

8 to 3: How COVID shaped sibling relationships

The lockdown was an unprecedented situation for siblings. We asked experts how they thought it affected kids and what it might mean for their future.
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I’d love to hear from you!

What The Trevor Project means to me…

Hi Friend of Trevor,

Hard to believe it's already the last day of January! I hope your 2022 is off to a happy, peaceful, and healthy start.

It's wonderful to count you as a member of the Trevor community. Generous people like you allow us to be there for the hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ young people in crisis who reached out to our crisis services counselors & volunteers in 2021.

I love learning what Trevor means to the folks who support us. I thought you might, too, so here is one especially heartfelt message we received last year:

"The Trevor Project was one of the earliest resources I used when learning about my own asexuality. I'm so appreciative of your work with LGBTQIA+ youth and I'm glad to be able to give something back to you."

And now I invite you to tell us why Trevor is important to you! Please share whatever feels comfortable. Anything you write will remain anonymous.


Thank you again for believing in Trevor's crisis intervention and suicide prevention services. They, along with our peer support, public education, research, and advocacy work, are creating a loving, welcoming world for LGBTQ young people—a world where they can envision bright futures for themselves.

Please take care,

Amanda Ryan-Smith
Chief Development Officer
The Trevor Project

We couldn't do our work without your support. 

Give today and help us continue
saving young LGBTQ lives.

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The Trevor Project is the world's largest suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) young people.

© 2022 The Trevor Project. All rights reserved. PO Box 69232
West Hollywood, CA 90069 | Unsubscribe
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Editor's Note: Our good friend Andy Snyder, the founder of Manward Press, is here to tell you about the exciting developments in the private-equity sector.

And he explains why now is the perfect time to start investing in the space.

He's just uncovered a small, private tech disrupter that investors can get in on today... with the potential for 100X gains in the next five years.

It's a tiny company that's poised to fix the No. 1 problem in an $84.5 trillion industry.

Get the details here.

- Kaitlyn Hopkins, Assistant Managing Editor

The Next Big Technology Play for Your Portfolio

Andy Snyder | Founder | Manward Press

Andy Snyder

This is huge.

What was once off-limits to the masses... is now available to just about anybody with $100 who wants to invest in a young, up-and-coming company.

The next Amazon...

The next Airbnb...

The next Uber... the next Facebook... the next DoorDash...

They're out there right now. And ordinary folks can get a stake in them.

Perfect Timing

The gains early investors have made in private companies are huge... in some instances, hundreds of thousands of percent. (I've tracked them here.)

The timing for all of this is ideal.

Public markets are volatile, and valuations are still near all-time highs. Technology is enabling incredibly lucrative new business models. And more than a decade of ultra-cheap money has greased the wheels for some extremely fast-growing companies.

The big banks are pouring in. Goldman Sachs recently lost $500 million in the stock market... but more than made up for it with a $2 billion gain through its investments in nonpublic firms.

It would be crazy not to follow the private money.

And now, you can.

100X Potential

The private company I just detailed in an exclusive research report for my Venture Fortunes subscribers is an incredible, high-tech play.

You've probably heard about the metaverse and the billions that are pouring into it. This company has a very real shot of being at the center of it all.

I'm convinced it has 100X potential.

Get this... this tiny company was co-founded by a brilliant electrical engineer... an award-winning serial entrepreneur with more than 100 patents to his name.

He took his last company public on the Nasdaq in less than five years.

Just five years!

Then he oversaw its $1.9 billion merger with a major global medical device company.

Early investors had a shot at extraordinary returns on their investments.

If it's possible, this tech darling's other co-founder is even more impressive.


"An Army of Millionaires"

The BBC reports that Tesla's wildly profitable stock "created an army of millionaires."

These so-called Teslanaires include average people like Jason from Los Angeles, Bruce from Atlanta, Scott from New York and Basel from Pittsburgh...

Army Millionaires

But if you missed out on Tesla's incredible 17,000%-plus rise in the last decade...

Today, you have a second chance.

Click Here to See Why One New Company Could Be the Next EV Giant

She invented the technology used in every cellphone camera on the planet... while working as an actual rocket scientist for NASA.

Not only is she in the Space Technology Hall of Fame...

But she also negotiated partnerships with companies like Hitachi, Kodak and Intel. And that was before selling her previous company to Micron Technology for an undisclosed but likely MASSIVE price.

Think this duo could do it again?

I sure do!

But here's the best part...

It used to be that I'd say... "This company is private. Ordinary investors can't get in."

But a huge hurdle has been removed. Now I can add an exclamation point to that sentence.

This company is private! Ordinary investors can easily get in.

And they can do it with as little as $100.

I know of no other investment that offers such huge upside with such a small upfront investment.

Take a guy like Chris Sacca, who I found featured in Forbes during my research. He started with "pretty much nothing" in 2006.

He invested in Twitter and Uber while they were still private and set up pretty much just like the company I told my Venture Fortunes readers about.

Chris made more than 700,000% on Twitter and 1,800,000% on Uber.

He built an estimated $1.2 billion net worth in less than a decade.


Lots of folks are down on the market. They're worried they missed the bull run.

I'm not pessimistic at all.

The potential is enormous.

All the information about why I'm so excited about all of this is right here.

Be well,


P.S. Jeff Bezos has a bullish saying: "Given a 10% chance of a 100-times payoff, you should take that bet every time." He would know. He has turned $250,000 into $3 billion with Google since 1998. Click here to learn more about how you can get started in private deals for just $100.

Larry Kudlow: "If You're Worried About Inflation, Do THIS Now!"

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