

Going Balls Out on the 40 Yard Dash (Literally) and more...


Going Balls Out on the 40 Yard Dash (Literally) and more...

 In This Issue...

Going Balls Out on the 40 Yard Dash (Literally)


Grainy, but NSFW. 

Submitted by: (via John Smith MTV)

Tagged: NSFW , whoops , FAIL , nfl , running , combine , Video , penis

A Round of Applause for These Graduates' Finest Accomplishment: Flawless Yearbook Quotes

school,yearbook,yearbook quotes,win

Voted most likely to throw flawless shade.

Submitted by: Unknown


The 2016 Academy Awards Are Over, This Is Everything You Missed

leonardo dicaprio,Memes,chris rock,oscars

Admit it, unless you're a really big movie fan you probably didn't watch all of the Oscars. That's why we're here to sum up all the most important parts. From Leonardo DiCaprio finally winning that Oscar, to memes about Leonardo DiCaprio FINALLY winning that Oscar... we've got it all.

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They're No Sister Act, That's Just an Embarrassing Mistake

funny fail image tweets mistakes Whoopi Goldberg for Oprah Winfrey at 2016 Oscars

After everyone (even Oprah herself!) online pointed out the obvious to @TotalBeauty, they did try to smooth it over with a charitable donation.

Submitted by: (via WGf1)


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