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[Parent Hacks] 2 new posts in Parent Hacks

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Keep a list of domestic details on your cell phone or PDA

This hack came about as a way to do two things:

a) to empty my head of some of the niggly domestic details that are important enough to remember, but not important enough to merit "active" brain space, and

b) to be able to take advantage of those random times you find yourself in a store and you remember you need something, but you have to know certain details about that item before you can buy it. For example, you congratulate yourself for remembering to buy a new furnace filter, and you find yourself at the hardware store, but you don't remember what filter dimensions your furnace requires. (Opportunity and time-saver lost.)

I'm compiling a list in my cell phone notepad of all sorts of details so I'm caught in that position as little as possible. Battery size and number for favorite toys, brand of husband's razor blades, furnace filter dimensions, light bulb wattages for various fixtures, clothing sizes...etc. Every time I find out a little detail I may need to use in the future (my friend always orders a double cappuccino with extra foam), I make a note of it so I don't waste time gathering that info later (when I spontaneously show up at her house with coffee).

Parenting is full of so many random detours and unplanned stops. Might as well put them to use.

Related: Lots of ideas in the Getting Organized archive

On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/lLCO8WoKHFk/keep-a-list-of-domestic-details-on-your-cell-phone-or-pda.html

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Most Popular of the Week

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Most Popular of the Week
February 28th, 2009
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The Spectacular, Sudden Crash of the Global Economy  

The Spectacular, Sudden Crash of the Global Economy

In a short period of months, the entire system of global capitalism has screeched to a halt. No one knows what happens next. Read more »

5 Great Progressive Moves by Obama That You Might Have Missed  

5 Great Progressive Moves by Obama That You Might Have Missed

Here are five significant under-the-radar things to be grateful for in the post-Bush era. Read more »

Twitter Nation Has Arrived: How Scared Should We Be?  

Twitter Nation Has Arrived: How Scared Should We Be?

Can it be long before the entire country is tweeting away in the din of a giant turd-covered silicon aviary? Read more »

Will Revelations About Bobby Jindal's Weird Secret Past Destroy His Political Career?  

Will Revelations About Bobby Jindal's Weird Secret Past Destroy His Political Career?

Did you know about the exorcism? The name that came from The Brady Bunch? Those and other surprising facts about a GOP rising politician. Read more »

Why Are Even Smart, Liberal Men Freaked Out by Abortion?  

Why Are Even Smart, Liberal Men Freaked Out by Abortion?

Even die-hard liberals who would wax on about a woman's right to choose were uncomfortable when presented with a woman who chose. Read more »

A Planet on the Brink: Economic Crash Will Fuel Social Unrest  

A Planet on the Brink: Economic Crash Will Fuel Social Unrest

Governments across the planet are preparing for a surge of violent protests from economic upheaval. Wars may follow. Read more »


"Slumdog Millionaire": A Hollow Message of Social Justice

Despite all the hype, "Slumdog" delivers a patronizing and ultimately sham statement on social justice. Read more »

America's Municipal Meltdown: It's Tough Times for Troubled Towns  

America's Municipal Meltdown: It's Tough Times for Troubled Towns

Small towns are feeling the pain far worse than the rest of us, and no one knows how to stop the bleeding. Read more »

10 Reasons Why Conservatives' Fiscal Ideas Are Dangerous  

10 Reasons Why Conservatives' Fiscal Ideas Are Dangerous

It would almost be funny if their ideas about spending didn't lead us into the deepest financial catastrophe in nearly a century. Read more »

How Far Down the Economic Hole Are We Headed?  

How Far Down the Economic Hole Are We Headed?

No one knows, of course, but a bigger question may be whether we really want to know. Read more »


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Daily Updates from The Page on TIME.com

Daily News alerts on politics from The Page
Saturday, February 28, 2009
The Page--- The Latest Updates

*Obama: I'm Ready For a Fight

In his weekly YouTube address, President Obama says he'll take on the "special interests and lobbyists" to pass his budget.
"I know they're gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this: So am I."
Click above to watch, and read text here.

*The President Goes Courtside

Obama takes in a Wizards-Bulls game Friday at D.C.'s Verizon Center, earning a standing ovation from the crowd.
Sits in courtside seats, joined by friend Marty Nesbitt.
Read pool reports here.


New York's tabloids gush over the first lady's new official protrait.
Daily News fronts the picture. NY Post: Hints of Jackie in Michelle's Official Pic.

*Labor Considering New Federation

Leaders from 12 of the largest unions are holding talks to consider forming a single, more powerful group.
Talks come four years after a major split in the AFL-CIO.
David Bonior: "There's obvious benefits."

*Canadian PM Denounces "Protectionism"

Stephen Harper tells the WSJ the U.S. is enacting "purely protectionist measures" under the guise of "security."
"Additional inspection fees on agricultural products. That's just not a security measure."

*Obama's Iraq Plan

Sorry to be late about this, but a few thoughts about the President's Iraq plan:
1. This is a pretty conservative drawdown, with most of the troops staying in place until after the Iraqi National Elections next December. That's the reason why McCain etc have supported it. And yes, 50,000 is a pretty robust residual force. [...]
Time.com Top Stories

1.In the Aftermath of Gaza, Hamas Becomes Harder to Ignore

2.Behind the Troop Surge at the U.S.-Mexico Border

3.Why Are Large Companies Losing More Jobs Than Small Ones?


This recession will accelerate until the Great Depression looks insign
ificant by comparison.

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*House of Cards: The Faces Behind Foreclosures

*Pocket-Size Personal Trainers

*Inside the Breakdown At the SEC

*Nationalizing Banks: What's All the Fuss?

*Gold Diggers of 2009

*U2's Unsatisfied-- and Unsatisfying-- New Album

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Fact or fiction? The truth about automated testing ROI

Web Buyer's Guide White Paper Spotlight

Fact or Fiction? The Truth About Automated Testing ROI
Automated software testing invariably sounds good to IT quality assurance (QA) managers. Intuitively, you see that creating an automated test one time and then running it hundreds or thousands of times will enable you to expand test coverage, find defects earlier, and focus manual test effort where it is really needed. Quantifying IT and business value requires examination of several key business factors. This paper will show you what those factors are and how to apply them, and will pass on some real-world experiences as examples to apply to your situation.
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How to Accelerate New OS Deployments: The Benefits of WDS
Microsoft Windows Deployment Services (WDS) provides an accessible, flexible way to perform mass deployments of current and legacy Windows operating systems. Using customized answer files and taking advantage of scripting and other tools with WDS can help dramatically reduce the time to perform highly configured mass deployments with minimal infrastructure impact. With the constant pressure to do things quicker, using fewer resources, shouldn't your next operating system (OS) deployment/migration make your life easier?
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5 Keys to Putting Business Continuity Back in Reach
Business continuity (BC) differs from data protection and disaster recovery because it describes not only a level of protection that speeds recovery, but also a strategy that makes recovery speed less important. With business continuity, it's not about how long it takes to get back in operation, it's about staying in operation regardless of the failure, outage, attack, or corruption. By utilizing key technologies such as virtualization, storage tiering and WAN optimization, that business continuity is no longer out of reach of most organizations.
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How to Solve Your 4 Biggest Business Needs
You're in business to serve your customers and make a profit. You have all the ingredients for success: expertise, hard work, dedicated employees. But in today's marketplace, you also need some basic technology to conduct business. Your employees need a way to share files, collaborate, schedule meetings, send and receive e-mail, and access the Internet. An alternative to traditional technology solutions is needed to meet a number of new and growing business requirements.
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E-mail Security: What's the Best Solution?
Because e-mail is so critical, managing it properly and protecting it from the growing array of threats that impact it is becoming increasingly important. Systems designed to protect e-mail systems and users from spam, viruses, malware, phishing attacks and other threats must be extremely effective, they must operate with virtually no downtime and they must be easy to manage. This paper examines 5 such solutions to help you determine which will best meet your e-mail security needs.
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Solve Your Top 12 C/C++ App Porting Issues Today
When porting an application to a new hardware platform, engineers must resolve issues across several development areas. Porting or migrating C and C++ applications is no different. This migration guide discusses the process for porting C/C++ applications running on the Sun Solaris operating system (OS) from SPARC platforms to Intel architecture platforms. It also provides engineers with useful migration planning information, a list of items worthy of consideration, code examples and URLs to on-line resources that can assist in the implementation.
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'Sex-Crazed' Evangelicals | Civil Unions For All | Love and Sex on TV

AlterNet: The Mix is the Message   Sex & Relationships Newsletter
February 28th, 2009
More from Sex & Relationships »

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Forget Marriage -- Civil Unions For All  

Forget Marriage -- Civil Unions For All
By Terry J. Allen, In These Times
Any two people should be able to form legal couples that enjoy the rights, benefits and responsibilities now assigned to marriage. Read more »

Shaking up Victorian Sexual Mores  

Shaking up Victorian Sexual Mores

Sex pioneer Richard Burton challenged the socio-religious convictions and conventions that regulated sexuality in the Victorian era. Read more »

Is Porn Recession Proof?  

Is Porn Recession Proof?

Can porn make a buck in this tight economy? Yes, if done the right way. Read more »

'Sex-Crazed' Evangelicals Talk Spanking and Anal Sex  

'Sex-Crazed' Evangelicals Talk Spanking and Anal Sex

There is a growing movement of 'sex-positive' evangelicals, who bluntly talk about how to have better (married) sex. Read more »

Ratings for Reality Are Down -- Love and Sex Storm Back on TV  

Ratings for Reality Are Down -- Love and Sex Storm Back on TV

In these tough times, people are choosing fantasy, love and sex over reality. Read more »

  PEEK and Video: The hottest buzz and videos on the web  

A Hard Look at Women's Rights in Iran  

A Hard Look at Women's Rights in Iran

A run down on both the advancements that have been made in Iran with respect to women's rights, and the setbacks that women still face. Read more »


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