

03.31.06 - Stranger on My Network

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VIRTUALDr Rx: This Week's Spotlight Discussions

Stranger on My Network Gaming Rig Recommendations Replacing a Laptop Drive Mind Those Partitions Video Editor Recommendations


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VIRTUALDr Rx ____________

- - - - Stranger on My Network - - - -

Why should you keep a close eye on wireless security? For too many reasons to go into here, but this forum thread with will serve as a handy reminder.

One member discovers some very odd machines in the My Network Places applet. Time to send them packing...


- - - - Gaming Rig Recommendations - - - -

If you're a PC gaming enthusiast, chances are that you're all too familiar with the frequent and pricey cycle of upgrades (budget accordingly!) required to keep up with new game releases.

Our members help guide an intrepid do-it-yourselfer to pixel-pushing nirvana.


- - - - Replacing a Laptop Drive - - - -

Somehow, people got the idea that servicing your own laptop was a bad idea.

Sure, there are parts you are better off not messing with. But for components like memory and hard drives, replacing them can help you wring a few more good years out of your trusty machine!


- - - - Mind Those Partitions - - - -

Before you segment your drive, it's worth noting that Windows likes some breathing room. And some apps are quite fond of the C: Drive (or whichever drive Windows resides on), even if installed on another drive letter.


- - - - Video Editor Recommendations - - - -

Is springtime making you itch for the great outdoors? Condense your adventures into a slick and entertaining movie, check out these video editor recommendations.



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EarthWeb.com's Virtual Dr. offers tutorials, advice and tips for keeping your system running smoothly and troubleshooting even the most persistent problems. Become a member of our online discussion boards (it's free) and you'll be able to post and receive answers to your computer woes! http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,95i8,g0yg,2ezm,3q9m

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Hardware Central

Numerous New Notebooks Do laptop manufacturers all have spring fever, or have they just received their shipments of Intel's dual-core Core Duo CPUs? Either way, we've got no fewer than 18 new portables to tell you about. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,d8ym,d2qy,2ezm,3q9m

Microsoft To People: Get Ready They're not going to ship on schedule or brighten PC vendors' holiday season, but Microsoft assures us that Windows Vista and Office 2007 are going to be worth the wait, with fantastic features for ultra- organized go-getters. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,7niz,h8i4,2ezm,3q9m


Performance and Pizzazz: OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400 Platinum Enhanced Latency XTC Dual Channel Review High-performance DDR2 appeals to enthusiasts, certainly. But can we find value as well as blistering speeds (and a flashy heatspreader design) at the high end? http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,ccwq,5w9s,2ezm,3q9m

The Search for a Better Backup: WinBackup 2.0 Review Whether you need a backup utility to help you out of a crisis, or you're just acting responsibly to safeguard your data, Uniblue's WinBackup is just a download away. How does it stack up? http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,1cwm,1c09,2ezm,3q9m

Sharky Extreme

Weekly CPU Prices - Week of March 27, 2006 Spring weather may be warming up the climate, but it is doing absolutely nothing to thaw AMD or Intel processor prices. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,7etz,3u1l,2ezm,3q9m

March Hard Drive Price Guide We break down the trends for both Parallel and Serial ATA desktop drives, and find the best overall values in each area. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,doo2,m695,2ezm,3q9m

Memory Prices - Week of March 27, 2006 There is some nominal activity, and overall prices are still low, so if you're in the market for a memory upgrade or just want to see where prices are heading, then check out the detailed price list and commentary in our Memory Pricing Guide. http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cbz,1,lmbm,j1yg,2ezm,3q9m

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