

Pro Chefs Reveal Their Favorite Ingredients and more...

Many of us enjoy the art of trying to prepare a beautiful, tasty meal at home. It's certainly one of those things that's easier said then done. Sometimes, right when you're in the thick of preparing what you think is the immaculate meal to end all ...
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Pro Chefs Reveal Their Favorite Ingredients and more...

 In This Issue...

Pro Chefs Reveal Their Favorite Ingredients

Many of us enjoy the art of trying to prepare a beautiful, tasty meal at home. It's certainly one of those things that's easier said then done. Sometimes, right when you're in the thick of preparing what you think is the immaculate meal to end all meals, you only come to realize that you forgot that one essential ingredient that would've leveled up the whole dish. Well, we live and we learn, and we can learn a whole lot from these pro chefs about what their favorite ingredients are. 


Dumbest Things People Had To Convince Their Parents To Not Do

Just because someone's a "parent" doesn't mean that they're not hopelessly clueless in some facet of life. In fact, many of us have fielded all kinds of ridiculous questions from our folks about how to navigate the ins and outs of all this disorienting technology we have available at our disposal. Maybe these people's stories about the dumbest things they had to convince their parents to not do will send you on a trip down memory lane. 


Company Forces Employee to Use All His Vacation Days, Incapacitates Company

It's another one of those unfair changes in policy made by management with zero foresight. It seems like a huge company should be able to adapt when their employees use the benefits they promise to give. In a similar story, here's a guy who came up with a masterful plan when told he had to work on vacation.


Horrible Coworkers People Had to Endure

Work comes with a distinct set of expectations. As long as people are basically cooperative and don't get on each other's nerves, everyone can walk away happy. But sometimes a person's explosive personality, annoying habits, or smell can get in the way of that. Particularly bad coworkers will even steal lunches or use sonograms to trick their boyfriend.


Entitled Guitar Karen Gets Reality Check From Music Teacher

It's only a matter of time before you end up crossing paths with a toxic mess of a human being who blindly insists on spreading ignorance and entitlement into the atmosphere. This particular entitled Karen was really on one when it came to not being understanding in the slightest bit over some scheduling issues for her kid's guitar lessons. Fortunately though, the guitar teacher was more than ready to put Karen in her place. 


Harsh Moments of Technological Gore

There are two kinds of device owners, people who revere their laptops like a hollow Easter bunny made of flammable glass, and the other ones. The ones who store pieces of bologna in disk trays and drill speed holes in their keyboards, or people like this lady who claimed her computer was losing files, but was actually just deleting them. So naturally, tech support has to face some waking nightmares.


Parents' Funniest Tooth Fairy Stories

There's no getting around the fact that parenting is a wild emotional rollercoaster that can test a human being's ability to be patient and understanding beyond all measure. If you're a parent with a little kid you're likely muddling through many days where you've had little to no sleep at all, while trying to juggle a wealth of responsibilities that somehow fit into your day. And then you factor in the moments when the tooth fairy needs to clock in. The whole tooth fairy situation can go on to inspire many funny moments with your kids. These stories are something else. 


Condescending Genius Brother Finally Gets Told He's a Jerk

Giving a kid every opportunity and telling them they're the smartest kid around is a terrific recipe for raising an emotionally dense narcissist, and that's why we have siblings to tell us the hard truths about ourselves. You hope moments like these are learning experiences that help people avoid the rough path of becoming a ridiculous individual who brags about their intelligence online


Fails In The World That Successfully Messed Up

Fails successfully keep us entertained. Most of the time. It depends on the severity of the fail. There are lines that can be crossed. In this case, these seem pretty absurd, and hopefully nobody suffered any great inconvenience as a result of the fail occurring.  


Dude Uses Free Time to Sort Through Ocean Plastic

Rob Arnold has spent a dizzying amount of time sifting through washed up litter, and has some interesting and informative things to say about the plastic he's seen. Some of this stuff can even be traced back to specific incidents from decades ago, which is crazy to think about.


Twitter Thread: The Human Body's Evolutionary Leftovers

Awesome, our bodies are like natural history museums. Apparently, we're brimming with evolutionary leftovers, and Dorsa Amir mapped out a way to play around with some of these in a fun Twitter thread. 


Sign's Pun Game is Too On Point

The sign for the Indian Hills Community Center has a long history of having a pun game that's too strong. There's something weirdly quaint about a sign with good puns. For some more quality puns, here's a smattering of puns to fill the pun void.


Supportive Tumblr Thread On Dealing With Invasive Thoughts

Assigning silly identities and voices to those various thought streams that might pop up as invasive, and with a dark tone around them, can be helpful in riding out the process back toward peace. If you're able to step outside the thought when it pops up, recognize it as that, and not identify with the thought, it can almost end up being a game of sorts. Is the conspiracy theorist with the panicked strain piping up again from the back corridors of your mind? Maybe. 


Misfortune Monday: Of Course Things Are Like This

Life is a journey. That means there are ups and downs, twists and turns, mistakes, failures, errors and blunders. Expecting everything to go perfectly all the time is just a recipe for disappointment, especially when the only certainty is that life is uncertain. That's not to say we should just expect things to go terribly all the time. Far from it. We just need to realize that windows will break, toilets will explode, trees will fall, and that's just part of the merciless nature of the world.


Tumblr Thread: Boomers Can Create Technological Chaos

There's no denying the fact that folks in the older generations experience their fair share of troubles when it comes to smoothly navigating all this crazy, advanced technology available nowadays. If anything, the funny fails that can result from the collective confusion is a humorous reminder of just how quickly things have progressed. For some more gold from Tumblr check out this Tumblr thread about foiling the psychic ice cream cat


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