

Entitled Influencer's Dad Disputes Contest, Ruins Entire Project and more...

All it had to be was a dumb marketing project with some giveaway stuff, but one "do you know who my father is" type just had to be involved. Overzealous and aggressive parents speaking on behalf of their children can lead to a lot of pain and suffering ...


Entitled Influencer's Dad Disputes Contest, Ruins Entire Project and more...

 In This Issue...

Entitled Influencer's Dad Disputes Contest, Ruins Entire Project

All it had to be was a dumb marketing project with some giveaway stuff, but one "do you know who my father is" type just had to be involved. Overzealous and aggressive parents speaking on behalf of their children can lead to a lot of pain and suffering down the road, like this parent who blamed a teacher for their own kid not being in virtual class.


Text - Posted by u/EstamelTharchon 3 days ago How an obsessed parent can lose you your biggest client Long I've told this story to all my friends, and I suppose it's time I share it with you. I'm a developer at an $agency. Our biggest client at the time was $bank. Apparently, banks in our area have a huge hard-on for raffles, giveaways, and similar marketing tricks to get new accounts opened. Better yet, they are constantly trying to one-up each other, which is great for marketing/developer agen


Text - We present them with an idea for their next big thing: • We get 20 young influencers to take photos of themselves with some bank cards and stuff. All of them some small-scale school-age influencers paid a symbolic amount of money. • I reate an Instagram clone, where people vote for their favorite photo. Each week, a new set of photos opens up and voting starts again, for a total of 8 weeks. • Everyone who participates in voting enters a raffle, and the influencer with the most votes gets


Text - I was the sole developer for this job, which meant I had the opportunity to take out the fanciest tools in my toolbox. I was quite proud of the end product. It was done on time, on budget, well tested, and could handle tons of traffic. Then, the campaign goes live. Voting starts, traffic exceeds our expectations, everything on my side is working great. On the second day of the campaign, an 18-year-old $influencerGirl gets a massive spike in vote count during a 1 hour period. Immediately a


Text - The $veryImportantDad is threatening us in every possible way he can. Negative social media posts, complaining to $bank, boycotting the campaign by getting other participants on board, and somehow threatening legal action. In the same email, he mentions at least 3 times how his son is a huge social media personality, how we should be lucky to even have him in the game, how he didn't even want to participate in such a small-scale event, and just how impossible it is for him to receive fewe


Text - While the security was done right, auditing and logs were inadequate for this investigation. Server access logs contained IP addresses and such but contained no information that would allow me to connect HTTP requests to actual users and who they voted for. Authentication was done either via Google SSO, Facebook SSO, or SMS code verification. Database records were consistent, so I ended up browsing through the SSO data, trying to spot any sign of multiple dummy Google or Facebook accounts


Text - The best proof I could come up with was the ratio between different authentication methods. If $influencerGirl cheated, the makeup of the accounts that voted for her would be different from the rest of the accounts. In layman's terms, if the app had 40% of users registered via Google, 35% via Facebook, and 25% via SMS, and the accounts that voted for her had the same ratio (or at least, not different enough for any statistical significance), it would 99% prove that she did not cheat. If s


Text - The people at $bank did not quite understand the mathematics, so my investigation failed to reach any conclusions. So they did the obvious. A lawyer from $bank called $influencerGirl to ask her how she got those votes. Turns out she was an animator at a college party, where she picked up the mic and told everyone to vote for her. She then signed a statement that this was true. For the remaining weeks, we were stalling $veryImportantDad, telling him that the investigation is in progress an


Text - In the end, the campaign exceeded all KPIS, some by a factor of 10, and would be considered a massive success, were it not for the accusations of cheating. It put a strain on our relationship with the $bank and we received no future projects like this from them. Eventually, they pulled all their work.

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Girlfriend Spends Minimal Effort On Boyfriend's Gift, Boyfriend Gets Sad

This guy asked the folks in Reddit's AITA community whether or not he was in the wrong for his reaction to learning that his girlfriend basically got him the same kind of gift that she gets anyone else in her life who she doesn't want to spend too much time and money on. With what might be no big surprise at all, people seem to be in collective agreement that it was a pretty lousy move on the part of the girlfriend. 


Text - AITA for being angry about a gift my gf gave me? Not the A-hole So some months ago my girlfriend and I had our 1 year anniversary, and of course we exchanged a gift. She hinted me that she would have loved a ring, nothing too crazy, and I got her a ring. In addition to that a big frame with 12 picture in it, one picture from every month we've been together (yes I know it may sound lame lol). I'm a sort of minimalist and I don't really have anything I need so when she asked me if there was


Text - All good until some days before christmas, she has two close friends and she didn't know what kind of gift to give them, I suggested i couple of ideas but she said it was a waste of money (around 10€, keep in mind she lives with her mom and gets 500€ from her dad every month). And then she said what got me a little angry: "I'll do the thing I do when I don't want to spend money and time on a gift, I'll just buy two cheap frame at the chinese shop, print a couple of photos and I don't have


Text - Now some time has past, I'm not angry, but I feel sad about the whole thing. Am I the asshole for getting angry and sad about the whole situation? EDIT Since a lot of you are concerned about it, i'd like to clear that by saying "I should reevaluate" | don't mean to straight up dump her. EDIT 2 Sorry I can't reply to everyone, it went out of control! A lot of you have ask this, I'm 22 she's 23. 4 10.1k 3 Q 800 1, Share


Text - gooberfaced • 1d • Professor Emeritass [70] NTA for being ticked off and then sad. The fact that she admitted to your face that she had just given you her standard "not that important" treatment would tick me off too. It says to me that she just didn't want to bother and that's a painful thing to hear. Reply 1.4k


Text - Fruit-Additional · 1d · Asshole Aficionado [13] S 7 Awards NTA. There's a very overused phrase that actually works here. When someone shows you who they are. Believe them. You've found out where you are in her life and how she feels. You can stay with her but you should keep this in mind. Reply 12.5k ... +


Text - HelixFollower · 1d NTA - I was going to say that you are TA until I read ""'ll do the thing I do when I don't want to spend money and time on a gift, l'll just buy two cheap frame at the chinese shop, print a couple of photos and I don't have to think about it anymore"" Wow, that must've been painful to hear. Also, a frame with a picture for every month you've been together is really sweet. Reply 3.7k 3 ...


Text - RageofAeons · 1d · Partassipant [3] NTA No! She literally just declared what she does when she gives no shits about a gift, and it just happens to perfectly match what she did for your anniversary? But "that's different"! 1. I hate that defense, it's essentially an admission of fault on the other parties end but somehow people seem to think that it's a blanket defense for being horrible. This sounds like it needs a much more serious conversation with some honesty involved from her end. Q


Text - Mary-U · 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA But, after a year of being together, crappy gift giving isn't necessarily grounds for breaking up. It's grounds for a conversation. You tell her the thought and effort you put into gifts. Tell her you are hurt she doesn't seem to put the same thought and effort in. It feels like she doesn't care. Wait for her reply. Discuss.... Reply 65 3 ...


Text - high_maintenance_gf • 1d NTA I was going to say you were the TA because you had told her that you'd be happy with anything she got you. Until this. "I'll do the thing I do when I don't want to spend money and time on a gift, l'll just buy two cheap frame at the chinese shop, print a couple of photos and I don't have to think about it anymore". It shows that she didn't want to spend money and time on a gift for you. Absolutely NTA É Q Reply 1 46 3 ...


Text - Violet351 • 1d NTA. She had forgotten she had done the same to you Q Reply 16 ...


Text - MamanBear79· 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA She put her foot in her mouth (as we say here) by indirectly telling you she couldn't be bothered with your gift. And no, it's not hard to buy for a minimalist. You can buy experiences, food, make jokey vouchers for free activities together if you're broke. Anything. l'd reevaluate that relationship, it has a "spoilt princess" flag over it Reply 1 11 + ...


Text - StoatofDisarray • 1d NTA. It's the thought that counts and she's just shown you what she thinks of you. Reply 12 3 ...


Text - ItsAllFinite • 1d · Partassipant [2] NTA. Sounds like she got too comfortable and accidentally let to truth slip out. Now she's trying to back paddle her way out. + Reply ...


Text - foraged_mushrooms · 1d NTA !!! Honestly her gift couldve been such a good idea if she took the time to pick out four significant photos together, and wrote a little memory on the back of each photo before putting them in the frame for you to read. even something simple like that or putting hidden messages behind them ("this was the first time i realised i loved you" "remember we saw that cute little cat over here on this date too?" etc etc). her gift was thoughtless in all though, because


Text - Remarkable_Sea_1062 · 1d · Partassipant [3] NTA. You have a crappy girlfriend. You're a caring, thoughtful man. Your girlfriend is letting you know how much she cares about you. Do you really want to waste more of your time, effort and money on her? Q Reply ...


Text - firefightersgirl76• 1d NTA, appreciate her honesty and reevaluate your level of commitment vs hers. Reply ...


Text - MariaCDS • 1d NTA but another time you should just say what you'd like for a present instead. Maybe the two of you shouldn't be together, her comment was not nice at alI! Reply ...


Text - ThePrincessInsomniac · 1d NTA she basically admitted this is what she does when she isn't putting effort into the gift. I am not a good gift giver so I do get her side a bit but even if I fail the effort and thought make a difference. A romantic relationship is not one you should slack on or do your throwaway gift with no effort. Even the idea can be okay with some effort. My husband did similar when we were dating but he got a disposable camera and got friends to take pictures of us toge

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Scammer Thinks They Have Foolproof Plan For Free Vacation, Pays For It In The End

When will the irritating scammers of this wild world ever learn that their scams are going to backfire on them at some point? This particular scammer thought they had some kind of airtight, foolproof plan for a free vacation, and oh boy were they wrong. We just love to see a scammer get their rightful comeuppance when it's all said and done! 


Text - r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk + Join u/MrsRononDex • 1y 1 2 Scammer thought she had a foolproof plan for a free vacation... But she paid for it in the end! Long I will always remember this wanna-be scam artist. I was working Corporate Guest Relations and I received a VERY long email from a guest about their stay at our Resort property in Mexico. This was a very nice All- Inclusive Beachfront Resort. She put a lot of effort into the email, which was basically a day-by-diary of her 8 night stay,


Text - Day 1: The shuttle driver was rude. We had to wait 30 minutes to checked in. The view is horrible, we can't see the Ocean. The sheets were dirty (picture attached). The A/C is so loud I can't sleep. There is a crack in the sidewalk outside our room (picture attached). My dinner was cold and there wasn't any salt/pepper on the table. The shower has no water pressure. Day 2: We had breakfast at pancakes. My daughter's favorite cereal available. There were loud children playing in the pool a


Text - Imagine a list with 100 more things from her 8 night stay, every department from FD, Housekeeping, Maintenance, ect. Now, some of the complaints seemed plausible, but really, who spends their entire vacation making a log of everything they think is wrong with a Resort? Especially a Hotel we get very little complaints about. Sol contacted the FOM to discuss the guest, assuming the FD system (which I cannot access) would have all the logs from this woman's complaints (the Hotel logs EVERYTH


Text - But there was nothing there. In fact, the entire time she was at the Hotel she never voiced any complaints. She merely logged them in her little "complaint diary" and went about her business. Many of her issues were extremely petty, for example the "crack in the sidewalk" was about 3 inches long and was flat on both sides. It wasn't a tripping hazard, just a small crack. The light out in the path... even in the picture I could see that the area was still very well lit because they have li


Text - We looked into everything, talked to all of the department heads, and had the room she stayed in fully inspected. While the list made it seem like she had a horrible stay, there really wasn't any substance behind her complaints. So, since this all seemed a bit fishy to everyone, I called the guest and spoke with her about her complaints. I told her that I had been in contact with the Hotel and we couldn't find any record of her complaints, and I inquired who at the Hotel she had spoken wi


Text - I gave her my apologies and suggested that next time she should express her complaints while on property, so they can be immediately addressed. For example Housekeeping would have been happy to change out the "dirty sheets", etc etc. Keep in mind she was there for 8 nights, at an all-inclusive resort with 7 different restaurants, 4 bars, multiple pools, etc. She probably never left the Hotel, but never said a word about all the problems she was having. Note: 100% of the employees speak En


Text - Nope, that's not good enough, she wants a FULL refund ($6,500) and nothing less. I told her that I would discuss and get back to her. The next day I inform her that the Hotel would not offer a refund, but they were willing to add in another night, so now that's 4 free nights. Nope, unacceptable, she continues to demand a full refund. We went back and forth. She wanted my manager, who then told her the same thing. The guest hung up on my boss after things got a bit heated. A few days later


Text - Then, the unimaginable happened. In all my years of Customer Service, I have never EVER had a scammer resort to telling the TRUTH. When she finally realized she wasn't getting a refund, she cried, "| can't afford to pay for this, I don't have the money! I don't know what to do... you have to help me!" I was like, "You... can't afford to pay? Weren't you planning on paying for your stay when you made the reservation? It's not like we are charging you more than you agreed to ...and we are s


Text - Did this woman just admit she planned all this, thinking she was just going to complain her way into a $6,500 refund? Yes, yes she did just say that. Me: "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do." Guest (who now sounds like she is having a panic attack): "I've got to get that money back, I've got to do something... you've got to help me out here... I don't know what else to do ... I don't have the money...I can't pay for this..." Me: "Ma'am, you should have thought about that befo


Text - She cried some more, then she resorted to screaming so I hung up on her. Everything was noted. All my calls are recorded so I went ahead and attached that file. She did send some hate mail to our Corporate offices, but due to the fact that I had a RECORDING of her admitting she was trying to scam us, they ignored her letters. Oh, and her "frequent guest" membership was flagged as being banned from all properties. We did not send her the free night certificates either. 5.1k Q 232 1, Share

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Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

With all the misfortune life likes to throw at people, there are moments when life has a way of singling certain people and things out in a way that's so unfair, it just becomes funny. To think that the universe has an agenda against one particular person or thing may be severe, but sometimes it sure seems like it.


Organism - Big Papi @Bmangall20 ... My coworker told me he got banned from a bar when he lived in North Dakota back in 1973 and didn't try going back to it for 30 years but he finally did and the moment he stepped in someone yelled "Get the hell out of here Dennis" And that's probably my favorite story ever


Eyewear - Anna Sun @annablankx This candle company makes scents inspired by places. This is his Ohio candle. Fuck Imao @CINCYPROBLEMS ohio Not much to see. Not much to do. Welcome to Ohio, the unscented candle. ohio SENT. NOTNG handorafted by MADE IN simple nature simplenature.net Fan Ware, N 40804 52188 160


Text - Mallory Yu O @mallory_yu RACISM Create an account Create an account or sign in for secure access to your LetsGetChecked account. First Name Last Name Mallory Yu O Last name should be at least 3 characters long Email Address Please enter a valid email address Password Create my account By clicking "Create my account" you acknowledge the Privacy Statement and agree to be bound by the Conditions of Sales& Services


Eyewear - Mom On The Rocks @mom_ontherocks My toddler ran out of waffles in her pretend restaurant this morning right after she served everyone besides me and that's about the biggest fuck you she's ever given




Electronic device - yeff @yephph |- What does this even mean Hello Joffroy. Unfortunately duo to company policy, we are unable to offer positions to people with the name Jeffrey since it will not work with our database scherna 4:03 AM 12 Apr 20 - Twitter Web App 1,273 Retweets 19.6K Likes


Human - What pedestrians look like across Europe 大 大。 ajit @inderadjati IT LOOKS LIKE EVERYONE IS WALKING AWAY FROM POLAND


Hair - Range of Honeybees


Human - Stop talking trash about our local wildlife! Raccoons are RESOURCEFUL Possums are INTELLIGENT Squirells are GOOD CLIMBERS Owls are VERY WISE Geese Deer are GENTLE


Electronic device - Height 5' 2.99" Fuckers couldn't give me 5'3"? How does that even happen


Text - wes @sewkx In my 6th grade science class a girl read "orgasm" instead of "organism" and the class laughed & she was embarrassed. To calm her down our teacher told her everyone would forget in two weeks. It's been 9 years &I sill remember Danielle. I fucking remember. I hope you see this.


Body of water - Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered that, on occasions, an octopus will "punch" a fish for no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs that punch fish thetimes.co.uk 5:43 AM · 23 Dec 20 from Wales, United Kingdom Twitter for iPhone 2,914 Retweets 1,958 Quote Tweets 12.7K Likes


Liquid - RETARD ero Coca-Cola cancelled a Canadian promotion that paired randomly generated English and French words inside bottle caps after a woman got one that said "You Retard."




Product - Pally Don't Ptart @naydinsky I am finished Hi Nadine We love your CV- it's really informative and lovely. However, we just don't want you to work here. 22:27 · 12 Nov 20 · Twitter for iPhone 20.4K Retweets 3,747 Quote Tweets 225K Likes


Nature - Not landlocked Landlocked Doubly landlocked Nebraska


Mode of transport - PRIVATE PROPERTY my et nt


Product - 2.0 ****☆ It's k but not amazing Route Sales Representative (Former Employee) - Hamilton, ON - 16 July 2019 The routes aren't properly spread. The payout for each route varies largely. V Pros You get to eat stale chips while you work late X Cons Jeremy Was this review helpful? Yes 6 No 3


Motor vehicle - Get your shit together Abby DQ ABBY YOU NEED TO SHOW UP FOR WORK


Electronic device - uck Bave


Human - sung @killdads Cannot stop thinking about Koko the gorilla being asked to tell a joke and her signing "I love Ron" about one of the researchers. Can you imagine being Ron 12:59 AM 10/2/20 Twitter for iPhone 1,773 Retweets 41 Quote Tweets 22.2K Likes sung 8 Replying to @killdads @killdads · 1d What is it like to know so concretely that a gorilla just doesn't like you 2737 2,083 sung & What is it like to be dunked on by a gorilla. What is it like to know a gorilla is thinking "ugh, this fu


Lighting - ORGANIC ORGAN ORGANIC DEANS BEANS Great Nor Beans DEANS BEANS PUP BEANS PLUE 1177 12.99 PLUP 1100 $4.90 Snal Red Beans PLUP 118 Corona Beans Baby Lima Beans Cannellini Beane (White Kidney Bear Adruki Beans omition Pacts






Food - die

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Coworker Disregards IT Guy's Advice, Fiery Mess Ensues

Some people are more stubborn than others, and sometimes that frustrating stubborn stance goes hand in hand with acts of stupefying, blind ignorance. Take this IT dude's coworker who decided to have nothing short of a hysterical meltdown over what she viewed as a faulty printer. Well, one thing leads to another and before you know it, she's created a fire in the office. To make matters more dramatic, she decided to put the fiery papers on the counter instead of into the sink. It sounds like logic was a lacking quality from the beginning in this tale of tech support. 


Text - r/talesfromtechsupport + u/TheClawsThatCatch · 3y • "It must be the pri.. Zen and the art of starting a fire in the lunchroom Long A man sits at a desk. In front of the man's desk is a window. Through the window he sees a woodpecker tapping on the windowsill. Tap, tap, tap. The sound is not entirely unpleasant and he savors its rhythm as the scent of fresh coffee wafts up from a cup on the desk. He is at peace.


Text - A loud crash sends the woodpecker flying and snaps the man out of his morning reverie. It is the sound of an office chair colliding with the floor at maximum velocity. "Peace? NO PEACE!" it seems to cry. The man braces for that inevitable moment when an angry coworker will come forth and blame him for something. As if summoned, a raging bear of a woman huffs into the room. "The thermal printer won't print anything!" she roars, shaking a fistful of labels in the man's direction.


Text - "Could you be more specific?" the man asks, entering the trance-like state of IT. "Nothing shows up on any labels I try printing!" she shouts, not satisfied with the lack of an immediate resolution. The man ponders this "information" for a few moments, keeping in mind the fact that this is the same coworker who destroyed two shredders and the last thermal printer. "All right, let's have a look." >>


Text - He feeds a string of labels into the printer and for a moment is reminded of prayer flags strung from pole to pole. With a wistful sigh, he wonders who will answer his prayers in this moment. He unpauses the printer and watches it release labels as blank as the ones going in. This is indeed a problem. "Have you tested this with other labels?" He knows the answer but must ask anyway; the universe demands that ritual be observed. "Of course I have!" But this is false. "Have you really?" "I


Text - The man takes a deep breath and searches the room for another roll of labels. He knows that as sure as the sun will rise, this coworker will deny all but the most forceful of examples. He cuts a few labels off the coworker's roll and cuts a few labels off a roll from a different box. "Come," he says, leaving the room. "Where are we going?" asks the coworker, following close behind. But the man does not answer, knowing his breath would be wasted. Instead, he grabs his coffee cup off his de


Text - The two enter the lunchroom and the man sets his cup down next to the coffee pot. He removes the carafe and proceeds to fill his cup. "I followed you here for this?" shouts the coworker, but the man does not hear her for there is coffee. He sets the carafe down next to the coffee maker and presses the labels from the new roll onto the element for a moment, then he lifts them toward coworker's gaze. "They're black, so what?" says the coworker, now uncertain. >>


Text - Without a word, the man presses the labels from the coworker's roll to the element to the count of three, for it is the holy number and must be observed in the interest of fire safety. As he expected, the labels remain blank. But the coworker does not accept this. "No!" she cries with eyes full of disbelief. "You must have done something wrong! It must be the printer!" The man smiles magnanimously as he replaces the carafe nd says, "Change must come from a different roll of labels. I will


Text - This is rare, suspicious even, but the man is happy to be free of this burden and so accepts her gratitude. 15 minutes later, there is the smell of smoke and the sound of frantic yelling pouring out of the lunchroom. The man's boss approaches his desk as she has many times before, knowing that he is somehow indirectly but unprovably involved in this incident. "[Coworker] just set a bunch of labels in the lunchroom on fire, panicked and threw them onto the counter instead of into the sink.

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Dude's Nephew Starts A Housefire for TikTok, Wants Whole Family Out

On the one hand, it's nice to live in your own peaceful home without the risk of further fires. On the other hand, how much sympathy is the right amount to extend in order to keep your extended family off the streets? It's a bit of a rough one. Those kooky kids learn all sorts on the Tik Toks, like this dad who found out his daughter who filed her teeth for TikTok.


Text - Posted by u/aitathrowawayfire 17 hours ago 2 11 24 S 4 12 AITA for asking my brother's entire family to move out because my nephew set my bathroom on fire for a tiktok? My (32F) brother (43M), his wife (40?F), and their two kids (9F and 15M) have been staying with me for a little over two weeks now because they lost their jobs due to coronavirus and were evicted. Four people is obviously a large addition, but I didn't want them to be homeless and they assured me it'd be a temporary stay.


Text - Two days ago, my nephew set my bathroom on fire for a tiktok. From what he told me after, there's some kind of trend where you draw a shape on your mirror with hairspray and then you light it on fire, and it's supposed to go out on it's own without any damage. Well, his fire spread onto a nearby stack of towels and got out of control. We all had to evacuate, but luckily I live relatively close to a firestation so the damage wasn't that bad. My guest bathroom is scorched and will need repa


Text - I think that my brother and SIL had to have been wildly negligible to allow this to happen, especially considering the lighter he used was my brother's, meaning he must have taken it from him at some point. I'm asking them to leave within the next week because I don't want to risk something of this nature happening again. They've apologized and asked me to reconsider because it was an accident, no one was hurt in the end, they'd be homeless if I kicked them out now, and to think of my nie


Text - lainmelle Partassipant [3] 17 hours ago 2 3 2 6 NTA. He lit your house on fire for an internet trend. He's lucky he didn't kill someone. Sounds like someone dangerous to have in the house.


Text - FunkyOrangePenguin Asshole Enthusiast [5] 17 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago 3 "I no longer feel safe living with them." NTA. That's the only reason you ever need. This isn't a candle that got out of hand situation - insurance doesn't cover intentional* dumbassery. It wasn't an accident and he could've killed someone. For a TikTok.


Text - dreamsuggestor Partassipant [2] 17 hours ago O INFO Do you think the kid learned their lesson and won't do it again? & 26 More Do you think they will do something stupid again? These are the questions you should be asking yourself, not strangers on the internet. If the answer is no, he didn't learn, kick them out. If the answer is yes, I don't think he will screw up again, let them stay. Also, do you really think its 'wildly negligible' to have your 15 year old leave your sight for the 45


Text - LFOSighting 14 hours ago & 2 Honestly amazed that everyone is saying NTA here. 92 YTA unless the parents did absolutely nothing to discipline their child after this. 15 y/os are dumb that is pure and simple. Him doing some stupid shit for a tiktok trend is not grounds for you to kick a family of 4 out onto the street with a week to sort out their affairs.


Text - Plantmom-wineaunt 17 hours ago NTA-yeah the fact you aren't going to charge them for damages is incredibly nice of you. I get they lost their place and that sucks. But if they feel it's ok to set fires for a video then they'll do other stupid shit too.


Text - swsvt Partassipant [3] 17 hours ago NTA. 15 is old enough to know better. We all did stupid crap at 15, but out of us didn't almost burn a house down. They are lucky you aren't making them cover your insurance deductible or pay for the repairs. Also, they are huge AHs for trying to use their daughter to guilt you. Maybe offer to let dad or mom and daughter stay if they're that desperate. The other parent and son can go stay with someone else. Its easier to house 2 people than 4.


Text - Kiianamariie 13 hours ago I'm honestly shocked at all these responses... I would say YTA. This is certainly an extreme circumstance, but he's a fifteen year old and that's prime age for making stupid mistakes. Not to mention he's a fifteen year old in a pandemic, who lost his home, whose parents dont have jobs, and it's easy to forget the mental toll that is likely taking on him. What he did was stupid and dangerous, but he may have been following a trend as a way of connecting with other


Text - haven't taught their son about ramifications for stunts like this, but honestly, it sounds like your family is under a lot of unreasonable and unfair stress right now and that it was the last thing on their mind to police their son's lighter and TikTok use. Unless you have other reasons for not feeling safe with their son, YTA here. He did something stupid, but this type of stunt would not happen again from any poor, reasonable 15 year old boy who knows that a stupid mistake would literal


Text - -CherryByte- 11 hours ago YTA. Holy shit, everyone! It was an accident. The kid was told that the hairspray would go out, no damage. 15 is still young enough to think stupid shit like that. I'd imagine he's pretty embarrassed right now. Either way, you shouldn't kick out a whole family onto the street in the middle of a pandemic because a 15 year old made a mistake. His parents saying “it was an accident" is also because they're probably embarrassed as all hell too. As long as your nephew


Text - no_good_namez Professor Emeritass [70] 17 hours ago Wow that sucks all around. Nephew is an idiot, but it's outrageous to assume the parents were negligent, teenagers get up to far worse on their own. Of course the fire could have been much worse, but these are heavy consequences for him to bear. No judgment, just hope that things improve for all of you and that someone else is willing to take in this family if you no longer can.

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Design Failures That Could Use Some Rethinking

Everyone wants to leave work early, but sometimes it takes a few design fails to get there. Ill conceived products, idiotic font choices, and some less-than-mastery of photoshop get people into some weird situations. Adding to that, the pesky thing with reality is that sometimes things don't fit where you want them to. Enough "not my job" moments of failure have proven that.


Yellow - EXIT herworld






Colorfulness - delete home end num %3D backspace lack enter










Yellow - EMERGENCY TELEPHONE Dial 999 for Coastguard, Police, Fire or Ambulance BT


Baby carriage


Property - "КОМПЛЕКТ" Банко


Plumbing fixture


Dishware - The most beautiful custom cookies as wedding favors we ever did see 2d ·O DIE VE DIE DIEDE 08.06.20 D 08.08 O 17 DE DIE DEN 08.08.20 08.08.20






Public space










Ingredient - kinder Appeltjes Lekker sappige Raire appels!


Arm - Make Wiser Decisions While Drinking ACTA 020 SIAC KOllea




Motor vehicle - DEEP REAM DREAM DEEPER LIVvE BETTER Deneretmed kuenu teotoom on erg otesat Den Tet e


Box - LLA Calor COFF REA 349 fee leres CHILL CALLER ho ae protcad to ensure o or our ad customeS ner senvice buton NE Yube FRENCH ROAST TU Buy More 21$ &Save 254 HOUSE METY CRICKER SUPERNOS ELOCE or WENG HOUSE BLEND

Submitted by:


Total Strangers People Will Never Forget

It's weird that we're surrounded by people all the time, but it's against social convention to have a meaningful relationship with any of them. As rare as it is, people will take time out of their lives to make more of an impact than being just a face in the crowd. Some of these interactions are strange encounters, others are wholesome, but the one thing they all are is memorable.


Text - badass_panda 22 hours ago · edited 13 hours ago 容4 When I was a broke-as-sin 18 year old trying to make ends meet, I had a side hustle providing IT support for households (like a 18 & 129 More geek squad sort of thing). In practice, I would mostly set up computers for elderly people and the tech illiterate, and teach them how to use them ... Or get them out of technical binds (usually with printers) by googling on their behalf. This elderly Korean gentleman hired me to set up his new comp


Text - Over the course of about a month I came back four times, worked with him, had a lovely meal, and he would tell me about his family and his kids (he was so proud of his daughter, who was about to finish her residency and become a pediatrician). By the end of the month he was pretty comfortable on the PC, and I thanked him profusely for how kind he was and how ridiculously he'd overpaid me. He told me I reminded him of his son (who was estranged for some reason -- I didn't press), and that


Text - TurdsforNipples 23 hours ago 2 98 The lady who told me I looked great in blue, and that it was clearly my color. 35 & 6 More To this day if I'm deciding between shirts to buy, or wear, I'll go with blue. That compliment was about fifteen years ago at least.


Text - Back2Bach 23 hours ago 2 4@9 3 4 E8 My lost wallet was returned in the mail. The anonymous stranger sent it back at their own expense ($9.75 postage) with all the money, credit cards, drivers license, and other items intact - nothing was missing. A note enclosed read: "Please do something kind for a stranger whenever you have the opportunity."


Text - fla_man 23 hours ago 23 24 S 3 2 I was driving down south with my girlfriend, we have a blowout so I put on the donut. The donut blows out while we're exiting the very next exit. So there we are maybe 19 and at least a hundred miles from anyone we know at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. I'm thinking on what to do next, and probably looked like there was something wrong so this older man offered to help. He drives me 20 or so minutes to a junk yard to get a cheap tire. Then he puts


Text - Text - Acceptable_Medicine2 23 hours ago 9 4 32 5 Took a train to NYC by myself for the first time. I was 18. Second time to NYC, first time ever on a train. I told the kiosk lady that I'd never been on a train before and asked if she might give me a quick run down of what to do. Another train station employee was nearby and was so interested and amused that I was taking a train for the first time and was alone. He walked me through what to do, down to the smallest detail. No judgement, n


Text - Text - ThadisJones 22 hours ago 3 3 3 3 The foreign exchange student and his parents who walked past my park bench on campus and dropped his passport. I chased after them to return it and his mom started screaming at me in broken English like "Why you have his papers? Why you steal his papers?" while the kid and his father looked like they were going to die from embarrassment.


Text - Text - FishNchips72 20 hours ago ,9 & 27 More When I was super overweight, I was just starting to workout somewhat regularly. Being morbidly obese at the gym is terrible - I have never felt more eyes on me before in my life. I was on a treadmill, grinding out some inclined walk/ light jogging, and a super fit girl got on the machine next to me (this was all pre-COVID). She did a short warm-up, and before she got off the treadmill she turned to me and gave me a high five and told me to kee


Text - seabass4507 18 hours ago When my wife and I first started dating, we were walking into a Trader Joe's holding hands. This elderly woman looks at us and says rather loudly "CUTE COUPLE ALERT!!" My wife and I still laugh about it, it's been 12 years at least.


Text - Text - alwaysiamdead 22 hours ago .3 3 S 2 & 8 More My son was a week old, and had to go to the doctor. I had severe early onset post partum depression, and I hadn't slept more than an hour at a time since his birth. I locked my keys, phone, and son in the car. This incredibly wonderful older couple calmed me down, called CAA, parked beside my car and sat with me until the tow truck came and unlocked the car. The tow driver refused payment. I will never forget those three people.


Text - Text - Not_an_elk 20 hours ago e6 3 5 87 I was waiting for my appointment with an optometrist when an old haitian man walked in with a grocery bags.tye receptionist knew him so he walked up to me and proceeded to ask me riddles. When I finally got the answer to one he reached into his bag and gave me a snickers then left. To this day I'm really curious as to what would motivate a man to become a wholesome riddler.


Text - Text - CerementBag 22 hours ago a 3 2 An Irish guy (not in Ireland) who spoke with such a strong accent that I couldn't make out a single word. To this day I question whether it was just a prank.


Text - Text - Imanol_Canada 23 hours ago · edited 19 hours ago I was in the laundry with my dog and an old man with his dog approached, our pets met and the man said "When Jesus said love your neighbour as you love yourself, only the dogs understood it" After that we had an small chat, then he left and I have never seen him again. I will never forget that man


Text - Text - -dula-peep- 22 hours ago 9 e2 8 Was on a solo trip to Amsterdam last year, partying it up as one does. Was at a bar having a few drinks, and a gorgeous British woman a seat or two over from me (mid-20s) grabs my arm (I'm a very gay looking man by the way) and starts going on about how good it is to see me. I got the hint and noticed an older guy bothering her and her friend, played along with them as their long lost BFF until he left. We ended up spending the rest of the night bar


Text - Text - 96 34 E5 When I was in elementary school I fell through Omenaa 20 hours ago ice. A man who was walking his dog saw me fall and rushed to the shore. I frantically swam back to the shore, I was only about 5 meters in to the pond so it wasn't a long way, but it took some with soaked winter clothes. When I reached the shore, the man pulled me up by my jacket. It would've been difficult to get up, as there was a steep incline. I didn't thank him, because I was in shock, but I bet he kno


Text - Text - TheRealOcsiban 19 hours ago I was doing tech support and my customer was so happy with my service she offered to marry me to her daughter. I politely declined.


Text - Text - Just-STFU 20 hours ago 2 59 & 18 More There are a few. The biggest one was when I was homeless and asked a lady for the time. She told me and asked if I wanted to share her sandwich and the paper. She was the first person to treat me like a person, like I was worth something in years. I never got her name but I will remember her fondly for the rest of my life. I know that she'll never, ever know what a difference she made in my life. Just that one simple thing she did and the human


Text - Text - Fuginshet 22 hours ago 3 2 I was at a pool bar at a resort in Jamaica. A British lady next to me asked me the most random question, which turned into a nearly three hour conversation. The question: What is a redneck? It was a lot more difficult to explain than I thought it would be. I didnt realize that was an unknown concept to a lot of Brits.


Text - Text - Orphan007 22 hours ago I was walking on the street and a person came to me and said if I had any money. I gave him some. He looked at the money, told me it was sinful, and returned it to me. It was really weird. The money was my hard-earned money.


Text - Text - blakee42069 21 hours ago E I was on a tram and I didn't have a ticket and the ticket inspectors came on. I got asked to have my ticket seen and I said I "couldn't find it on me" and he said he'll come back so I can look for it. There was a stranger sat on the seat behind me who had a ticket, he gave it to me and he got off at the next stop. Guy gave me his ticket so I wouldn't be issued a fine.


Text - Text - TheLaudMoac 22 hours ago · edited 17 hours ago Standing in line waiting to board a plane home in Italy. Guy with bleach Blonde hair in a leather jacket starts telling me about how he's going home after living in Italy teaching girls to speak English from the back of a van for several years, just about to get on the plane and a security person points at him, snaps a rubber glove onto their hand and then beckons him over with their newly gloved finger. He never made the flight.


Text - Text - _fbn_ 22 hours ago S Went on a 3 day trip to Berlin and saw 2 women having a heated argument. It ended with one of them doing a cartwheel and throwing up her middlefingers, then running away.


Text - MrsYoungie 19 hours ago The man who saw hubby and I struggling to put our newly purchased snowblower into our (too small) car. He put it into his pick up truck and followed us home and unloaded it onto our drive. It was that moment that I realized that people are kind - and that we were officially old pathetic geezers.


Text - Wiewsywoo 19 hours ago I was visiting Paris and a woman on the subway bumped past me so hard that her baguette scratched my arm enough to draw blood. I'm not kidding. A French woman cut me with her baguette.

Submitted by:


Funny, Irreverent, And Bizarre Tinder Gems

We can always count on Tinder to deliver a steady, relentless series of cheesy, irreverant, and just plain old bizarre pickup lines. Every now and again it seems like a meaningful connection is found in this world with its battlefield of red flags. But otherwise you can pretty much just expect Tinder users to keep things as far away from the realm of being serious as possible. Sometimes though, that can actually work out. 


Text - an Today 12:13 AM Fun Fact : Did you know, the average baby smiles 200 times a day? Women smile an average of 62 times. And men, at a whopping 8 times But your profile definitely brought my average up Today 1:08 AM amazing flawless execution how are you doing this fine evening you don't see this till then :) ? or morning if


Screenshot - YOU MATCHED W On a scale of 1-10 how bad do you want your pick up line to be? Today 1:11 PM No No? Today 2:32 PM No pick up line just coffee Type a message Send GIF


Text - | 49% 6:09 PM Kris, 27 ● Verified Ô Conestoga College O 67 km away Outdoors Music) (Working out (Dog lover) (Cooking I want to do adult things with you... *whispers* taxes *panting softly* pay the mortgage *moans* make sure we turn off all the lights, our utility bill was $300 fucking dollars this month SHARE KRIS'S PROFILE SEE WHAT A FRIEND THINKS PEPORT KRIS


Blue - 2:13 ul LTE Apple Protected by N OONLIGHT O YOU MATCHED WITH APPLE ON 1/15/21 Are you an Apple specialist? Because I need help with my phone 9 Lol I'm both! Now tell me what's wrong with it It doesn't have your number in it Sent


Blue - 1:33 1 Reddit Squidward YOU MATCHED WITH SQUIDWARD ON 1/13/21 I see that you like to swim I LIVE in water Today 1:31 AM Oh sorry I thought this was squilliam Sent Fuck Why does this keep happening to me


Text - Yesterday !I could use a good/ Неу bad joke...whatcha got? You know what's odd? What's odd? Every other number Delivered


Blue - how are you Today 11:03 PM I'm good, thanks:) how are you? im alright whatcha up to Today 11:43 PM This might sound weird? But tbh I'm currently making a PowerPoint for my coworkers to argue that our bosses are having an affair Sent e a message Send


Screenshot - YOU MATCHED WITH ON 15/01/2021. Can I be honest? Today 19:20 no Today 19:54 Can I be dishonest? Sent Today 23:17 no Type a message ... Send


Blue - 12:09 1 Lindsey O YOU MATCHED WITH LINDSEY ON 1/16/21 I have an important question that's been on my mind the past couple of months Since I've been working from home can I write off my internet bill from my taxes as a business expense? Or would that not apply because I'm not the head of a small business Sent Today 12:08 PM You can only write off home office expenses if you are an independent contractor or a sole proprietor! If you are an employee that is just working from home that doesn'


Collar - Margo, 21 ☺ 14 km away Getting lost in the super market as a child was scarring . My mama would call out my name and everyone would call out Polo, drowning out my pleas for help


Blue - 9:58 1 l LTE Yesterday, 7:31 PM Titanic! Huh. Yeah, thats a bad Icebreaker Hahaha i actually didn't see that one coming Today, 9:58 AM Neither did they


Text - ull vodafone UK K ? 20:09 O 9 90% Billy YOU MATCHED WITH BILLY ON 23/12/2020. Alex is a boys name Billy is a goats name Sent |Type Type a message ... Send


Text - 8 Straight Woman A Lives in Charlotte O 21 miles away Spirituality Vlogging Movies Vegetarian Working out *Only men with ambitious personalities need apply. 3 men have already failed( The first to earn all the digits in my phone number can take me on a date. No snap, no Insta. (Yes, l'm real.) You'll earn the numbers one by one through clues. I'm feeling generous.. the first digit of my phone number is the amount of men that have already failed this challenge. If we match, l'll give you a


Chin - Mahra Messages About YOU MATCHED WITH MAHRA ON 12/24/15. Yeah, ive spent wayyyy too long trying to come up with a pun from your name 01:49 Thank for not saying one. I actually immediately unmatch anyone that says one to me. Merry Christmas. 04:44 Fair enough Now Mahra Christmas Now Send a message


Blue - You matched with lon 18/12/2020. Hey do you like stuff? | like stuff. Stuff is great. 19/12/2020, 8:18 pm I do like stuff! It's super great. We've got so much in common! I'll book a church! This was so much easier than everyone says! l'll start looking at a dress I know right!


Text - Hey Неу So l'm interested in a sugar baby relationship? Is that something you're looking for? P Report I can't give you money but I have some spider man fruit snacks you can have Delivered


Blue - Nooo i just suck at making wise decisions Ahh Not to be straightforward but I can be your next unwise decision GIF Type a message...


Text - Ugh you get me. I think we're soul mates actually Only one way to find out Yu gi oh duel? I was gonna say meet for a cup of coffee but I mean I can learn yu gi oh to duel it out Wow you're a real one Sent

Submitted by:


Cringeworthy and Inadvisable Construction Maneuvers

There are some things, like bulging water damage that just hurt to see. There are other unsafe maneuvers that we have more control over, like jacking up a car with another car, that also hurt to see. It's a mess of improper execution and incompetent construction out there, as creative or convenient as it may seem at the time


Wood - In case the sink overheats or catches fire..








Small appliance - Oh! There's where that extension went..








Motor vehicle


Nose - LITICO N NE FOLC This is slightly advanced, so instead of 80 grit, I'm going to go with 1 grit Make sure to keep it flat, you don't want any low spots








Motor vehicle










Plumbing fixture










Human body - ARGOS 196 OUE PRODUTOS NATURAIS made with mematic NARIA


Line - Call The Finishers We're Done Here lets Get Some Lunch







Submitted by:


Engineer Trashes Own Manager And Team, Gets To Do Presentation

People that spread gossip about other people are the worst. They're pretty much just out there churning up toxic vibes, distrust, and animosity in an otherwise peaceful and friendly environment. Chad, our main character in this tale of pro revenge learns the value in not speaking poorly of others behind their backs. Especially when the other folks you're trash talking are your manager and team. We just would've loved to have seen the look of embarrassment and shame that must've danced across Chad's face when he was forced to discredit himself in front of the rest of the company. 

Check out some more juicy pro revenge drama with this pro revenge tale about a Christmas Ornaments Robin Hood


Text - r/ProRevenge u/raptorbluez • 16h + Join 1 3 2 8 1 Trash your own manager and department? You get to do a presentation! True story, names changed, years ago, yadda, yadda, yadda. Chad was an engineer with a planning and support department for a portion of his company's infrastructure that impacted virtually every other part of the company.


Text - Unfortunately Chad was a real asshole. During less than a year with the company, he had thoroughly trashed everyone in his department to anyone who would listen. He talked about their incompetence, their screw-ups (which were generally minor), and most importantly their failure to properly support the very mission critical infrastructure they were responsible for. Every hiccough that occurred, however minor, was used as ammunition. What Chad told everyone who would listen eventually made


Text - Chad's manager and director was Tim, a pretty crappy manager by most measures. He paid about 40% less that the industry average and had a staff of "B" and "C" players because of it, but he nevertheless expected absolute dedication from that staff. If he could have had them wash his car and pick up his dry cleaning those things would have been added to their job descriptions. Tim was also pretty poor when it came to understanding what his own staff did and routinely made things up about th


Text - Despite his shortcomings as a manager, the one place Tim excelled was corporate politics. He was able to consistently come through failures without a scratch when those failures would have sidelined anyone else. Tim would deftly play opponents off one another, then stand back and watch the fireworks. He had been at it for years and seemed to have a Teflon coating. Crap that stuck to everyone around him would slide right off. Tim, of course, knew exactly what Chad had been saying. Eventual


Text - The meeting rolled around and Chad was forced to stand up in front of a large group of company directors and managers and formally defend his own manager and department. Everyone at the meeting knew they were only there because of what Chad had been saying, and they sat back and watched him tear himself apart and prove the things he, himself had been telling everyone were flat out lies. Of course Tim and his department came through completely unscathed, but Chad was thoroughly discredited


Text - TL:DR – Chad was a engineer who trashed everyone around him, including his own department manager. That manager was a master at corporate politics and required Chad to formally defend him and his department in a director's meeting that was only called because of what Chad had been saying. Chad stood up at the meeting and essentially had to prove that everything he had said about his own department was a lie, completely discrediting himself throughout the company and forcing his departure

Submitted by:


Most Ruthless Rejections People Have Endured

Someone on AskReddit got a gnarly thread going about the most ruthless rejections that people have ever endured. Some of these are just plain old heartless. It takes a lot for some folks to put themselves out there, and long as they're respectful, it's on the people being asked out to handle the rejections with just a little bit of grace. 


Text - the_lonely · 10y The scene opens in a dim room where a sweet sixteen is being held. Boy is coerced by friends to ask a girl to dance. Boy goes to girl. "Would you mind a dance?" (In broken English) "Uh, I don't speak English. I am Puerto Rican." (Luckily the boy is also of Latin descent and can speak Spanish) "Queres bailar?" "Oh, I don't speak Spanish either." Made the rest of the night horrible. 378 ... +R


Text - Geotis • 10y I asked a girl out. She said "yes" and gave me her number. When I alled, it was a reject hotline. Took me a while to shake that one off. 486 ...


Text - [deleted] • 10y How about worst invitation to go out? In 6th grade girl calls me and asks if I want to go to the dance with her (I dunno which one, doesn't matter), I had crush on her so I of course say yes. Then her friend who was apparently on the line starts laughing and the girl starts laughing and the friend says "yeah right" then they hang up. I never recovered. 182 ...


Text - bonerbambina • 10y "I can't envision myself ever caring about you emotionally" nerdy guy friend. BRUTAL, yet eloquently put. 359 ...


Text - hoffboy · 10y I have to share my response to a rejection. I was at an under 21 (no alcohol) dance club with a friend ages ago (we're talking late 80's here, people) in Seattle. My buddy was the classic good looking muscle bound stud. Me..er...not so much. So we ask these two girls if they'd like to join us out on the dance floor. The girl closest to my buddy blurts out, "Sure!" but her friend, after a quick glance my way, decided I wasn't up to her standards and said, "Um...no thanks...my


Text - ofsinope · 10y She made plausible excuses, leading me on for weeks. Ladies: Just fucking say no if you mean no. 127 ...


Text - KryptKat · 10y 7th grade. A really cute girl asked me out. I said sure. We went out. A week later, I found out she only went out with me on a dare, and made twenty bucks for it. About ten years later, I ran into her at a show my band was playing. We start talking, and she started hitting on me. After plenty of advances on her part, I realized she had absolutely no idea who I was. So while we were talking, I got her to buy me two Long Islands ($10 each). I finished the first one, and as I


Text - [deleted] • 10y I messaged a girl on OK Cupid once. She invited me over to a house party she was hosting. I went there, and knocked on the door. She looked at me and said, "Sorry. You're not invited anymore" and shut the door. I have no idea what her deal was. I had a bunch of pictures on there so she knew what I looked like. All I said was, "Hey." 个 114 ...


Text - NuckingFuts74 · 10y I asked this girl to the prom. She was a sophomore and I was a senior. I had never really spoken to her but had a huge crush on her. One day I worked up the nerve to walk up to her after lunch and ask. In my nevous rush, I managed to mumble "Would you go to the prom with me" to which she responded "No, why would I". I was crushed. I found out later that day that she though I had said "Do you have a problem with me" because I tried to say it so quickly. The best part is


Text - space-heater • 10y I asked a really cute girl out once by saying "Would you like to go to lunch?" Her reply... "I.... ahhhh, don't eat. Never heard that one before or after... + 70 ...


Text - antieverything • 10y It generally isn't what they've said right off the bat so much as who they fuck in the next week or so. It generally goes down like this: Her: I'm physically attracted to you and everything but you aren't my type. Me: ...but my aging, unemployed, chainsmoking, alcoholic friend is your type? Her: Well...um...Look. I'm fucked up, ok? I can't wait til I'm old enough to date real women. Sheesh. 123 ..


Text - jotate · 10y In 6th grade, I asked a girl out on the bus. She said "Okay!" and kissed me on the cheek. I went home feeling like a million dollars. Next day, she said "I actually have to break up with my other boyfriend first. Gimme a little bit." I said "Oh, uh, okay." Then I waited. And waited. And waited. And bought her a Christmas present. And waited. And then gave up. :( + 1 281 ...


Text - subliminali • 10y I had a crush on this cute sophomore girl when I was a freshman so l asked her to be my date to winter formal. she responded "hahaha. Seriously though, will you tell your older brother I would totally say yes if he asks?"


Text - [deleted] • 10y I expressed interest in this girl I had been spending a lot of time with and she just sort of narrowed her eyes and said, "Interesting." We're totally still pals, and I'm happy to say I can honestly look back and chuckle at myself. 199 ...


Text - utricularian • 10y Just about to ask her out, "You know, l'm so glad we can just be friends. Too many men I meet just instantly want to date me. I wish everyone knew I wasn't available. What were you going to ask me?" "How's the soup?" 85 ...

Submitted by:


Voracious Trees That Engulfed Things

Everyone things that trees are peaceful, but in reality they're the only thing out there willing to eat anything. No predator out there would think to eat a motorcycle. Sure, you have to lean that puppy up against a tree and wait a few years, but by gum after a decade or so those famished trees will engulf that sucker. It should be known that trees are low key monsters.



2. That used to be a boat















Natural environment




Trunk - Th Grass


Rock - TA ENRY MUMEA 1831 1902 ANNE GILMORE HIS WIFE 1844-1913


Wood - It ran when I parked it....




Wood - FFICE


Trunk - NER








Land lot




Motor vehicle


Woody plant - SERVICE OUT OF


Motor vehicle



Submitted by:

Tagged: trees , wtf , creepy , lol , eating , funny , weird

Guy Buys Suit of Armor, Ends Up Roleplaying as Manager

If only there could always be a threatening guy in a suit of armor for every single negative customer encounter. It's probably hard not to listen to anyone standing 6 foot 5 in a suit of armor. Sometimes the ol' manager switcheroo works out, like this entitled customer who came in after close and got kicked out by the "manager." It must feel pretty good to be someone's literal knight in shining armor.


Text - Posted by u/KnightOfAMicroNation 13 hours ago & 2, 2 4 E6 3 6 8 8 Guy in armor? Must be in charge. XXXL So a bit of backstory. Back in 2018, when this occurred, I had saved up quite a bit of money from my job as a shift lead in the food service industry. So what did I, a 17M do with that money? I bought a suit of steel plate armor, helmet and all, something I had always wanted to do since I knew what a knight was. I had bought it primarily to wear at the local Renaissance Festival, but to


Text - Anyways, onto the story. That October, my mom signed my entire family up to volunteer at a nearby hospital's Trunk-Or-Treat the Saturday before Halloween, a night I had off from work. So I suited up, the rest of my family got into their Ren-Fest costumes, and off we went. When we arrived, we reported to the event director (The REAL manager) and were assigned our duties. My parents were to hand out candy from the back of their car and keep an eye on the kids walking through, like most of t


Text - My job was to stand at one of the entrances to the portion of the parking lot the event was taking place in and keep cars from driving through. Here to join the Trunk-Or-Treat? Go around the hospital to the exit side of the lot and someone else will direct you further. Just trying to leave the hospital? Sorry bud, you're going to have to turn around. No exit here. There was another entrance, but other volunteers took care of it, and mine was where the line of Trunk-Or-Treaters would wait


Text - Text - So sometime between 2 and a half and 3 hours on duty, I hear a bit of yelling coming from the other parking lot entrance. I didn't think much of it, because there are a lot of people around being loud, especially kids. So I keep on keeping on. Then a moment later, just as I finish another photo op, there's a tap on my pauldron (Shoulder armor). I turn, and there stands one of the volunteers from the other entrance, looking a bit exasperated. "Hey, man, sorry to bother you, but can


Text - Now I see a car stopped at the second entrance, and a red faced man in the driver's seat with the window down tearing into the second volunteer traffic cone. As we approached, the guy who grabbed me ran ahead, blocking the man's view of me as I got closer. "Alright, man," he said, "Here's the manager, like you wanted." "About f****** time! What, is he a r***** like you two?! I swear to god, I'll-" At this point, the volunteer who had me follow him stepped aside, and I came forward, right


Text - The man just stared at me for a couple of seconds, mouth agape. Still not sure which was worse for him, the beast in medieval armor, or the fact he saw his own stupid face reflected in my visor. When he finally found his voice again, he sort of pointed ahead of him and mumbled "I, uh, I- I want to leave through here because the traffic is really bad the other way because of the construction-" I didn't let him finish and folded my arms, which wasn't exactly easy. "Seriously? You do see all


Text - I was LOVING this. I never got to talk to people like this at my actual job. Without a word, he rolled up his window, put the car in reverse, and drove away. Once he was gone, the volunteer who grabbed me high fived his buddy, then me. "Sorry for dragging you into this, man, but I couldn't find the actual manager and this guy was pissed and then I saw you, and I knew you would be perfect." I just laughed, and told him it was no trouble, that it was actually very enjoyable. Then I took a p

Submitted by:


Safety Failures That Would Have Osha Filling Its Pants

Work in any physical job for a day or two and you'll likely see some OSHA-unapproved moments of safety failure that you may wish you hadn't. Extremely high ladders, improperly handled safety harnesses, unsafe tools and long-past-due fire extinguishers are just a few things one might see lurking around. And that's not even counting the unsafe maneuvers so many people try to pull off daily. Safety first.


Automotive tire - SAOPOT


Fender - 140 140 Wolt












Branch - atse


Blue - 9:16 M - A Ohe patrician. He O * n on The Last 9:07 AM Phone conversation at work yesterday... "Building Facilities, this is Beorbin." "Hi Beorbin, it's Mary Smith over in College Hall. There's a fire alarm going off, and we have no way of turning it off." "Ok before I send somebody over there to fix it, is it possible the fire alarm is going off because there is a fire in the building?" "Oh, gosh. I don't know. How would I dete what should we do?" ine that? I mean, "I would advise you to


Red - POOR M


Text - IF ELEVATOR DOES NOT MOVE DO A SMALL JUMP IT SHOULD MOVE ATTEN AFTER Delivery drivers must wea and have temperature entering the b Delivery drivers must check-i Duty before bringing in YOU M CLOS ELEVAT DOORS W FINISHE CAPACITY 2.000 LBS








Alloy wheel - ブ














Automotive parking light - benavides


Transport - 4云 四儿重乐, JUND F 炒各馆


Automotive exterior


Window - E

Submitted by:


Customer Won't Leave Without Wii, Security Guard Says Otherwise

Anyone who has ever muddled through the harrowing daily existence that is keeping up with a job in retail knows that the gig comes with many entitled customers and raging Karens that really push you to your limit of what you'll tolerate, every shift. In this case though, we get to see a heroic security guard show up in the nick of time, and ultimately give a belligerent customer the stiff reality check that they so sorely needed. 


Text - r/TalesFromRetail + Join u/Presspanda · 3y "I'm not leaving here without the Wii." Yes you are. Long r/ALL It's been over a decade sinceI worked in retail but reading this sub lately has brought back so many memories and I thought I would start to share. I worked in a store selling dvds, cds, games, vinyl and a bunch of other entertainment related stuff. This story took place the day after the launch of the Nintendo Wii. Our store had guaranteed that if you had pre-ordered a Wii by a cert


Text - The day after the release, we had just opened and I was standing by the entrance of the door to greet customers when this big angry looking guy comes charging through the door straight up to me ... Customer: do you have any Nintendo Wii's in stock ? Me: Hi, I'm sorry we sold out of the stock we had yesterday. ..on hearing this the customer stamped his foot and slammed his shopping bags against his side. I knew at that point drama was about to unfold. Customer: Right, well I want to pre or


Text - Me: What? Customer: You are lying to me, I was in here 2 weeks ago and was told if I pre ordered I was guaranteed one on the day of release! At this point, l'm thinking maybe l've misunderstood and he has in fact pre ordered so I make an attempt at clarifying... Me: Oh, are you here to collect a pre order? Do you have your order slip and receipt? Customer: No I don't have a slip, you should have one for me because I enquired about wanting one weeks ago! Either give me one now or order one


Text - Text - Customer: This is ridiculous! Get me a manager right now as you are obviously incapable of sorting this mess out. I'm not leaving here without the Wii! As angry as this guy already was, he was about to get even angrier as I now had to inform him that I was in fact the manager on duty and the only one around. (I was a supervisor who did opening and closing - supervisors were designated managers on duty when there were no real grown ups around) The guy flipped out...pointing his fing


Text - Unbeknown to me, our security guard had just come on shift and was just entering the shop floor when he heard the customer screaming at me. He walked straight up from behind me, grabbed the guy by his neck and dragged him outside backwards telling him "you're done." Once outside, the guy stood between me and the security guard...almost foaming at the mouth with rage for a good minute before turning and storming out of sight. 9.5k 356 1, Share

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Dude Intentionally Embarrasses "Influencer" Friend, Lets Them Post Dumb Meme

Sometimes we can get a little carried away when it comes to embarrassing our friends. In this case we have one friend who decided to hatch a little plan to embarrass their influencer friend by intentionally letting them post a very dumb meme that they had no idea about. Suffice to say, the "influencer" and their lie that they decided to tell ended up looking very foolish. Maybe a lesson learned in there. 


Text - AITA for embarrassing my "influencer" friend by intentionally letting her post a meme that made her look stupid? Not the A-hole I feel kind of bad, but I have a friend who thinks of herself as a highly popular mom influencer (she's in her 40s), and she has a habit of taking other people's posts, memes, etc and reposting them as her own. She even steals personal, heartfelt words from other bloggers and Instagrammers about their struggles with body image, depression, etc and slightly change


Text - Honestly, I'll admit part of me is likely jealous, so l'll own that, but mostly I just think it's gross that she is lying and making up a whole personality that has people thinking she's something she's not. Anyway, there's this challenge going around on social media called the Hidden Cat Challenge, and I thought it would be funny to send her a photo of Monica's apartment from Friends and say, "Bet you can't find the cat in this photo." I figured she'd recognize it and laugh, but within a


Text - I messaged her asking why she would lie, and she just said that she needed content and "no one would ever know." So l just kept my mouth shut and sat back to see what would happen. Obviously people immediately began calling her out, and she tried to defend herself, but it wasn't long before she took it down and had to turn off comments on all her social accounts. She's now telling me l'm an AH for letting her post it, and I may have cost her sponsors and taken food out of her kids mouths.


Text - Edit 2: Just to clarify - I had no idea she was going to post it. The whole point was that the photo didn't even have a cat in it... It was a joke. She posted it with a whole fake story AND tried to make people find the non-existent cat in the photo, which added hugely to her embarrassment. After she got mad, I even tried to help by suggesting she simply tell people she accidentally posted the wrong photo or even say it was a joke, but she locked down her profiles, which obviously made he


Text - Wichey123 · 3d • Partassipant [4] You didn't "make her" post anything. You sent her an image you thought she would enjoy, and she took the time to fabricate a bad lie. NTA Reply 1 2.7k ...


Text - PretentiousUsername1 · 3d · Colo-rectal Surgeon [30] 1 Award NTA in any way. Lying has consequences. She outed herself; you even pointed out the mistake in posting it. Q Reply 6.1k ...


Text - type1error • 3d · Asshole Enthusiast [9] 25 Awards OMG. That is hilarious! Encourage her to re-open her accounts and post inspirational quotes on making a comeback by her therapist, Dr. Frasier Crane. NTA. Reply 1 25.6k ...


Text - scrappy8350 · 3d · Certified Proctologist [25] NTA. Did you make her repost the pic? Did you make her lie about it? No. She's her own worst enemy, nobody likes liars. Reply 616 ...


Text - the_cat_whiskerer00 · 3d · Partassipant [1] NTA. how could you be when you asked her why she would lie and she replied no one would notice and she needed content, therefore acknowledging it was a fake photo? + QReply 209 3 ...


Text - itsabouthejourney · 3d NTA. 1) You don't think people would recognize one of the most popular living rooms in TV history and 2) Self- proclaimed influencers make me cringe lol Q Reply 1 1.0k 3 ...


Text - imakesawdust• 3d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] She's now telling me l'm an AH for letting her post it, and I may have cost her sponsors and taken food out of her kids mouths. NTA. You didn't "let" her do anything. She made a judgment call for herself and guessed that nobody would catch her. She guessed wrong. See, that's the problem with lying on social media. You might be able to pull a fast one on your friends but if you have any sort of following, chances are somebody is going to see throug


Text - Dszquphsbnt · 3d · Commander in Cheeks [282] I think she's an asshole for not recognizing Monica's apartment, mostly. I didn't even watch the show and I know those damn purple walls. NTA Reply 1 5.0k 3 ...


Text - Fantastic-Focus-7056 • 3d · Asshole Enthusiast [5] NTA You didn't 'let' her do anything. She wanted to seem interesting and lied her ass off on social media. She got what she deserved. Reply 1 71 3 + ...


Text - tcsweetgurl · 3d · Partassipant [2] NTA at all. You didn't force her to post it or even suggest that she posted it. Reply 114 ...


Text - ScoobyFan70 · 3d · Asshole Aficionado [13] NTA at all. It was her choice to post it and lie about it. Not your fault she thinks her followers are that stupid. She made herself look bad. Reply 88 ...


Text - shtoopee · 3d · Partassipant [3] NTA, far from it. You were the unwitting instrument of justice. She completely played herself and got her karma from stealing posts. I would recount this with pride if I were you. Don't cry if her undeserved sponsors go away, she deserves it. Reply 50 ...


Text - cfo6 • 3d · Partassipant [1] NTA... Is she the "influencer" who wrote "Girl, Wash Your Face" and "...Stop Apologizing" and was married to someone who sounded straight up toxic? The one who has gotten into a ton of trouble for plagiarizing? E Q Reply ↑ 20 3 ...


Text - WineAndDogs2020 · 3d NTA. Monica's apartment is one of the most recognizable apartments ever. How did she not immediately see it??? Reply 1 36 ...


Text - Lanky-Temperature412 · 3d Well, it sounds like something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. If not something you sent her, which you didn't tell her to post, then something else she stole. It's her own fault for continuously posting unoriginal content and trying to pass it off as her own. NTA. Reply 1 12 3 ...


Text - not-for-sale-today- • 3d There's a thing called "integrity". Clearly, she wasn't keeping it real, and people figured that out. She did it to herself. NTA. Reply 32 ...


Text - dystopianpirate • 3d • Partassipant [1] NTA You sent her the meme in good faith, then she posted and you told her, yet she was adamant about keeping the lie, she did it...she's not even a good liar Imfaooo Q Reply ...


Text - ShadyBookDealer · 3d NTA You showed her something which she immediately stole as her own. You asked her why is she lying and she told you nobody would find out. Now people have found out and she is mad at you. This is her fault. Reply ...


Text - get-bread-not-head • 3d NTA your friend is a mess of a human person doesn't recognize the Friends apartment, and what kind of person immediately posts a nice apt and claims to have been there what kind of Reply ...

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