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Is Master Agent Subagent Shopping Fading Away? - TMCnet's Agent eNews

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February 27, 2012

Is Master Agent Subagent Shopping Fading Away?

Telecom Brokerage (News - Alert) Inc., or more commonly known as TBI, is a well-known master agent of telecommunications that sells services on behalf of big name providers including CenturyLink Channel Alliance, Comcast Business Class, EarthLink Business, Level 3, MegaPath, Netwolves, tw telecom (News - Alert) and Windstream.

Recently, the company’s chief strategy officer, Mike Saxby, forecasted that subagents "shopping" masters for the best commissions could be a thing of the past.

According to a Channel Partners Online piece, master agencies are continuously going after the same subagents by offering them larger commissions than their competitor but then quickly losing them when a better offer is made. However, Saxby thinks that sometime soon masters will be focusing on more important things including the support they are offered and the amount of expertise or product specialization.

In fact, it is pretty common that nowadays master agents are chosen for the back-office support they offer as well as next-generation capabilities such as mobility. This trend will become increasing popular as the cloud becomes more widely implemented, Saxby added... Read More

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Near Field Communication: Is it as Close as They Say? - M2M Evolution

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At M2M Evolution Conference in Austin, Texas, you can meet and mingle with experts in transportation, security, health, cold chain, automotive, and safety to discuss the strategies for M2M growth as well as the new business of proactive response centers - people who use M2M technology to buy time and avoid risk.

Technology companies ranging from wireless carriers, platform companies, and device manufacturers will present and discuss their roles in creating effective technologies and procedures that work to create an ecosystem for actionable data and information. At M2M Evolution, you are face-to-face with companies merging M2M Technology with the business needs of the deploying enterprise.

  Top Stories

  From The Expert Corner

February 29, 2012

Near Field Communication: Is it as Close as They Say?

As Mobile World Congress continues in Barcelona this week, Near Field Communication (NFC) has emerged as the most talked about technology by vendors, services providers and commerce partners.

It makes for a pretty good discussion, but I am not sure the story is played out yet. So many of the discussions include demos of being able to make the transaction, but I question is this where the pain point is in the world?

I am not trying to be a nay sayer, but as I try to imagine the use of an M-Wallet cradle to grave I get stuck after the early adopter phase.

To be clear, early adopters are always willing to try new things. They make great technical market trial participants and even help with marketing trials if you compensate for the skew they represent.

However, when I think of my wallet and I think of my phone, even though they are both with me most of the time, my wallet has some aspects that I am not sure we are emulating with NFC... Read More

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System Integrator NACR Explores SIP Communications Benefits

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System Integrator NACR Explores SIP Communications Benefits

System Integrator NACR Explores SIP Communications Benefits As SIP technology becomes more ubiquitous and the evolution of VoIP continues, the question on a lot of minds right now is whether SIP technology truly delivers an infrastructure that integrates communication across the Web, the enterprise PBX and a wide variety of mobile devices as developers promise. And the answer is yes, according to a recent white paper published by system integrator NACR.

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Inside the Sovereign Mind

The Sovereign Investor
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Inside the Sovereign Mind

By Jeff D. Opdyke, Editor, The Sovereign Individual

Dear Sovereign Investor,

Each week, we receive a huge number of questions and comments from our loyal readers. We do our best to respond to as many as we can. But here's a glimpse of our most interesting and more outrageous.

  • Paid-up member Robert K, from Massachusetts, writes: "Of course, Detroit's demise had nothing to do with the fact that management insisted on producing fat, gas-guzzling, over-powered, poor-handling cars that the market did not want. The customer had no choice but to turn to European or Asian makers who cared about providing what the customer wanted. Ponder this. If unions are the problem why is Germany, with strong unions, the only healthy export-based economy in Europe? Working people did not bring down the auto industry. Blaming blue-collar worker equals class warfare. The investor class has had its way, and look what we have now. Take my email off your list."
Jeff  Opdyke replies: Before you close the door, you should do some homework on German unions. Though they have the power to strike, they rarely do so because they recognize that is counterproductive to the company that gives them a paycheck. The processes for achieving better pay and benefits are civilized in Germany - not the rancorous, aggressive, kill-the-chicken-despite-the-eggs-it-lays crap that U.S. unions routinely pull. Management in America is absolutely at fault, too. But German workers and management have an entirely different rapport than you find in America. Moreover, German wage growth vs. productivity is a different animal than in America, where unions regularly balk at new work processes that improve efficiency and reduce costs. So your comparison isn't fair.


The Secret Destruction of Paper Money

Has the U.S. Government secretly declared war on cash?

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Click here for the full story on how this looming "switch" to digital currency could change the way we trade stocks, shop for groceries, fill up our gas tanks – and ultimately make a handful of investors incredibly rich.

And we're not blaming blue-collar workers for anything. They're the backbone of America ... and America needs more of them to compete against low-wage Asia. We're blaming union demands over the decades for far too much pay and benefits (and, yes, management is stupidly paid, too). A worker's wages should not rise just because another year has passed. Seniority should never determine a worker's position or value to a company. Pay and position are merit based - period. Any organization that mandates membership just to get a job ought to be outlawed across the land, because that undermines the very ideals of personal freedoms.

See you later, Robert.

  • Paid-up member John C., in NY, writes: "Loved this (last) issue and with your permission, I would like to forward the first part of it to some of my Liberal friends so that they can see what this current government is doing to us. P.S. I bought a bunch of LNG (Cheniere Energy) in 2011 for $7.38 and watched it do nothing for a while, even go down to $4. But I'm smiling very nicely now. Thank you so much!"

Jeff replies: John, thanks for the note. We absolutely encourage you to pass along whatever we write. The more who read our views, the better the chance that something we write makes it into the hands of someone who can make a difference in Washington.

As for Cheniere, glad to hear you heeded our advice. We've more than doubled our money in a year ... and anyone who followed my recommendation in early-October when I wrote that temporary market insanity was giving us an incredible opportunity to buy LNG at $4 is now up more than 250%. It was always a game of patience, as I routinely stress...

  • Paid-up subscriber  J.P. writes: "Does it make any sense to sit on cash and wait for markets to settle down before re-investing?"

Jeff replies: J.P., sitting on cash - particularly a bank money-market account - makes sense if you fear a coming recession/depression. I don't share that view right now. I would rather put money to work in either large-cap multinationals that are doing well or in small-cap U.S. stocks that generate most of their earnings overseas.

Clearly, you should have some cash. But I do think you need to diversify your cash away from just the U.S. dollar. I would have some of my cash in a currency like the Singapore dollar. You might also consider putting cash into EverBank's All-Weather CD, which contains gold, Norwegian krone, Singapore dollar, Canadian dollars, Swiss francs and the Chinese yuan. (In the spirit of full transparency, my publisher has a marketing partnership with Everbank, and it may benefit if you choose to invest through the bank. That said, I would never recommend an investment if I didn't believe in the product or the firm).

  • Paid-up Commodity Trend Alert subscriper Alan W. writes, "I am an avid reader of Commodity Trend Alert  and I have made substantial investments per your recommendations. Over the past six months, I've purchased most of the stocks you have recommended, and I have done very well. Please give us your thoughts on what you think will happen if the U.S. dollar is devalued by, say, 25%.

Andy Hecht replies: The devaluation of the dollar could work in two ways. Inflation may boost the prices of many assets in the long run. I can't comment on non-commodity assets, but one thing I believe is that commodity prices are heading higher and that inflation is on the horizon because of policies from the Fed and the EU. I believe cash is one of the worst investments in the current environment. The devaluation of the dollar is an inflationary event. On the other hand, if inflation doesn't rear its ugly head, a lower dollar will make commodities much cheaper..
However, by 2025, the world's population will exceed eight billion. And the middle class in Asia is growing. Whatever happens with the dollar and inflation, more people will be chasing the basic staples of life — commodities. Therefore, commodity prices will continue to rise. The commodities sector is the most exciting sector in which to invest today.

  • Kevin D., a paid-up Sovereign Society subscriber, asks: "Why is Andorra no longer mentioned as an offshore banking place? Is Andorra not a good choice for an offshore bank account these days?

Bob Bauman replies: Andorra is no longer a tax haven. In April 2011, a new government introduced a 10% tax for non-residents on local-sourced income. This tax is being extended to resident individuals who have incomes of 30,000 euros (US$42,000) or more per year. Andorra used to offer strict banking secrecy guaranteed by law. That is no longer true. Under pressure from the OECD, the Andorran socialist party that governed in 2009 successfully stamped out Andorra's welcome of foreign depositors who were taking advantage of banking secrecy.

However, some local banks continue to mislead non-resident customers about secrecy in order to retain their deposits as long as possible.

If you have comments on our essays or investments, drop us a line at SovereignInvestor.daily@gmail.com.

Until next time stay Sovereign,

Jeff D. Opdyke

P.S. The key to finding some of the biggest profit potential in the world is spotting global trends before they take off; that's what Jeff Opdyke spend every day combing the globe for. He's pinpointed the growth of digital currency as one of those trends, and in his latest special report, he'll show you how you can profit from the coming Death of Cash.


Silver Breakout! Next Stage of the Precious Metal Bull Market Begins

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The Sovereign Society
Erika Nolan , Publisher
Teresa van den Barselaar, Managing Editor
Robert Bauman , JD - Legal Counsel

Contributing Editors:
Eric Roseman
Sean Hyman             Chuck Butler
Mark Nestmann         Evaldo Albuquerque
Jeff Opdyke             Andy Hecht

Legal Notice: This work is based on what we've learned as financial journalists. It may contain errors and you should not base investment decisions solely on what you read here. It's your money and your responsibility. Nothing herein should be considered personalized investment advice. Although our employees may answer general customer service questions, they are not licensed to address your particular investment situation. Our track record is based on hypothetical results and may not reflect the same results as actual trades. Likewise, past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Certain investments such as futures, options, and currency trading carry large potential rewards but also large potential risk. Don't trade in these markets with money you can't afford to lose. Sovereign Offshore Services LLC expressly forbids its writers from having a financial interest in their own securities or commodities recommendations to readers. Such recommendations may be traded, however, by other editors, Sovereign Offshore Services LLC, its affiliated entities, employees, and agents, but only after waiting 24 hours after an internet broadcast or 72 hours after a publication only circulated through the mail. Also, please note that due to our commercial relationship with EverBank, we may receive compensation if you choose to invest in any of their offerings.

(c) 2012 Sovereign Offshore Services LLC. All Rights Reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This Newsletter may only be used pursuant to the subscription agreement. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution, (electronic or otherwise) in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of Sovereign Offshore Services, LLC. 98 South East 6th Ave, Suite 2, Delray Beach FL 33483.

The Great Comeback No One Will Believe

D.R. U.S. versionThe Daily Reckoning U.S. Edition Home . Archives . Unsubscribe
More Sense In One Issue Than A Month of CNBC
The Daily Reckoning | Wednesday, February 29, 2012

  • The lingering effects of Harvard’s pharmaceutical-grade economic theories...
  • A wealth of opportunities in an unexpected industry...
  • Plus, Chris Mayer with some bold predictions for the future of US manufacturing...

10 Million Blind Could Regain Sight

In the 21st Century, a new dawn of medicine has emerged that could restore the sight of 10 million people worldwide. It’s a medical breakthrough that is unprecedented in human history. In fact, this amazing technology could eventually improve... and extend... every life of every person on earth.

And one tiny California Company, priced under 80 cents per stock, is at the forefront of this revolutionary medical treatment. Click here to get the full details on this explosive penny stock that could significantly advance the field of regenerative medicine — and possibly make you ridiculously rich.

Retiring “Up In Smoke”
An Unexpected New Growth Industry for Retired Americans
Eric Fry
Eric Fry
Reporting from Laguna Beach, California...

What does marijuana have to do with Ben Bernanke’s monetary policy? A lot, as it turns out. But it’s not what you think.

The connection has nothing to do with the idea that Bernanke’s wacky policies are the work of “somebody who must be smoking something.” No, not that. In fact, we’re pretty sure Ben isn’t a pot smoker. We doubt he has ever inhaled anything more mind-bending than his Harvard education. And frankly, why would you bother with weed, when you’ve got access to Harvard’s pharmaceutical-grade economic theories?

Sadly, the after-effects of sustained econ-theory abuse are usually irreversible. But that’s a story for another day. Our story for today relates to the far-reaching and unintended consequences of a reckless monetary policy.

“By keeping interest rates artificially low,” observes Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, “[The Fed] has forced people to work longer, since they can no longer retire on the income from their savings. Between 1984 and 1999, the labor force participation rate for those aged 65 and older remained at about the same level, but has nearly doubled over the last ten years or so.”

Meanwhile, the labor participation rate is plummeting for the youngest members of the workforce. Less than 35% of all 16- to 19- year olds are working today, compared to more than 50% one decade ago. So just maybe, Bernanke’s super-low interest rates are doing more harm than good — both for the would-be retired old folks and the would-be-employed young folks.

Labor Participation Rate of People 65 and Older vs. 16-19 Year Olds

“More older people are working because they have to in light of lousy-to-nonexistent returns on CDs and bonds,” www.pajamasmedia.com gripes. “If CDs were returning 5%, a lot more of them would be staying home.”

So what’s this fact got to do with marijuana? Well, it seems that a growing number of these retirement-impaired older folks are also moonlighting as marijuana dispensers. (We don’t call them “dealers” here in California).

“At a time when many Americans are looking for any job they can get, medical marijuana is still proving to be a growing industry,” CBS News reports.

According to the news report, eager job-seekers flocked to the West Coast Cannabis Expo in San Francisco last fall like hippies to the “Summer of Love.” In fact, some of these job-seekers might be the same folks who danced in Golden Gate Park with flowers in their hair forty-two years ago.

“Most of the people coming to the classes,” says Bob Calkin, CEO of CannaJobs, and of the Cannabis Career Institute, “are retired people or people from another line of work, or business that have either crashed, like the real-estate market or some other thing they’re leaving and they want to try something new.”

But Calkin is ready to lend a hand. Giving new meaning to the term “headhunter”, Calkin is busy helping these retirees and housing- market refugees find employment in this exciting “growth industry.”

But lest you think medical marijuana is the only growth industry here in the States, think again. As Chris Mayer explains below, one of America’s hottest growth industries is one that most of us had left for dead...

World oil production is about to be shaken to its core...

You won’t believe which nation analysts at Wall Street’s biggest banks expect to become the world’s biggest energy producer by 2017 — or the effect it will have on America... our economy... our future...

Click here to see who is set to become the new king of oil — and how you can use the news to go for big profits as early as this MAY!


The Daily Reckoning Presents
The Great Comeback No One Will Believe
Chris Mayer
Chris Mayer
Something surprising stirs in the US economy. Something no mainstream pundit would’ve dared predict. Something most people probably won’t believe.

US manufacturing is staging a comeback.

Caterpillar, the world’s largest maker of earth-moving equipment, gave us some tangible confirmation in the latest earnings roundup. Based on the business it sees, Cat expects US construction spending will increase in 2012 for the first time since 2004. And Eaton, another large industrial, followed that up by saying it expects its markets to grow faster in the US in 2012 than anywhere else. If it plays out that way, it would be the first time since the mid-2000s that the US led the way.

These are the first robins of spring. Forget the official data. This is real economics. As hard as it may be to believe, US manufacturing is coming back. There are other clues.

A new report by Cushman & Wakefield, a commercial real estate services firm, points out that new leases for industrial property “returned to levels not seen since prior to the 2008-09 recession.” Tenants signed new leases for 306 million square feet, up 14% from a year ago and the most space signed since 2007.

What drives leases for industrial space? Let Jim Dieter, an EVP at Cushman & Wakefield answer: “Manufacturing is the main driver within the industrial landscape.” Busy factories mean more rail and truck flow. It means fuller warehouses. It means looking for more space.

How to explain this? Isn’t China eating America’s lunch?

I found a recent paper by Reynders, McVeigh Capital Management that points to a few reasons for the sudden revival that jibe with what I’ve heard from the companies themselves. The report is called “Workforce Rising: Why US Manufacturing Is Poised for a Comeback.”

One is that the wage gap is shrinking. It isn’t that much cheaper to move to, say, China anymore. The nearby chart nicely sums up what’s happening. As wages have gone gonzo in China, its wage edge melts away. US manufacturing wages were 22 times that of China’s in 2005. Today, that wage gap is under 10 times and likely will be under five by 2015. (See the chart below.)

Manufacturing Wages, US vs. China 2002 to 2025

Transportation costs figure into this too and cut further into China’s advantage. As the price of oil has stayed north of $100 a barrel, the cost to ship anything is high. As author Jeff Rubin says, “With every dollar increase in the price of the bunker fuel that powers the containerships that ply the Pacific, China’s wage advantage becomes less and less important.”

So those are two reasons for the manufacturing revival in the US. There are two more compelling reasons that have to do with what’s in the ground. Let’s start with one of my favorites: water.

In a world where fresh water is scarce, such as in China and India, the US remains water-rich by comparison. Around the world, “Many regions are already approaching ‘peak water,’ a condition under which usage rates surpass the natural rate of replenishment,” the authors write. “Importantly for the manufacturing sector, the US is home to the largest reserves of water on the planet.”

People in the US tend to ignore this lucky circumstance. Manufacturers don’t. They use lots of water to make everything from jet engines to minivans.

In addition to water, the US has plenty of cheap natural gas. As we’ve talked about before, this is bringing back firms that use natural gas to make things. The McVeigh report notes how Nucor began building a $750-million plant in Louisiana. It plans to superheat natural gas and mix it with scrap iron and iron ore pellets to make steel. If you burn natural gas, you want to be in the US.

Even the automakers are coming back. GM will invest $2.5 billion in US factories. Until recently, that money was going to Mexico. Ford signed a new contract that calls for $16 billion in US investments and 12,000 new jobs by 2015. The foreign automakers are coming too. Mercedes plans to spend $2.4 billion by 2014 to expand an Alabama plant that will add 1,400 jobs. You get the idea.

I like this whole story because it will surprise a lot of people and, hence, has some value as a contrarian observation. In September 2010 (letter No. 79), I wrote a letter with the headline “The USA — Still a Nation of Builders.” The main point, as I wrote then, was “to leave you with a different perception of American manufacturers. They are not like dinosaurs on their way to extinction. In fact, some of them are great investments.” I showed a number of ways in which US manufacturers were doing quite well.

The thesis landed with a thud. It was mostly ignored. If anything, I heard people tell me how it couldn’t be so. Nevertheless, I urged my subscribers at Capital & Crisis to buy Globe (NASDAQ:GSM), a low- cost US manufacturer, which went on to double.

A lot of investors will miss the opportunity to cash in on this rebound in American manufacturing, simply because the idea is so counter to what they think they know. When it’s obvious to everyone what’s going on, of course, it will no longer be a worthwhile investment theme. But for now, US manufacturers get little respect and offer a good pool of potential investment ideas.


Chris Mayer
for The Daily Reckoning


Here at The Daily Reckoning, we value your questions and comments. If you would like to send us a few thoughts of your own, please address them to your managing editor at joel@dailyreckoning.com

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The Bonner Diaries The D.R. Extras!

How to Engender the Return of a Bull Market

How Austerity Hinders an Economic Recovery

Opposing Trends in Debt and GDP Growth

ECB Turns Into the Fed

The New Dynamic in Global Oil Demand

Eurozone Economic Confidence Rises


The Daily Reckoning: Now in its 11th year, The Daily Reckoning is the flagship e-letter of Baltimore-based financial research firm and publishing group Agora Financial, a subsidiary of Agora Inc. The Daily Reckoning provides over half a million subscribers with literary economic perspective, global market analysis, and contrarian investment ideas. Published daily in six countries and three languages, each issue delivers a feature-length article by a senior member of our team and a guest essay from one of many leading thinkers and nationally acclaimed columnists.
Cast of Characters:
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