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 |  Additional Horoscopes
Aries: You did the right thing -- really. While it never hurts to listen to what other people have to say, don't let their fears and anxieties pressure you into reneging on a decision that you know was correct.
Taurus: You keep your eyes firmly on the prize -- you're willing to eschew instant gratification for long-term results. Just make sure people see your wry sense of wit -- it'll soften your all-business attitude.
Gemini: You know that you have a gift when it comes to disseminating crucial information. No one, but no one has quite your way of imparting news so that it has the desired effect. Use this skill to your benefit now.
Cancer: It's time to make a big decision about your home situation. It could be a matter of redecorating -- or it could be something as life changing as switching up how and with whom you live. Follow your instincts.
Leo: There's possibility in every situation, but in order to see it, you have to remain calm and open to all suggestions -- even the most whacked-out ones. Keep it together, and you'll find a way to work it all out.
Virgo: Your energy is all over the place right now, but just go with it. If you try and force it to take one particular form, you could find yourself more distracted than ever. Go ahead and flit from project to project.
Libra: You're one smooth operator. The stars give a little more oomph to your powers of persuasion, and you'll find that you're wheeling and dealing with the best of them. Lay down some big plans for the future.
Scorpio: When a golden opportunity comes along courtesy of a chance encounter, you have to keep all your wits about you. Proceed with caution, and you'll make the most of this option. Just remember not to believe everything you read.
Sagittarius: Are you ready for some changes to your routine? Keep an open mind -- what seems aggravating or unnecessary at first could soon become invigorating and essential. Just remember to pace yourself.
Capricorn: You and an old buddy have been through everything together, from fighting in the trenches to living high on the hog. When you two reunite, it's time to dig in and enjoy some tough, life-sustaining work.
Aquarius: No matter how much you push, a connection you've been hoping for may just not click. Don't feel bad about this -- sometimes certain situations just can't work out. Instead, view this as a chance to try something else.
Pisces: Someone special really understands your depths, but you have to be willing to give them the chance to get close to you. Yes, you've been hurt before, but that's part of life. Be brave and risk it.
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