

Tumblr Thread on Mythical Creatures Is An Eye Opener and more...

You might end up thinking unicorns existed too if you were a medieval scribe trying to translate second hand knowledge. Tumblr offers some creative, humorous, and off the wall discussion on a variety of eclectic topics, like Funny and Unexpected History ...


Tumblr Thread on Mythical Creatures Is An Eye Opener and more...

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Tumblr Thread on Mythical Creatures Is An Eye Opener

You might end up thinking unicorns existed too if you were a medieval scribe trying to translate second hand knowledge. Tumblr offers some creative, humorous, and off the wall discussion on a variety of eclectic topics, like Funny and Unexpected History Threads or the domestication of cats. You can never be sure of what bored people will do with their time, but luckily Tumblr pops out some gems.


Chillest Guy In World Hears Nuclear Meltdown Alarm

Um, I'd be very curious to see how this guy would react if you told him the world was about to end. Would he even be fazed? Or would he just shrug the whole announcement off with mystifying indifference? Probably the latter. 


Commander David Scott Apollo 15 Demonstrates Feather Falling On Moon

This gem of a throwback depicts Commander David Scott of the Apollo 15 showing what happens when you drop a hammer and a feather at the same time, when out there chilling on the moon. Basically, as per Galileo's findings, every object falls at the same rate regardless of mass. 


Man Gets Caught Sleeping While On Duty

Maybe he had a tough night of sleep the night before. An unfortunate many of us have been there at one point or another during a job. You know, those days when you show up and it feels like it's impossible to keep your eyes open, and you're like five minutes into your shift? Yeah, tough days, tough times. Well, this guy's face when he gets awoken from his restful slumber speaks for anyone who has ever been caught catching some zzz's on the job. 


Manager Won't Make Customers Leave, Customer Stays Until 5 AM

Anyone who's worked retail knows that there are some infuriating customers out there, and sometimes they need a push in the right direction. This manager had it in their head that no one should be told to leave at 2 am, so this employee made a point to show just how bad of an idea that can be. It got results. For more customer stories, here are bold and mistaken customers who were at the wrong store.


Absolute Units of Gargantuan Girth and Powerful Presence

No one can deny the far-reaching presence of the absolute unit. The biggest, baddest boys in town are those absolute units brimming with authority. Those big girthy boys full of meat and moxie. It's enough to make you run and hide, or bend the knee and respect the power of the absolute unit. It's like one of those real life boss fights.


New Employee is Not Having Free Donut Day

Getting used to a new work dynamic can be stressful, and this new employee decided that they wouldn't be bullied into participating in free donut day. Instead of just blowing the thing off, they thought to make their point more clear in the form of middle finger donuts. For some more office shenanigans, here's an employee who annoyed their coworker with plants.


Bride's Mom Isn't Told About Surprise Proposal, Unleashes Rage Saga

Hm, just a little bit of a gut feeling here, but it feels like there was a definite reason that the bride's mom wasn't told about the surprise proposal at play. Seems like she very well might've done something to mess up the whole operation, because she sounds like she's just a little consumed by her own selfish concerns. It's not often that you witness someone stage a whole fit about their kid's proposal because they weren't made aware of it, but here we are. Perhaps, take a deep breath, mom. 


Toxic Coworker Won't Do Job Correctly, Everyone Quits

Sometimes the best way to get through to a company that stubbornly insists on not listening, is to orchestrate an en masse walkout. This particular coworker sounds like a real nightmare to share a professional working space with. 


Wild Junk People Tried Selling on the Webs

We live in a world defined by stuff. There's just so much of it all, and sometimes we have so much that we don't know where it should go. We ascribe value to that stuff, whether it be in sentimental, monetary, or in joke form. People end up trying to sell that weird stuff online. Does anyone really want a repurposed couch bicycle or "rare" Dorito? No. Nevertheless, people keep trying to sell their weird and ridiculous junk.


Lingering Customer Can't Use Facilities After Close, Throws Tantrum

Closing time can be a dodgy period for employees. This lady brought her tea from home so it's unclear if she was even a real customer, but expecting to just stay as long as you want when all the employees should be off work anyway? What a way to live your life. Too many customers don't seem to get that closed means closed, like this entitled customer who expects a place to stay open late but can't handle rejection.


Polite-ish Ways To Tell Someone To Shut Up

Some of us are talkers, and hopefully you know who you are. There comes a time in every conversation's life when it's time for that conversation to end. Maybe it's when the one person starts talking about their favorite cat names. It could be when you find yourself saying "wow, that's crazy" for the fifth time. But being basically polite people, it helps to have strategies that are better than shouting "I hate you I hate you I hate you." Our politeness gets us into some weird situations, like these worst things people ate out of politeness.


Irreverent, Sloppy, And Downright Shameless Tinder Moments

Tinder has well established itself at this point as being a realm of absolutely absurd pickup lines, and rare, very rare actual connections between hopeless romantics looking for love on an app that otherwise is a magnet for tomfoolery. If anything, you might end up walking away from this list with every intention to start working some of these pickup lines into your rotation of conversation starters. 


Botanists Describe Scariest Plants In The World

Not all plants are adorable and make you feel warm and bubbly inside. Some plants are actually formidable beasts that have all kinds of dangerous sorcery boiling beneath the surface of their otherwise calm exterior. If this AskReddit thread of botanists describing some of the world's creepiest plants got you going, check out some famished trees that engulfed stuff over here


Hilariously Dumb and Bad Life Pro Tips to Avoid

Not all advice is created equal, especially in the case of these dumb and bad life pro tips to not do. Whether it's extremely unethical, wildly dangerous or physically impossible, not doing most of these is a great idea. It's good to keep your ears open for tips, but dubious pro tips of questionable origin aren't exactly gonna do you many favors.


Man Loathes Sriracha, Unknowingly Eats It For Months

This guy absolutely isn't alone in his profound moment of learning that he'd been eating a food/condiment without having any idea about it. It can happen to the very best of us. With that being said, it's quite hilarious that he managed to eat so many meals with the Sriracha included, without having a clue about it. Wonder if there were ever moments along his journey where he found himself wondering what it was about his meal that he didn't fully enjoy. Or, maybe, just maybe he's learned that Sriracha is actually quite tasty, and can compliment many a meal out there. 


Employee Quits Job To Avoid Toxic Manager, Coworkers Intervene

There are far too many terrible, toxic, straight up maniacal managers out there. It's a daunting wonder how some of these people end up in the positions of power that they do. Some of them end up being flat out incompetent managers who practically engineer the ultimate demise of otherwise functional business operations, and other folks like the manager we have in this story, just sound like unpleasant people to be around. 


Best Jobs For Lazy People

Some of the happiest folks you might cross paths with in this crazy thing we call life, are the folks that managed to immerse themselves in the gigs that they don't even feel like calling "work" in the first place. If you're able to lock down a job that genuinely feels like it's play more than anything else, you've pretty much got the golden ticket. 


Sweet Child O' Mine Improvised Drums Is Epic

If there's a will there's a way. This kid absolutely crushed it. 


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