respect for our paying members I must instead send them to you in a limited-run, FREE report titled, "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution." We're talking about a single fortune-maker here. The kind of investment your grown-up grandchildren could one day talk about with hushed voices and a revering twinkle in their eye. My name is Mark Brooks. I'm the publisher of The Motley Fool's flagship newsletter service, Motley Fool Stock Advisor. This is the now-legendary investment advisory service that features the personal picks of Motley Fool Co-founders David and Tom Gardner... As I mentioned, David is a legendary growth investor... with a sharp eye for innovations and trends. David recommended shares of Marvel Entertainment (recently acquired by Disney) to his readers at a time when analysts, investors, and even Marvel's competitors simply didn't understand the potential for a company that owned thousands of intellectual properties. The investing masses couldn't see Marvel was moving into position to rake in unexpected and large sums of cash by licensing its characters. First on the big screen with blockbusters like Spider-Man... The Hulk... X-Men... Fantastic Four... and Iron Man.... And then the recurring revenue from DVDs, video games, cable television licensing, action figures, costumes -- the list goes on and on. David Gardner again caught onto the blockbuster potential way ahead of the masses. And those who followed David's first Marvel recommendation are up over 1,910%... In other words, if you invested $10,000 back in the summer of 2002 you'd be sitting on more than $200,000 right now! So while David is always on the lookout for the next big thing, his brother, Tom, relies on more traditional analysis. He puts pencil to paper and zeroes in on overlooked assets. And even finds hidden liabilities the companies themselves often don't recognize. And you know what? Over the past 9 years, while the S&P 500 is up just 21%, both David and Tom's recommendations have soared: - Quality Systems, one of the market's top-10 performing stocks of the last decade, UP 1,758% since Tom recommended it...
- Marvel Entertainment JUMPED 1,913% after David's recommendation, and the company has since been bought out by Disney...
- Priceline shares have SKYROCKETED, handing members of our group profits of more than 2,000%!
In fact, David's AVERAGE recommendation is up 141%... and Tom's is up over 75%... all while the S&P 500 is up a paltry 21% for the same period. But I didn't email you to chirp about our past. Instead, I'm getting in touch to lay bare one of the more compelling opportunities we've ever come across. In fact, this could be the ONE STOCK TO OWN before the "Nat Gas Act 2011" becomes law! We're talking a small-cap company with a specific near-term catalyst that could move the stock substantially higher. And a bedrock of proprietary technology and "know how" that could make it a massively profitable investment for years and years... - This little company is already THE TECHNOLOGY LEADER in converting diesel-fueled engines to run on natural gas...
- The stock is SET TO CASH IN on global demand for cleaner burning engines...
- And of course the spread between natural gas prices and oil prices... and SWELLING GOVERNMENT SUPPORT!
In fact, it's already beginning to happen. A few weeks ago, when President Obama expressed support for Nat Gas in a speech... the stock JUMPED! And we believe this is just the beginning of the story. You see, the Nat Gas Act 2011 has over 150 co-sponsors in Congress and massive bi partisan support... That's because, unlike oil, the supply of clean burning natural gas in North America is soaring thanks to new drilling techniques that allow companies to tap shale deposits that were once impossible to access. New estimates suggest there's enough natural gas within our borders to fuel cars, buses, and trucks for well more than a century! And you can bet the biggest, most powerful companies in the world are beginning to recognize the scale of this opportunity. Just take a look...  CAT, Ford, Toyota, Siemens, and GM are all clamoring to get a piece of the action. But believe it or not, the patent positions and technologies of these giants pale in comparison to those of the little company David Gardner has projected will soar in the weeks and months ahead! And I'd like nothing more than to prove it to you... And the best way I know to do this is to send you the LIMITED-RUN SPECIAL REPORT with all the specifics. You see, out of respect for our paying members... many of whom may continue to increase their positions in this stock in the coming weeks and months... we're committed to not overexposing this opportunity in the short term.  "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" -- According to T. Boone Pickens, the Texas oilman and natural gas hedge fund billionaire, just moving the country's big trucks to natural gas will cut our OPEC imports in half -- a huge first step toward energy independence... And this tectonic shift is already underway! Beginning with this little company's fuel injectors being retrofitted onto long-haul truck engines to create diesel and natural gas hybrids... Hundreds of orders are also pouring in for new engines that run on only natural gas, up from a few dozen last year. There are mobile natural gas refueling stations being deployed... The Nat Gas Act in front of Congress will incentivize gas stations on trucking routes to add more and more natural gas fuel pumps... Unlocking the economic potential of the huge amounts of natural gas we've recently discovered here in North America... lowering fuel prices for long-haul trucking, meaning lower downstream consumer prices. Which as I mentioned a minute ago, is the hallmark of the best innovations! This sort of investing scenario really gets to the core of David Gardner's unique stock-picking genius. He was one of the first investors on the planet to recognize America's shift toward an information-based economy... an economy where companies like Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Marvel go up like moonshots. And generate considerable investment wealth for those with the right kind of vision, the right kind of network, and information... "The 3 Kings of Cloud Computing - Special to Stock Advisor Members" -- This is very rare indeed. But this special limited-time Stock Advisor invitation also entitles you to exclusive access to the TOP CLOUD COMPUTING COMPANIES from David's ultimate growth service, Motley Fool Rule Breakers. Here's the story... Think back a few years -- any time you wanted to type a letter, create a spreadsheet, edit a photo, or play a game, you had to go to the store, buy the software, and install it on your computer. But nowadays, if you want to look at pictures on Facebook... find directions on MapQuest... watch a video on YouTube... or sell furniture on Craigslist... all you really need is an Internet connection. Because although these activities require you to use your PC, none of the content you are accessing or the applications you are running are actually stored on your computer -- instead they're stored at a giant data center somewhere in the "cloud." And you don't give any of it a second thought... just like you don't think twice about where the electricity is coming from when you plug an appliance into the wall. But cloud computing isn't just a modern convenience -- it's going to be an enormous industry. You see, everyone from individuals to multinational corporations can now simply tap into the "cloud" to get all the things they used to have to supply and maintain themselves. This will save some companies millions and make others billions... And David and his Rule Breakers team have identified the best stocks to own in this space. Now lean in, because this could end up causing quite a stir: I want to give you this report -- a report others paid $149 for -- absolutely FREE! But as with any truly remarkable offer, there's a catch: we can only offer this SPECIAL DAVID GARDNER BUNDLE (with the "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" and the "Kings of Cloud Computing" reports) to the first 5,000 folks who respond. And again, this is out of respect to the paying members of David's wildly popular, unbelievably successful services (both Stock Advisor and Rule Breakers), which are top-rated by investment newsletter watchdog Mark Hulbert. So how long will this David Gardner bundle be available? There's no way to be sure. I can only direct your attention to a similar offer we made back in April of last year when 35,000 investors responded IN A SINGLE DAY. I realize this constraint can lead to a hasty decision or, worse, a missed opportunity. That's why I'd like to direct your attention to The Motley Fool policy that guarantees this is a win-win for you and makes the report FREE if you choose. Your special "keep everything" & "risk nothing" GUARANTEE Because we stand behind every piece of advice, insight, and recommendation you'll get from David and Tom Gardner, I'd like to offer you the opportunity to position yourself to make a pile of money and soak up all the recommendations that Motley Fool Stock Advisor has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER. Here's how it'll work... You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give you a FULL REFUND -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Yet... the full details of "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution"... plus all the content you can access on the Stock Advisor members-only website: all the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of proven investing lessons... plus another valuable bonus report detailed below (valued at $99) -- are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS. And if you decide you'd like out at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term. Of course, this kind of guarantee makes it possible to snap up everything we have to offer and pay nothing... That's OK. Because that's how confident I am in what we have to offer you! Now I'd like you to do something for us. And I'm pretty sure you're going to like this, too... Simply subscribe to Motley Fool Stock Advisor for a full year. Normally the rate is $199. But when you join through this special limited-time email invitation, you can knock $150 OFF the top. And pay just $49! Here's how we'll begin: You're provided all of David and Tom's easy-to-follow research. They run the numbers and give you detailed analysis of their top recommendations. We make all the hard decisions, naturally, so you don't have to. We track our results straight up against the S&P 500 -- right there on the scorecard. You can see everything we've EVER done, and what we're doing in every monthly issue or anytime on our members-only website... And remember the Motley Fool guarantee I just mentioned? Well, not only does it make it possible for you to snatch up our limited-run report for FREE... you can also print out David's and Tom's recommendation scorecards. Including their latest "best buys" and "core stocks." You can compare these to your current portfolio in case you're interested in seeing where you might have the same view of a stock as David or Tom. Or use it as a quick portfolio checkup. And again, it's FREE if you choose. Simply ask for your money back inside of 30 days. And we'll happily refund every cent. That's how confident we are in all of this... Look at everything your Stock Advisor membership includes: - Monthly issues: featuring our Top Picks of the Month; updates on past recommendations; in-depth interviews with power players from the world of finance and some of the top CEOs in the world; a clear discussion on the most important elements of successful investing in the "Fools Tools" segment; and plenty of competitive jousting in the Dueling Fools column -- two brothers... one growth investor, one value investor... locking horns and providing you uniquely profitable advice!
- Between-issue updates and alerts via email keep you abreast of changes in our advice and keep you squarely on track to build real and lasting wealth! At Stock Advisor, we leave nothing to chance...
- 24/7 website access for members only: You can read the current newsletter issue as soon as we write it; research back issues; browse our ongoing question & answer section -- anytime you want! Plus, access special reports, interviews, past picks, and our latest performance data in the full catalog of Motley Fool Stock Advisor issues...
- Online discussion boards for members only, with access to the Stock Advisor team of experts...
After all, Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a lot like an investment university. It's an active community of smart investors. You can join David and Tom -- and your fellow members -- online in spirited discussions. Or you can sit back and simply follow the recommendations... The important thing is you'll be getting fully vetted growth stocks with rare and historic profit potential from two of the best stock pickers on the planet. And you can get started profiting RIGHT AWAY with the small Virginia company we've been talking about today... Plus, get these valuable bonus reports FREE: | 6 Danger Signs in 15 Minutes -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) If you're concerned about any stock you own, here's a simple checklist that will help you evaluate it in 15 minutes or less. If you can say yes to any of these danger signs, it's time to get out. This is an indispensable guide for any investor looking to optimize a stock portfolio and avoid costly blowups! | | How to Know When to Sell -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) Say you own a stock that's up -- or down -- significantly, and you're trying to decide if it's time to sell. After you read this report you'll know when to take profits, how to balance your portfolio, when to trim the dogs, and when to trade in your lower-performing stocks to pursue greater opportunities. | | Investing the Stock Advisor Way -- (a $29 value -- YOURS FREE!) Discover the simple and straightforward tools Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner have developed over 15 years to ferret out winners like Marvel Entertainment (up 1,913%)... (up 2,080%)... and Quality Systems (up over 1,750%)! Inside this special report, we'll reveal our 7 most important investment principles... and much more! Simply accept this Motley Fool Stock Advisor offer -- at no risk, of course -- and we'll send you all these reports to help you get started! | PLUS, we'll send you one of the most valuable special reports we've ever put together here at The Motley Fool -- ABSOLUTELY FREE! Stocks 2011: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead (a $99 value -- Yours FREE!) After exhaustive research and number-crunching, The Motley Fool's top stock-pickers emerged with 11 stocks that will uniquely position you for profits in 2011, including... - A consumer goods company many are calling the Nike of China. It's conquered Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, and now has its sights set on launching higher-end brands in Tier 1 cities. If it can replicate its past success, it has the potential to "become the largest national brand in China."
- A leading purveyor of broadband telecommunications equipment -- an industry where consumption doubles every 18 to 24 months. Just a $1 billion company, it offers massive growth potential or will make a lucrative acquisition for a larger competitor like Cisco.
- An up-and-coming asset manager that has grown assets under management a mind-boggling 57% per year since 2004. It's out of favor on Wall Street, but when the sentiment turns, investors in this company stand to cash in on this tidal wave.
You'll discover these three top picks, plus eight more powerful profit opportunities, the instant you download your FREE copy of Stocks 2011: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead. Don't forget -- this is the highly sought-after report that, year after year, has handed investors market-beating returns. Our top pick from last year is up 103%. And we're confident several companies featured in this year's report could do the same. So don't delay! Get your copy of Stocks 2011 right now -- ABSOLUTELY FREE! | As with any truly remarkable offer, this package is available only for a limited time... when we reach our limit of 5,000 reports sent out, it's over... (And again, that's because we want to be careful not to overexpose these opportunities in the short-term. You see, many of our paying members are still adding to their positions.) So allow me to remind you of the precedent we set back in April of last year, when 35,000 folks took us up on an offer similar to this one IN A SINGLE DAY... Meaning, I can only guarantee you copies of "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" and the "Kings of Cloud Computing" report, the 3 additional FREE REPORTS, plus your FREE copy of Stocks 2011 -- if you join us right now AND you join through this email. Most important, I urge you to click the "START NOW" button to position yourself like a venture capitalist with an eye for windfall gains from one of the most discernable trend investments in modern history! Act now! Sincerely,  Mark Brooks Executive Publisher, Motley Fool Stock Advisor P.S. You're covered by our special "keep everything" and "risk nothing" GUARANTEE. Your "David Gardner's #1 Stock for the Coming 'No Choice' Fuel Revolution" and "Kings of Cloud Computing" reports... plus 4 more FREE reports (all totaled more than a $240 value)... are all yours to keep no matter how long you're with us. But just one final word of warning: Once these 5,000 reports are gone, they're gone. And remember, this is to deliver on our commitment to investors like you! Official Motley Fool Stock Advisor returns as of April 18, 2011. All other numbers as of May 10, 2011. |
I like Motley Fool overall, but wonder what their purpose is here. Omnitek has 2 patents (I didn't check the applications, just the issued patents shown as of August 2012, searching "an/omnitek and (any)diesel"), which is not such a major number and without reviewing in detail, might simply be hard-fought variations on known technology without anything revolutionary in the Fools' sense, and TWO is not such a big deal if there are many details to provide protection for. Neither is two such a number as to compare to some other company's portfolio as the slide show implies. Not at all happy with MF on this one.
ReplyDeletea must hold situation