

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Singles

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Wednesday, April 5:

It's a good day for a museum date or a shared concert -- anything that involves creativity or appreciation of beauty. You can make a great impression by sharing your ideas with the right person.

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The Astrology.com Team http://www.astrology.com/

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Aries: You need to push yourself at least a little in order to make the right connection on time today. It won't be easy at first, but once you start moving in the right direction, everything will go your way.

Taurus: Listen to your instincts, even if what they're saying isn't what you want to hear. They are trustworthy now and will guide you the right way, as long as you're willing to follow.

Gemini: You're the best when it comes to social graces -- on most days. Right now, though, you want things done your way or not at all, so you might want to put off any dates for a little while.

Cancer: It's not a good time for you to hang out on your own, as your pent-up energy will drive you crazy. Go dancing or find some other way to work off excess energy with a good friend.

Leo: Things might get weird with a date or someone you're courting unless you're upfront about your feelings. It's too easy to be misunderstood, so go out of your way to speak plainly.

Virgo: If you're courting someone slowly right now, you can see a way to make things more comfortable for both of you. It will take a small effort on your part, but you can pull it off.

Libra: It's a good idea to take a break from obsessing about your own life and turn to a friend to see how you can help them with theirs. You'll be able to relax in a way that you've found elusive lately.

Scorpio: Travel would be perfect right now, as you might feel that you've exhausted your pool of cuties at home. Hitting the road can shake out all kinds of new feelings and opportunities.

Sagittarius: It will be a little tougher for you to get along even with those you're crushed out on, just because of a short-term fluctuation in emotional energy. Let it ride for a few days.

Capricorn: The people you're flirting with won't know exactly what they're saying, and you shouldn't take anything as a slight unless the other person makes it plain that they're trying to insult you.

Aquarius: You can see the big picture in a new way and it is keeping you interested in the current situation. Anyone else would throw their hands up and walk away, but you've got inside info.

Pisces: It's a good day for a museum date or a shared concert -- anything that involves creativity or appreciation of beauty. You can make a great impression by sharing your ideas with the right person.

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