

Growing IM Attacks Threaten the Enterprise

Datamation IT Management Update for Wednesday, April 05, 2006

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Inside Datamation this week:

1. Growing IM Attacks Threaten the Enterprise 2. Offshore Sandbagging 3. DR Over Distance: The Kashya Data Protection Platform 4. Lucent Brushes Up on French With Alcatel Merger 5. New Storage Products Get Easier and More Affordable 6. Novell Chips Away at Microsoft's Desktop Dominance

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1. Growing IM Attacks Threaten the Enterprise When it comes to messaging security, email still gets all the attention... and IT budget. But as IM threats increase, more thought will have to be paid to protecting this growing business tool.


------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Offshore Sandbagging Commerce Department refuses to release report on impact of offshoring and outsourcing on IT industry.


------------------------------------------------------------ 3. DR Over Distance: The Kashya Data Protection Platform Distance, both a blessing and the bane of disaster recovery sites, is no longer a factor thanks to a new breed of network appliance.


------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Lucent Brushes Up on French With Alcatel Merger A $13B merger comes with nearly 9,000 layoffs and more questions.


------------------------------------------------------------ 5. New Storage Products Get Easier and More Affordable To sell storage and disaster-recovery products to small businesses, vendors now realize that the key to success is to lower both cost and complexity. Two products from EMC and STORServer aim to do just that.


------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Novell Chips Away at Microsoft's Desktop Dominance In an effort to break some of Microsoft's stranglehold on the desktop, Novell is taking new steps in the product and pricing arenas to attract customers who want to move either gradually or quickly to Linux. Jacqueline Emigh reports.




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