

OneWorld Daily Headlines

OneWorld Daily Headlines http://www.oneworld.net

OneWorld Daily Headlines brings you news, views, campaigns,and more from OneWorld.net's global network of partner organizations working to create a better world.

***THIS EMAIL is just the beginning. Get much more news, analysis, and insight from each OneWorld center on their websites!! (see below)***



> Debt Boomerang! > Turkey: Bridge between West and Middle East? > Combating 'Honor Crimes' Requires Female Leadership > Nepal: Build from Ceasefire into Peace, Urges Amnesty > Paper Debate Cuts Through Latin America

> Front companies used in secret US 'rendition' flights > 'Grim' outlook for Mediterranean countries > Indian dam hunger strike enters 8th day > Djibouti bars labour officials > Kuwaiti women vote for the first time

> Orissa government can't save turtles: Greenpeace > Government sends peace messages as Medha Patkar continues fast > India pushes for new initiative on TB, malaria and AIDS

> UN, Groups Urge Action to Save Landmines' 20,000 Annual Victims

> National Day of Action for Immigrant Rights Sunday

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld U.S.

DEBT BOOMERANG! --------------- (5 apr 2006) Imagine being saddled with debt before you were born. That's the reality for many of the poorest people in the world. Learn more about debt cancellation and why debt forgiveness helps not only those in impoverished counties, but people in the U.S. as well. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130333/7263/73269 From: Institute for Policy Studies http://www.ips-dc.org

TURKEY: BRIDGE BETWEEN WEST AND MIDDLE EAST? -------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) A rift is forming in Turkey among foreign policy makers. Many see Turkey as a future bridge between the West and the Middle East, but others caution that forming close ties in the Middle East now will harm current relations with Western powers. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130335/7263/73269 From: Eurasianet (Open Society Institute) http://www.eurasianet.org

COMBATING 'HONOR CRIMES' REQUIRES FEMALE LEADERSHIP --------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) "Honor crimes"--where women are often killed or beaten to preserve the 'honor' of their families--can only be stopped with the leadership of women in Muslim countries and the dismantling of the anti-Arab racism that has been conscripted into the U.S. war on terror, says Madre. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130334/7263/73269 From: MADRE http://www.madre.org

NEPAL: BUILD FROM CEASEFIRE INTO PEACE, URGES AMNESTY ----------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) Upon the heals of the Communist Party of Nepal’s temporary cease fire declaration Monday, Amnesty International is encouraging this time be used to make and solidify a lasting peace. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130338/7263/73269 From: Amnesty International USA http://www.amnestyusa.org

PAPER DEBATE CUTS THROUGH LATIN AMERICA --------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) Local Argentines are outraged over what they believe to be a looming environmental disaster being built on the other side of their country's border with Uruguay. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130336/7263/73269 From: In These Times http://www.inthesetimes.com

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld U.K.

FRONT COMPANIES USED IN SECRET US 'RENDITION' FLIGHTS ----------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) A covert US operation in which the CIA has used private aircraft operators and front companies to preserve the secrecy of "rendition" flights - handing people over to countries where they have faced torture and other ill-treatment - is unveiled in a new report today. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130368/7468/73269 From: Amnesty International - International Secretariat http://www.amnesty.org/

'GRIM' OUTLOOK FOR MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES ------------------------------------------ (5 apr 2006) A grim picture faces the Mediterranean region in 2025 warns a new report, but it says sustainable development could dramatically boost the quality of life. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130385/7468/73269

INDIAN DAM HUNGER STRIKE ENTERS 8TH DAY ---------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) A hunger strike by three community activists to protest over the destruction of lives and livelihoods in India's Narmada valley by a major dam project is on its eighth day. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130384/7468/73269

DJIBOUTI BARS LABOUR OFFICIALS ------------------------------ (5 apr 2006) The Djibouti authorities have arrested and expelled an International Labour Office representative tasked with investigating the trade union situation and are refusing entry to an international trade union mission. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130378/7468/73269 From: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions http://www.icftu.org

KUWAITI WOMEN VOTE FOR THE FIRST TIME ------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) Kuwaiti women have voted for the first time, going to the polls to choose a local council member in the district of Salmiya. http://uk.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130376/7468/73269 From: Feminist Majority Foundation http://www.feminist.org

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld South Asia

ORISSA GOVERNMENT CAN'T SAVE TURTLES: GREENPEACE ------------------------------------------------ (5 apr 2006) Greenpeace has alleged that the Orissa government has been unable to save the Olive Ridley turtles on the beaches and mass deaths of the animals have taken place. The organisation has said that the government's inability to enforce a ban on trawlers near the shore has led to the mass deaths of the endangered species. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130388/1893/73269

GOVERNMENT SENDS PEACE MESSAGES AS MEDHA PATKAR CONTINUES FAST -------------------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) The health of Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) leader Medha Patkar is on a steady decline as her fast entered the eighth day on Wednesday in protest against the alleged non-commital attitude of the Indian government over rehabilitation of farmers and the height of the Narmada dam. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130387/1893/73269

INDIA PUSHES FOR NEW INITIATIVE ON TB, MALARIA AND AIDS ------------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) The Indian government has formed the National Council on AIDS to mainstream HIV/AIDS into the ongoing activities and programmes of all government departments. It also plans to formulate new policies and strategies with ecological safeguards to take on dengue and malaria. http://southasia.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130386/1893/73269

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ OneWorld on Yahoo! News

UN, GROUPS URGE ACTION TO SAVE LANDMINES' 20,000 ANNUAL VICTIMS --------------------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) WASHINGTON, D.C. Apr 4 (OneWorld) - Landmines sown during past conflicts could be cleared in a matter of years--not decades--the United Nations said Tuesday, offering hope that hundreds of thousands of people will be spared death or dismemberment. http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130330/4536/73269 From: OneWorld US http://us.oneworld.net

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ONEWORLD U.S. ACTION ALERT

NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION FOR IMMIGRANT RIGHTS SUNDAY -------------------------------------------------- (5 apr 2006) Help stop the criminalization of immigrant communities by joining Civilrights.org on April 10th at a massive nationwide rally. Find out what's going on in your city! http://us.oneworld.net/link/gotoarticle/addhit/130332/2332/73269 From: Leadership Conference on Civil Rights/Leadership Conference Education Fund http://www.civilrights.org


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The articles for the OneWorld Daily Headlines are compiled by the following OneWorld editors around the world. To read all the stories from each center, please visit their website.

Africa Caroline Nenguke http://africa.oneworld.net Canada Lila Train http://www.oneworld.ca Finland Mirva Viitanen http://fi.oneworld.net Latin America José Pablo Molina http://amlat.oneworld.net South Asia Naimur Rahman http://southasia.oneworld.net Southeast Europe Dejan Giorgievski http://see.oneworld.net UK Josie Kirby http://uk.oneworld.net US Jeffrey Allen http://us.oneworld.net

We welcome your feedback. Email your comments, suggestions, and letters to the editor to useditors@oneworld.net.


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