


Linux Today Newsletter For APRIL 4, 2006

Latest News for the Linux and Open Source Community.

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------------------------------------------------------------------ VARBUSINESS: IBM TEAMS WITH NOVELL ON LINUX-BASED MIDDLEWARE

"Unveiled at LinuxWorld in Boston, the first offering, put together by Novell, includes the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server, the Websphere Application Server Community Edition and DB2 Express-C..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ SEARCHOPENSOURCE: SPLUNK BASE BRINGS IT TROUBLESHOOTING TO THE IT MASSES

"To better understand Splunk Base, look no further than the online encyclopedia Wikipedia..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ THE OREGONIAN: LINUX DEVELOPER SETS OWN HOURS, BUT HIS DAYS ARE GRUELING, NONSTOP

"Software developer Chris Wright works from home in Northeast Portland, and his boss is more than 2,500 miles away in Boston. But that doesn't mean Wright gets to take it easy..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ WIRED NEWS: A PRETTY GOOD WAY TO FOIL THE NSA

"How easy is it for the average internet user to make a phone call secure enough to frustrate the NSA's extrajudicial surveillance program...?"

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------------------------------------------------------------------ ITWIRE: MICROSOFT MOVES TO MADDOG'S PHASE 3

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they lose..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ SEARCHOPENSOURCE: VMWARE EXEC: ON FREE SPECS, VIRTUALIZATION'S BOOST FOR LINUX

"VMware is opening up its virtual machine disk format specification, but today's news is about sharing, not open sourcing technologies..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUXPLANET: NOVELL CHIPS AWAY AT MICROSOFT'S DESKTOP DOMINANCE

"In an effort to break some of Microsoft's stranglehold on the desktop, Novell is taking new steps in the product and pricing arenas to attract customers who want to move either gradually or quickly to Linux..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUXWORLD AUSTRALIA: WAUGH: OPEN SOURCE SUCCESS MEANS JUGGLING COMMERCE AND COMMUNITY

"Balancing commercial interest with community interest is important for businesses looking at open source, said open source consultant Pia Waugh in a presentation at Linuxworld 2006 in Sydney last week..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX FORUMS: OVERVIEW OF THE TEN MAJOR LINUX DISTRIBUTIONS

"A review of the 10 major Linux distributions out there, giving the pros and cons of each and every one of them..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ SVN: KDE4--UNDERSTANDING THE BUZZ

"There has been a great deal of buzz lately about KDE4 and especially Plasma..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ KERNELTRAP: DOCUMENTING MEMORY BARRIERS

"David Howells posted a document on memory barriers on the Linux Kernel mailing list..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX JOURNAL: MARKETING VS. INTENTION

"We're at the end of the Marketing Era. What will it take for the Market Era to begin...?"

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------------------------------------------------------------------ GROKLAW: THE OPEN SOURCE LEGAL LANDSCAPE

"Brendan Scott, who heads up Open Source Law, just gave an interesting talk, 'The Open Source Legal Landscape,' at LinuxWorld in Sydney on Wednesday..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ HENRY THE ADEQUATE: HENRY'S OPERATING SYSTEM FAQ

"It has come to my attention that some moron is spreading lies and deceitful stuff about operating systems..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ KDE DEVELOPER JOURNALS: FRUSTRATIONS WITH KUBUNTU DAPPER FLIGHT 6 AND HOW IT HANDLES CUPS 1.2SVN

"Regarding an impending CUPS-1.2 release, prospects have become much brighter in the meanwhile. During March, Mike Sweet released 2 Betas and the first Release Candidate. So a final 1.2.0 release seems pretty close now..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX FORUMS: BLAG REVIEW

"Blag Linux and Gnu (BLAG) is a Fedora Core 3 based distribution of the Linux kernel and Gnu utilities which runs on the x86 processor..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LATERAL OPINION: FIGHTING SPAM WITH QMAIL (PART III)

"This installment will be about using RBL effectively to decrease your spam-related server load, and the spam your users get..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL ABOUT LINUX: ENABLING AND DISABLING SERVICES DURING START UP IN GNU/LINUX

"For example, my machine does not have any pcmcia cards so I can safely disable it. Same is the case with postfix which is also not used..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ HOWTOFORGE: THE PERFECT XEN 3.0 SETUP FOR DEBIAN

"This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Xen (version 3.0.1) on a Debian Sarge (3.1) system..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ DEBIANHELP: POSTGRESQL DATABASE SERVER CONFIGURATION IN DEBIAN

"PostgreSQL is a fully featured object-relational database management system..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ INFORMIT: THE NEED FOR VIRTUALIZATION AND XEN

"'Computers are never fast enough.' That used to be the mantra of computer users everywhere..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX.COM: GREGARIUS AGGREGATOR SUCCEEDS WITH FEEDS

"Gregarius is written mainly in PHP, and available under the GNU General Public License (GPL)..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ ZDNET: LINUX LAB LOOKS TO BRIDGE DUELING INTERFACES

"The Open Source Developer Labs is previewing work that attempts to make life easier for software companies by bridging GNOME and KDE, the two competing graphical interfaces most widely used with Linux..."

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------------------------------------------------------------------ ZDNET UK: JBOSS PLANS FOR IPO

"Another round of venture capital funding could be on the cards as the open source firm looks towards going public..."

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More IT Management stories: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,1p84,42vr,2ezm,3q9m

------------------------------------------------------------------ VNUNET: HIGH MIGRATION COSTS HOLDING BACK LINUX

"Novell's newly developed SuSE Linux client operating system has an improved user interface and features, but the high cost of migrating from Windows remains a major barrier to uptake, according to Gartner..."

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More IT Management stories: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,1p84,42vr,2ezm,3q9m

------------------------------------------------------------------ EDITOR'S NOTES FROM THE ROAD: LAPTOP FOR WORLD'S CHILDREN: PRICELESS

Blogging from LinuxWorld, your editor ponders the $100 laptop.

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------------------------------------------------------------------ NEWSFORGE: SOFTWARE FREEDOM LAW CENTER HAS A LEGAL UMBRELLA FOR FOSS PROJECTS

"Why a Conservancy? Dan Ravicher, legal director of the SFLC, says that one of the first things that the law center recommends for projects is to form a corporate entity..."

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More IT Management stories: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,1p84,42vr,2ezm,3q9m

------------------------------------------------------------------ CONSORTIUMINFO: CASE STUDY II: A NATIONAL ARCHIVE MOVES TO ODF

"Today, I'll describe another case study in process: the decision by the National Archives of Austalia (NAA) to move its digital archives program to software that supports ODF..."

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More IT Management stories: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,1p84,42vr,2ezm,3q9m

------------------------------------------------------------------ CIO TODAY: IBM PARTNERS WITH 3COM ON VOIP

"IBM and 3Com intend to deliver the first IP telephony suite that can run in a single Linux-on-Power partition on the System i..."

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More Infrastructure stories: http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,hfcu,kuvm,2ezm,3q9m

------------------------------------------------------------------ Visit the other sites in the Linux Channel: Linux Planet http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,5mnc,ah7b,2ezm,3q9m

Enterprise Linux Today http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,lw2f,jzi4,2ezm,3q9m

AllLinuxDevices http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,1ihu,fjtv,2ezm,3q9m

and JustLinux http://nl.internet.com/ct.html?rtr=on&s=1,2cli,1,59b9,b9s6,2ezm,3q9m

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