

Targeted Trojan Attacks Gaining Momentum


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********************************************************************* ********************************************************************* TRENDS *********************************************************************

1. Targeted Trojan Attacks Gaining Momentum The era of the mass-mailing worm dominating all other malware in the Wild may be coming to an end. Trojan horses aimed at specific targets are increasing in number and severity.


------------------------------------------------------------ 2. DoJ: 3.6M Households Hit With ID Theft New government statistics claim losses mounted to $3.2 billion in six-month period.


------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Are Hackers Going Beyond Zero-Day Attacks? eSecurityPlanet Columnist Ken van Wyk was surprised by the sophistication of a recent phishing attack. Will hackers soon be moving beyond zero-day attacks into 'neg-day' attacks?


------------------------------------------------------------ 4. VM Rootkits: Dangerous, in Theory Some hackers are itching at the prospect of virtual machines to do their bidding. But for now the cards appear to be stacked against them.


------------------------------------------------------------ 5. 4/4: Small-Boo Trojan Arrives as Download Troj-Small-Boo is a Trojan that arrives as a file downloaded from the Internet by an unsuspecting user when visiting malicious Web sites.


------------------------------------------------------------ 6. 4/4: Areses-A a Mass-Mailing Worm W32-Areses-A@mm is a mass-mailing worm.


------------------------------------------------------------ 7. 4/4: Brontok-AE a Mass-Mailing Worm W32/Brontok-AE is a mass-mailing worm for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 8. 4/4: Symbos-Onejump-A is Symbian Malware Symbos-Onejump-A is Symbian malware that arrives via manual data transfer.


------------------------------------------------------------ 9. 4/4: Trojan-Sufiage Targets Websites Trojan-Sufiage is a Trojan horse that targets predetermined websites.


------------------------------------------------------------ 10. 4/4: Sdbot-BHP Worm Also an IRC Trojan W32/Sdbot-BHP is a worm and IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 11. 4/4: Dloadr-SX Trojan Links With Server Troj/Dloadr-SX is a Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 12. 4/4: JS/FeebsZip-Fam Files Contain Malware JS/FeebsZip-Fam is a family of zip files containing Feebs malware that drops or downloads further executables in the same family.


------------------------------------------------------------ 13. 4/4: Spybot-IS Worm Has Backdoor Ability W32/Spybot-IS is a worm with backdoor functionality for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 14. 4/3: Spybot-GEN Worm Opens Back Door W32-Spybot-GEN is a worm that opens a back door on the compromised computer.


------------------------------------------------------------ 15. 4/3: Feebs-Q Worm Uses File Sharing W32/Feebs-Q is a worm for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 16. 4/3: Bancos-YK an Internet Banking Trojan Troj/Bancos-YK is an internet banking Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 17. 4/3: Keylogger-Mose Trojan uses Rootkit Keylogger-Mose is a Trojan horse that logs keystrokes and uses rootkit techniques to hide its files, registry entries and processes.


------------------------------------------------------------ 18. 4/3: Bloodhound-Exploit-62 Finds Access Flaw Bloodhound-Exploit-62 is a heuristic detection for multiple Microsoft Access 2003 malformed database file buffer overflow vulnerabilities.


------------------------------------------------------------ 19. 4/3: Secefa-D Worm Has Back Door Ability W32.Secefa-D is a worm with back door capabilities that drops another threat onto the compromised computer.


------------------------------------------------------------ 20. 4/3: Mytob-HH a Mass-Mailing Worm W32/Mytob-HH is a mass-mailing worm that combines W32/Mydoom@MM functionality with W32/Sdbot.worm functionality.


------------------------------------------------------------ 21. 4/3: Mytob-GH a High-Functioning Worm W32/Mytob-GH is a mass-mailing worm that combines W32/Mydoom@MM functionality with W32/Sdbot.worm functionality.


------------------------------------------------------------ 22. 4/3: Dermon-I a Password-Stealing Trojan Troj/Dermon-I is a password-stealing Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 23. 4/3: IRCBot-GX an IRC Backdoor Trojan Troj/IRCBot-GX is an IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 24. 4/3: BankDL-AP a Downloader Trojan Troj/BankDl-AP is a downloader Trojan for the Windows platform.


------------------------------------------------------------ 25. 4/3: Rbot-CTJ Worm, Trojan Still Spreading Security vendor Sophos has issued the second alert in less than a week for W32/Rbot-CTJ, a worm and IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform.





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********************************************************************* VIEWS *********************************************************************

1. Updating our Thinking on Software Updates eSecurityPlanet columnist Ken van Wyk looks at the issue of software updates -- particularly the lack there of for mobile devices.



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