

An Affordable Health Care Meme Sparks Online Feud That Will Send You Into A Cringe Coma and more...


An Affordable Health Care Meme Sparks Online Feud That Will Send You Into A Cringe Coma and more...

 In This Issue...

An Affordable Health Care Meme Sparks Online Feud That Will Send You Into A Cringe Coma

The stupidity here is out of this world. One person tries desperately to confirm the meme math is actually correct and refuses to give up. Google, parents, and calculators are brought into play, however, basic arithmetic was left at the door. If this kid is trolling, it's brilliant. Unfortunately, we have a feeling that's not the case. #ThanksObama

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Meme of the Day: Prince Charles Being Attacked by Things

prince charles,eagle,attacked,Princecharlesbeingattackedbythings,photoshop,meme,flower show

On a normal, royal, July 31, Prince Charles did what normal princes do: stroll through a flower show with an impeccable umbrella and a Duchess on his arm.

Then, tragedy struck.

Or rather, a bald eagle.

Then, came the memes.

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The Internet Freaked Out When a Joke Hashtag Promised a New Harry Potter Book

twitter,Harry Potter,@midnight

The hashtag #NewHarryPotterBooks trended last night, and left a lot of people hopeful, bewildered, confused and then very, very angry.

It was all part of an @Midnight hashtag game meant to come up with humorous (fake) Harry Potter books.

But Harry Potter fans didn't take it as a joke. And they let everyone feel their anger.

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Ever Notice How a Lot of Beauty Products Out There Resemble Sex Toys?


We're onto you, fashion industry...

Submitted by: (via C FASHION)


The Onion Has a New Series That Makes Fun of Vice


The Onion has teased a new series that pokes fun at Vice and looks delightfully hilarious.

"EDGE: Uncaged, Unaccountable, F*cked Up" will take readers on a journey with 300 "news warriors" to some of the most dangerous places on the planet.

The mockumentary series is supposed to premiere on August 3, but this is The Onion. So we aren't sure what is really going to happen, or if this is a real thing past the teaser. Regardless, it looks divinely memeable.

Submitted by: (via The Onion)

Tagged: the onion , parody , vice , funny , Video

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