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Your Shrinking Salary, 'Rich' Redefined, Chicken Nugget Secrets And More

Monday, December 31, 2012
At the stroke of midnight, your effective salary will shrink.

Starting Tuesday when the payroll tax break expires, around 160 million American workers will bring home less money with every paycheck. For workers earning $50,000 in annual salary, that means $80 a month slashed from take-home pay. That's nearly $1,000 for the year. Another way to think about it: It adds up to one less bag of groceries each week.
Fiscal Cliff Redefines 'Rich,' Raises Taxes
What McDonald's Doesn't Want You To Know About Chicken Nuggets
2012 Sets New Record
The 13 Greatest Things People Did With Money In 2012
Mohamed A. El-Erian: This Political Polarization Is Really Bad for America
As the year comes to an end, dysfunctional Congressional politics continues to dominate the headlines, and rightly so. If left to fester, the related inability of Congress to step up to economic responsibilities would risk being associated with more than just sluggish growth or persistently high unemployment. It would also undermine the ability of many citizens to realize the American dream.
Jared Bernstein: Too Many Baselines!
In the budget debate, we are currently beset by so many different baselines -- different possible spending paths -- that it's almost impossible to make a meaningful comparison.
Sanjay Sanghoee: Bankrupt Politics: The Republican Plan to Kill Our Economy
If the economy continues to grow, the president's second term will be a victory, period. That means the Republicans actually have to make sure it goes wrong. To accomplish this goal, the Republicans seem to have settled on two angles of attack.
Randy Duncan: Sequestration, Obama Budget Cuts Threaten Much-Needed Missile Defense
As Congress and the president struggle to come up with a deal to avoid sending our country over the fiscal cliff by year's end, they should defense of the homeland more seriously -- particularly the draconian defense "sequestration" cuts that are set to take effect January 2, 2013.
Mary Manning Cleveland: The Keynesian Stimulus Spending Fallacy
It's a truism of pop Keynesian economics that consumer spending drives the economy; if spending slows in a recession, government must make up the difference.

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The 11 Nicest Post 50 Actors.. 7 Questions To Leave In 2012.. Resolutions For Widowers

December 31, 2012
I am nobody. I promise. But I talk to lots of somebodies in my job as a celebrity freelance journalist. I'm happily writing for The Huffington Post now, and that helps the cause but my name isn't Oprah or Katie or Ellen so it's a bit more of a challenge for me to get an interview with the A-List population of actors in the Hollywood community than it is for those high-profile mega-star talk-show hosts.

A-List Hollywood celebs can sometimes get cranky and be self-absorbed, but there are those A-listers who need to be called out for being just plain wonderful. (To put this in perspective, if I were doing a list of the nicest country artists -- an area I covered for over six years -- I'd have to do a "Top 200" list in no particular order.) If you catch the following 11 Hollywood types walking alone on a street where you happen to be standing (walking alone?), you can actually say hello to any one of them without worrying they'll call Bluto -- the beefed-up security guy -- to run interference. They will be nice to you. Count on it. Here's why.

 Continue reading...
7 Questions I Don't Want To Be Asked In 2013

10 New Year Resolutions For Widowers

My 24-Hour New Year's Resolution

The Kids Grew Up Alright
I'm glad the world did not end so I could enjoy a few days of Forced Family Fun with some pretty awesome adults. Continue reading...
Nora Ephron Taught Us How to Live and Die
In reflecting on all the people who passed away this year, I am thinking of Nora Ephron and how this witty, wise and loving woman taught us not only how to live but also how to die. Continue reading...
10 Things I Want to Go Away in 2013
10. 10. Floral Dresses: This is a fashion trend that does not work. It looks like a garden exploded on you. Even the fashionable first lady is doing it and I say that the only time floral dresses worked was in London... in 1940! Continue reading...
Is Your New Year's Resolution a Thought or a Commitment?
How do you plan to approach the New Year? With all the good intentions of reinventing some part of your life and a huge commitment that in the back of your mind you just know you'll have a hard time sticking with? Continue reading...
Financial Considerations for Remarrying Later in Life
Getting remarried later in life can actually bring about a host of financial and legal issues that are much different and more complicated than they are for younger couples just starting out. Here are some common problem areas you need to think about, and some tips and resources that can help. Continue reading...

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