

Daily Romantic Horoscope for Singles

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Dear Visitor,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Monday, April 24:

You are engaging in some emotional maintenance right now, even if you aren't aware of it. Try to guide it consciously by choosing some aspect of your love life to fine-tune tonight.

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Aries: Someone you had never really considered romantically suddenly appears on your radar and you'll wonder why it didn't happen sooner. Regardless, it's a good time to try the unexpected.

Taurus: It's a good time to hit the party or club scene -- you've got a lot of good energy, but it won't be easy to keep it focused on just one person. Collect some digits, smile big and pretty and then go home.

Gemini: It could be that someone who wants to get closer is afraid to because they're working with faulty information. Make sure that your profile is up to date and that your friends are on message.

Cancer: Your intuition will guide you in the right direction without fail. If you have been having a hard time making a decision, you will find that the choices are much easier now and stand out it black and white.

Leo: Dates might be a little difficult for you, as your temper is easily riled up right now. It might not be your partner that gets a rise out of you -- obnoxious waiters or kids on the street might do it.

Virgo: You might panic when you realize that you had forgotten something you think is crucial, but will soon calm down as you realize that it's not such a big deal after all. People will be patient with you.

Libra: Your ideas of beauty are perfectly aligned with the rest of the world right now, so it's easy to make yourself even more attractive than ever. You may want to help a friend with their troubles.

Scorpio: You need to settle down a little bit and listen to your deepest intuitions. You've got some powerful wisdom guiding you if you can catch it -- if you do, then romance will be a done deal.

Sagittarius: Even though you're not really up for the party scene, you should still drag yourself out and just try to have a good quiet time. You don't need to be wild and crazy to attract attention.

Capricorn: A date or online buddy might be going through some difficulties, so try to be as understanding as possible. You don't need to wait around forever, but your patience will mean a lot.

Aquarius: You'll need to help a friend in a crunch, even if it means putting off your own needs for another day. That's just the kind of person you are, though -- and some find that incredibly attractive.

Pisces: You are engaging in some emotional maintenance right now, even if you aren't aware of it. Try to guide it consciously by choosing some aspect of your love life to fine-tune tonight.

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