

Quick Debugger Visualizers in Visual Studio 2005

********************************************************************* The Developer.com Update Tuesday, April 4, 2006 http://www.developer.com This newsletter is part of the internet.com network.

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********************************************************************* CONTENTS *********************************************************************

Recent Articles: 1. Processing Image Pixels, Applying Image Convolution in Java, Part 2 2. Quick Debugger Visualizers in Visual Studio 2005 3. Storing Session State in a SQL Server Database 4. Enterprise Library 2.0: Building Named Extensions in the Configuration Console 5. Capital Budgeting: Managing Efficient IT Project Portfolios

In the News 1. WebSphere Dressed For Distributed Computing 2. Ruby on Rails Ramps Up 3. IBM, HP Stack Up on Linux 4. Negroponte's $100 Notebook 5. Virtual Server Gets a Free Ride From Microsoft 6. Momentum For Virtualization on Linux 7. MINIX Gets (X) Windows 8. The Deal: $20K to Leave Exchange For Lotus 9. It's a Linux World

Product Announcements 1. Centrifys DirectControl 3 Integrates Popular Web and Open-Source Infrastructure Applications with Microsoft Active Directory 2. Sun Augments Its Offerings for Embedded Market Through New Versions of Java Platform Standard Edition 3. Micro Focus Teams with Oracle to Modernize Legacy Systems

Related Sites Feedback


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********************************************************************* Recent Developer.com Articles *********************************************************************

1. Processing Image Pixels, Applying Image Convolution in Java, Part 2 By Richard G. Baldwin Part 2 of this lesson teaches you how to design copying filters, smoothing filters, sharpening filters, 3D embossing filters, and edge detection filters, and how to apply those filters to images.


2. Quick Debugger Visualizers in Visual Studio 2005 By Mike Gunderloy Debugger visualizers allow you to provide a custom user interface for the display of particular classes of data when your program is in debug mode. While there are some complex use cases for this, you can actually derive considerable benefit from very simple debugger visualizers - ones that take ten minutes or less to build.


3. Storing Session State in a SQL Server Database By Bipin Joshi In ASP.NET 2.0, you can customize the session state store as per your requirement. Explore one of the scalable and reliable approaches for storing session variablesSQL Server.


4. Enterprise Library 2.0: Building Named Extensions in the Configuration Console By Vijay Mehta See how the Configuration Console is an extremely powerful tool that can be used to simplify creating and editing .config files.


5. Capital Budgeting: Managing Efficient IT Project Portfolios By Marcia Gulesian See how collaboration among IT, Accounting, and Finance personnel is an important part of the project portfolio management process because issues usually understood best by Information Technology (IT) can influence the bottom line of accounting, financial, and tax reports prepared by other departments.


********************************************************************* In the News *********************************************************************

1. WebSphere Dressed For Distributed Computing IBM touches up WebSphere Application Server and other tools for service-oriented architecture.


2. Ruby on Rails Ramps Up New release of open source framework adds new features in its quest for programming nirvana.


3. IBM, HP Stack Up on Linux The vendors announce open source stack initiatives to make it even easier for customers to deploy and implement.


4. Negroponte's $100 Notebook MIT's Nicholas Negroponte explains his plan to change the economics of notebook technology.


5. Virtual Server Gets a Free Ride From Microsoft Virtual machine add-ins for Linux also part of Microsoft roll out; VMware un-phased.


6. Momentum For Virtualization on Linux XenSource, VMWare, Virtual Iron and OpenVZ are beating the virtualization drum at LinuxWorld.


7. MINIX Gets (X) Windows The OS-inspiration for Linux creator Torvalds finally gets a windowing system, and starts to get serious.


8. The Deal: $20K to Leave Exchange For Lotus IBM offers money to resellers who can get customers to migrate from Exchange to Lotus Notes and Domino.


9. It's a Linux World Penguinistas gather for the Linux love fest in this year of the ecosystem.


********************************************************************* ANNOUNCEMENTS *********************************************************************

1. Centrifys DirectControl 3 Integrates Popular Web and Open-Source Infrastructure Applications with Microsoft Active Directory

Centrify Corporation, a leading provider of Microsoft Active Directory-based access control and identity management solutions, today announced Centrify DirectControl Suite 3, a comprehensive solution that uses Microsoft Active Directory to seamlessly integrate UNIX, Linux, Mac, J2EE and web platforms. DirectControl 3 provides support for web single sign-on and federated identity management, leveraging Microsofts recently released Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) to extend identity and access controls to customers and business partners. DirectControl 3 provides seamless integration with UNIX- and Linux-based open-source infrastructure applications such as Samba and OpenSSH. In addition, with deeper support for 64-bit systems and support for the Windows Server 2003 R2 UNIX schema, DirectControl 3 leads the industry in support for UNIX, Linux and Mac systems. By using DirectControl 3 to further leverage and extend their existing investment in Active Directory, organizations can improve IT efficiency, better comply with regulatory requirements, and move toward a more secure, connected infrastructure for their heterogeneous computing environment.

Centrify DirectControl 3 is available on April 18, 2006, and is licensed beginning at $50 per workstation and $300 per server. To receive an evaluation copy of DirectControl 3, call (650) 961-1100 or visit http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cm8,1,c208,lth8,2ezm,3q9m

2. Sun Augments Its Offerings for Embedded Market Through New Versions of Java Platform Standard Edition

In preparation for the Embedded Systems Conference, Sun Microsystems, Inc., the creator and leading advocate of Java technology, today expanded its offerings for the embedded development market by releasing two new editions of the Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) -- a reduced-footprint build that uses less than 25 megabytes (MB) of storage, and a fully supported custom port for PowerPC users. Sun also announced a new tuning and benchmarking service for optimizing performance of the Java SE platform for embedded deployments.

Java technology is becoming an increasingly utilized platform for modern embedded systems due to its inherent networking support, display strengths, and data processing capabilities. Most features of the Java SE platform can be used now for embedded development, thanks to the increasing capacity of new hardware. One good example is the new VIA EPIA N-series Nano-ITX mainboard -- which is only 12 centimeters (4.7 inches) square -- yet features a one gigahertz (1 GHz) processor and up to one gigabyte (1 GB) of memory.

The new reduced footprint -- or "headless" (meaning largely without graphics support) -- version of the Java SE platform requires only 23 MB of storage space and is ideal for embedded developers who want to take advantage of the strong networking, performance, and processing capabilities of Java technology. The PowerPC version is a stable, supported version of the Java SE platform designed specifically for the PowerPC processor, which is currently in wide use among developers for larger-scale (non cell-phone) embedded devices. For more information on Java SE for embedded development, please visit: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cm8,1,juqw,8ew7,2ezm,3q9m

3. Micro Focus Teams with Oracle to Modernize Legacy Systems

Micro Focus(R) today announced collaboration with Oracle to deliver best-in-class database, middleware and infrastructure software for modernization of legacy mainframe systems. The effort to migrate critical legacy applications to lower cost, more agile platforms running Oracle(R) Database 10g and Oracle Application Server 10g aims to help customers reduce the high cost of maintaining and modernizing their aging mainframe environments. Customers will be able to combine the power of Micro Focus(R) Server(TM) technology that reuses their business applications with the open platform environment of Oracle Database 10g and Oracle Application Server 10g.

Oracle infrastructure software offers extremely high quality of service, availability, scalability, performance, manageability, security, features, and functionality running on low cost, industry standard hardware. Micro Focus Server is a high performance deployment environment complemented by Micro Focus(R) Studio(TM) that provides a rich collection of tools to migrate and extend legacy applications. Micro Focus is a Partner in Oracle PartnerNetwork.

The most recent work between the companies is the validation of Micro Focus Server with Oracle Real Application Clusters, an option of Oracle Database 10g Enterprise and Standard Editions. Oracle Real Application Clusters uses a shared cache architecture across multiple, inexpensive computers to host one logical database with non-stop availability and scalability. When a machine in the database cluster is lost the rest continue to operate.

For more information go to http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cm8,1,am08,7rg,2ezm,3q9m or www.microfocus.com

Until next time...

Rosemarie Graham, Managing Editor - Developer.com

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