

Selection Sort Function - ASP Array Scripts and Code Snippets

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  ASP Array Scripts and Code Snippets

  • Simple hangman-pascalsource

  • Random Array

  • Selection Sort Function

  • RevArray Function - Reverse the order of an array

  • RemDups Function - Remove Duplicate values from an array

  • HasDups Function (ndicates if an array contains duplicate values)

  • ExchangeSort Function

  • CombSort Function

  • Arrays to store data

  • Array Count
  •                 For More Array Scripts and Code Snippets

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    Store kids' divided plates on their sides to save cabinet space

    Vanessa's smart dish storage tip:

    Kids love those cheap character plates made out of melamine that have divided sections. But they're a pain to store because the wells are different sizes which makes it impossible to stack them together flat. We now store our kiddie plates in a shoebox in our cabinet on their edges, facing out. No more avalanche every time we open the cabinet door and it's easier to find the exact plate we're looking for when a grilled cheese sandwich absolutely must be served on Thomas and not Little Einsteins.

    Related: Reuse lidded divided storage containers as lunchroom "bento boxes"

    On Parent Hacks at: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/parenthacks/~3/nX9rMZ3m0tM/store-kids-divided-plates-on-their-sides-to-save-cabinet-space.html

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    'Evil' Madoff Gets 150 Years in Epic Fraud
    Bernard Madoff received the statutory maximum sentence of 150 years in prison for authoring the biggest financial swindle in history.

    Porsche Rebuffs VW, Gets Offer from Qatar
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    Ticket Refunds on a Massive Scale
    Toyota, Aston Martin Forge Deal

    Carrefour Restores Low-Price Strategy In Hypermarkets To Fight Discounters
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    Grocers Test Concepts in Czech Republic
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    EU, Phone Makers to Introduce Universal Charger
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    Iran Dismisses Vote-Fraud Claims
    Iranian officials certified President Ahmadinejad's reelection after a partial recount, rejecting claims of fraud.

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    New Honduras Leader Faces Backlash From Coup
    Target: Hawaii
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    Our Decaying Nuclear Deterrent
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    The 'Rare' Disease That Isn't
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    For Victims, Downsized Lives and Many Shattered Dreams
    More Time
    For Appeal
    By Nacchio
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    Militants Hit Oil Supplies in Nigeria
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    Some Good News From Asia's Bankers
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     CREDIT MARKETS: Money Markets Show Less Stress at Quarter-End
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     CURRENCY TRADING: Euro Rises, and Hong Kong Gets Yuan Pact
    Candover Halts Takeover Talks
    ITN Drops Active Management of Assets Held by Its Pension Fund
    Clean Balance Sheets Seen as Key to Recovery
    States Get More Power to Challenge National Banks
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    Towers Perrin and Watson Wyatt to Merge
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    A New Index to Track Europe Sovereign CDS
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    KB Financial Replaces Banks in Dispute Over Rights Issue
    The Time to Tame Inflation Is Well Before It Strikes

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    mental_floss e-news: "Oh, the Places We'll Go!" - mentalfloss.com Issue 204 :: Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    mental_floss newsletter

    Issue 204 :: Wednesday, July 1, 2009
    Subscribe to our Magazine

    Greetings, Flossers! by Jason - Wednesday, July 1, 2009

    Dr. Seuss book
    "I have a good idea for a newsletter topic," I told Mangesh last week. "It's more of an idea for an idea. Let's go do something interesting in New York, then write it up and link to the photos." OK, it wasn't much of an idea at all. But we figured we'd run with it.
    But what should we do? Where should we go? We met at Starbucks this morning to figure it all out. Almost immediately, we scratched "go to Starbucks" off the list of possible interesting outings. I'll spare you the story of the guys who nearly came to blows arguing about the nation's best collegiate soccer coaches.
    After struggling to come up with a worthy destination, we thought now was a good time to use a lifeline. We'd like to Ask the Audience. Readers are always emailing us links to cool stories and forwarding us fascinating facts - it stands to reason that you guys will have some good suggestions for outings in the greater New York/New Jersey area. We've already gone napping ,so we're well rested and ready for whatever bizarre and quirky journeys you'd like to send us on. If we follow through and use your advice, we'll send you a t-shirt and thank you in a future newsletter.  We look forward to reading your ideas.
    Kind regards,

    E-mail Jason and Mangesh, here.

    Beat Our Facts Our weekly attempt to stock our newsletter readers' closets (and bookshelves) with mental_floss paraphernalia!


    Our insanely interesting fact:

    Old west action is an anagram of Clint Eastwood.
    Email Us A Fact Can you out-trivia us?
    Send in your fascinating one-sentence submissions, along with your full name and address to beatourfacts@gmail.com. This week's winners will receive T-shirts from the mental_floss store.

    Oh, and even if your fact doesn't win you some swag, it could win you some fame! The best user-submitted facts will go into our Amazing Fact Generator.

    Last Issue's Theme was "LUCKY THIRTEEN". The winners (and their facts) are:
    1) Thirteen is a lucky number for Colgate University--it was founded by thirteen men with thirteen dollars and thirteen prayers.
    -Rita Van Kirk
    2) Wilt Chamberlain is honored by all four of his former professional basketball teams: his #13 is retired by the Harlem Globetrotters, the Golden State Warriors, the Philadelphia 76ers, and the Los Angeles Lakers.
    -Mike Engle

    Congratulations to all of you... you should be receiving your T-shirts by Pony Express any day now!

    From the mental_floss Twitter account...

    There was a long-lost 4th member of the Snap/Crackle/Pop gang. His name was Pow, and he represented Rice Krispies explosive nutritional value.

    The father of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was a translator at the Nuremburg Trials.
    A shampoo containing real beer was marketed in the 1970s under the brand name Body On Tap.
    While at Kansas, Wilt Chamberlain won 3 straight Big Eight high jump titles, ran the 100-yard dash, and could hurl the shotput up to 56 feet.
    Before his writing career took off, Dan Brown was a pop singer and songwriter. His second solo album was called 'Angels & Demons,' too.
    James Buchanan was nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other. To see correctly, he tilted his head at an odd angle.
    When Nadia Comaneci became the first gymnast to score a perfect 10, the scoreboards weren't prepared. Her perfect 10 was reported as "1.00"
    You know those fees you pay to use an ATM from another bank? Those charges add up to roughly $4 billion a year.

    For more random knowledge, 140-characters at a time, follow us on Twitter.

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