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links for 2009-01-31

Wine bottle tote is the perfect shopping bag for baby food jars

MP (well, actually, her husband) came up with a practical way to keep all the baby food jars from rattling in the bottom of the shopping bag.

The other week we were shopping at Whole Foods for our daughter's baby food. We took our own bags, including the reusable wine bag. As we all know, the jarred baby food gets really heavy in the large reusable bags and clanks around. As we were checking out my brilliant husband (he is truly brilliant), loaded all the jarred food in the reusable wine tote! No clanking, not too heavy and we finally used the wine tote (maybe we should splurge for a bottle for us! yeah right!).

Related: The many uses of the reusable grocery bag

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/DCs1eB9ryJA/wine-bottle-tote-is-the-perfect-shopping-bag-for-baby-food-jars.html

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Rove on the Lamb | Pat Tillman's Super Bowl | Jon Stewart Calls Out Sean Hannity

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January 31st, 2009
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Pat Tillman's Super Bowl  

Pat Tillman's Super Bowl

When the Arizona Cardinals take the field tomorrow, the most famous Cardinal will not be with them. Read more »

Republicans Throw Fit Over Family Planning Provisions in Stimulus Bill  

Republicans Throw Fit Over Family Planning Provisions in Stimulus Bill

Let's take a moment to clear up some of the myths the GOP perpetuated this week about the provision they lobbied so hard to destroy. Read more »

Why Are We Getting All NIMBY on Gitmo?  

Why Are We Getting All NIMBY on Gitmo?

Now we're talkin' fear. Read more »

Arnoldbucks: IOUs for Californians  

Arnoldbucks: IOUs for Californians

Schwarzenegger told Californians they're on the brink of financial "Armageddon," but won't help fix the budget crisis. Read more »

Oscar Grant Beaten by Police Prior to Murder  

Oscar Grant Beaten by Police Prior to Murder

New evidence reveals that another officer assaulted Oscar Grant before he was shot. But officials refuse to press charges. Read more »

When Will the GOP Ditch the 'Scapegoat the Immigrants' Playbook?  

When Will the GOP Ditch the 'Scapegoat the Immigrants' Playbook?

First it was SCHIP, now it's the Stimulus. Read more »

African American Michael Steele Takes Over Floundering GOP  

African American Michael Steele Takes Over Floundering GOP

Ex-Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele is the new chairman of the Republican National Committee. Read more »

Jon Stewart Calls Out Sean Hannity  

Jon Stewart Calls Out Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity goads imbalanced viewers to call in to the Hate Hannity Hotline to make up for the show's lack of Alan Colmes. Read more »

HuffPo Breaks Huge Corruption Story and Now We Must Do Something About It  

HuffPo Breaks Huge Corruption Story and Now We Must Do Something About It

You can't make this stuff up. Read more »

George W. Bush Gets His Statue in Iraq  

George W. Bush Gets His Statue in Iraq

I don't think this is the kind of statue Richard Perle was talking about. Read more »

Senate Passes Health Legislation for Low-Income Children (Finally!)  

Senate Passes Health Legislation for Low-Income Children (Finally!)

SCHIP is being paid for by "raising the cigarette tax from 39 cents a pack to $1." Read more »

Colbert Takes on the Head of 'the Greatest Transition Team of All Time'  

Colbert Takes on the Head of 'the Greatest Transition Team of All Time'

At the end of the interview, Colbert stumps Podesta with a question. Find out what it was. Read more »

Econopocalypse Goes From Bad to Worse  

Econopocalypse Goes From Bad to Worse

Now is the winter of our economic discontent. Read more »

Rove on the Lamb; Still Hiding Behind 'Executive Privilege'  

Rove on the Lamb; Still Hiding Behind 'Executive Privilege'

Everyone seems to be waiting to see what Obama's White House counsel, Greg Craig, thinks about all of this. Read more »

Limbaugh Called Out on CNBC for Being a Mean-Spirited Hypocrite  

Limbaugh Called Out on CNBC for Being a Mean-Spirited Hypocrite

Watch CNBC's Mark Haines do what few TV hosts and politicians are afraid to do. Read more »


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