

Burn a DVD image from the command line

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FAQs Q. How can I burn a DVD image from the command line? Q. How can I burn a CD-ROM image from the command line? Q. How can I install a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services licensing server? Q. How do I install Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services licenses? Q. How can I enable Terminal Services on a Windows Server 2003 server?

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==== FAQs ==== by John Savill, FAQ Editor, jsavill@windowsitpro.com

Q. How can I burn a DVD image from the command line?

A. You can use the dvdburn.exe utility, which is available in the Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP resource kits, to burn an ISO file to a DVD burner drive. Simply insert a blank DVD writable disk into the drive and use the following command format:

dvdburn [drive]: [image]

For example, to burn to drive G the latest Windows Vista build image, you would use the following command:

D:\>dvdburn g: Vista_5342_32bit_Main_Staged_DVD_EN.iso

which would produce the following output:

Media type: DVD-R Preparing media... - 100.0% done Finished Writing Waiting for drive to finalize disc (this may take up to 30 minutes)............. .......................... Success: Finalizing media took 36 seconds Burn successful!

-------------------- Q. How can I burn a CD-ROM image from the command line?

A. The Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP resource kits provide the cdburn.exe utility, which, like the dvdburn.exe utility, can burn an ISO file to a physical CD burner drive and uses the format

cdburn [drive]: [image]

Typing cdburn with no parameters will list the utility's Help information, which includes additional options related to the speed of the burn, type of write mode (e.g., session-at-once instead of the default track-at-once), and sector postgap options.

-------------------- Q. How can I install a Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services licensing server?

A. If you require full terminal server functionality beyond the basic two administrative sessions to a server, you must install the Windows 2003 Terminal Services Licensing service on a server in the environment before the 120-day grace period expires. After 120 days, users will no longer be able to connect to the terminal server. In small environments, both the terminal server and the terminal server licensing server can be the same box, but for larger environments, this isn't advised. Windows 2003 terminal servers must communicate with a Windows 2003 licensing server; a Windows 2000 licensing server isn't suitable. You can use most any machine to host the Terminal Services Licensing service because the overhead involved is minimal. The service uses only 10MB of memory and increments by only 5MB for each additional 6000 licenses added. In the case of a domain/workgroup terminal server licensing server, installing on a domain controller (DC) helps the terminal servers locate the licensing server. To install the Terminal Services Licensing service, perform the following steps: 1. Start the Add or Remove Programs Control Panel applet (Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs). 2. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components button. 3. Select the "Terminal Server Licensing" check box, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BDE:610453 shows, and click Next. 4. You'll be prompted to enter the scope of the licensing server, enterprise, or domain/workgroup, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BDF:610453 shows. An enterprise licensing server will service any terminal server in the local Active Directory (AD) site, even from other domains (although the terminal servers must be a member of a domain and not a workgroup, and those domains must trust the domain that has the licensing server). A domain/workgroup licensing server will service only terminal servers from its local domain/workgroup but will service terminal servers in that domain from any site. 5. Click Finish.

Next, start the Microsoft Management Server (MMC) Terminal Server Licensing snap-in (Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Terminal Server Licensing). The local server will show as "Not activated." Right-click the server and select Activate, which will initiate the License Server Activation Wizard. 1. Click Next to the wizard's welcome page. 2. You'll be prompted to select the activation method. The options are Automatic connection, Web Browser, or Telephone. In this example, we'll select Automatic connection, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BE8:610453 shows. Click Next. Whichever method that you select will facilitate the connection to the Microsoft License Clearinghouse, allowing license server activation. 3. Enter the company name and contact information, then click Next. 4. You can add optional information such as email address and physical address. Click Next. 5. You'll see a dialog box confirming activation, and by default, the licensing wizard will start when you click Next.

After the licensing service is installed for an enterprise server, a record is written to the sites container in the form of a TS- Enterprise-License-Server object, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BE0:610453 shows. The siteServer attribute identifies the name of the license server.


Q. How do I install Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services licenses?

A. To install a Terminal Server Client Access License (TSCAL), perform the following steps: 1. Start the Terminal Server Licensing snap-in (Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Terminal Server Licensing). 2. Right-click the licensing server and select "Install Licenses" from the displayed context menu. 3. Click Next on the welcome screen. 4. Select the license program that provides your TSCALs (e.g., License Pak), and enter the 25-character alphanumeric license code, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BE5:610453 shows. Click Next. 5. Enter the license code for each purchased license and click Add. After you've added all the licenses, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BE6:610453 shows. Click Next. 6. After the wizard communicates with the Microsoft Clearinghouse and confirms the licenses, click Finish.

-------------------- Q. How can I enable Terminal Services on a Windows Server 2003 server?

A. You can enable "administrative mode" terminal services, which allows only two sessions, via the System Control Panel applet's Remote tab; for full terminal services, you must enable it by performing these steps: 1. Start the Add or Remove Programs Control Panel applet (Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs). 2. Click Add/Remove Windows Components. 3. Select the Terminal Server option (and clear Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration), then click Next. 4. For the security mode, select Full or Relaxed, then click Next. 5. Select the licensing server to use or select the option to automatically discover a license server, as the figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BE7:610453 shows, then click Next. 6. Select the licensing mode--Per Device or Per User. If you have more users then devices, select Per Device mode; otherwise select Per User. Click Finish. 7. Reboot the computer when prompted.

You must add all users who you want to be able to connect to the terminal server to the Remote Desktop Users group, and you must install all programs via the Add or Remote Programs Control Panel applet.

Members of a terminal server farm must be running Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition. If you want to confirm the licensing server that a terminal server is using, run the lsview.exe utility, which you'll find in the Windows 2003 Resource Kit. The figure at http://list.windowsitpro.com/t?ctl=25BEA:610453 shows the results of running the tool.

You can also see the licensing server by navigating to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSLicensing\Parameters registry key under either the EnterpriseServerMulti or DomainLicenseServerMulti values (depending on the type of the licensing server).


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