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Monday, April 03, 2006
TODAY'S NEWS 1. Lucent to Spin Off Gov. Group 2. Cisco Joins 4-Gig Party 3. Mobile Mapping With MapQuest 4. EMC Extends Content Management Push 5. Momentum For Virtualization on Linux 6. Lucent, Alcatel Finalize Merger 7. AMD Makes Gains Below the Radar 8. WebSphere, SOA Upgrades on Deck From IBM
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1. Lucent to Spin Off Gov. Group As part of its merger with Alcatel, Lucent will create a government unit for classified R&D.
2. Cisco Joins 4-Gig Party With McData, Cisco and Brocade fighting for market share, 2006 is shaping up to be an interesting year for director-class Fibre Channel switch sales.
3. Mobile Mapping With MapQuest The company announces a GPS navigation service for mobile phones.
4. EMC Extends Content Management Push The information systems vendor blends software from its Documentum, Legato and Acartus acquisitions.
5. Momentum For Virtualization on Linux XenSource, VMWare, Virtual Iron and OpenVZ are beating the virtualization drum at LinuxWorld.
6. Lucent, Alcatel Finalize Merger Lucent, a spin-off of Bell Labs, is slated to be based in France with Alcatel.
7. AMD Makes Gains Below the Radar Direct sales to the likes of Google and others add to bottom line.
8. WebSphere, SOA Upgrades on Deck From IBM IBM to launch new WebSphere application server, internetnews.com has learned.
HEADLINES FROM internetnews.com
1. MINIX Gets (X) Windows The OS-inspiration for Linux creator Torvalds finally gets a windowing system, and starts to get serious.
2. It's a Linux World Penguinistas gather for the Linux love fest in this year of the ecosystem.
3. CTIA: A Wireless World in Sin City A preview of some pressing topics to expect out of next week's wireless extravaganza in Vegas.
4. Microsoft Exchange Joins the Cloud Microsoft lets customers in search of on-demand email solutions bypass its partners.
SEND FEEDBACK AND ANNOUNCEMENTS TO: Associate Editor -- Nicholas Carlson E-mail: ncarlson@jupitermedia.com Phone: 212.547.7850 AIM: NichCarlson
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