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Coming to you live from Bakersfield
I'll keep this quick because I'm getting ready for two TV interviews here in Bakersfield. Our July fundraising deadline is tonight at midnight, can you pitch in so I can continue traveling the state and connecting with voters?
I spent the day here in the Central Valley, an area which quite literally feeds the nation—but has some of the highest rates of food insecurity in California. When Washington sides with predatory corporations rather than working people, families here are left behind.
Californians deserve a Senator who stands up to special interests, and I'm so excited to continue traveling our state and earning the millions of votes we'll need to win. I need your help to make this all possible—can you make a donation by tonight?

Katie is running for the U.S. Senate because Californians deserve a warrior fighting for them in Washington. Our campaign is people-powered, we don't take a dime from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, or executives from Big Oil or Big Pharma. |
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PO Box 5176
Irvine, CA 92616
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Paid for by Katie Porter for Senate
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