

Google Friends Newsletter - May 2008

Google Friends Newsletter - May 2008

Spring greetings to our Google friends. We hope you enjoy this month's
update on our products and services.


See related topics when searching on Google News

When you search with Google News, you'll now see a list of related
searches at the bottom of the results page. For example, a search for
[global warming] will show more news results for topics such as carbon
dioxide, Al Gore, carbon emissions, greenhouse gas and the Kyoto


Walk for Good with Google and Cleveland Clinic

Be good to yourself and add the Cleveland Clinic walking program to
your iGoogle page. Use the Walk for Good gadget to track your progress
and stay motivated. If you complete at least half of the 15-week
program by October 25th, you can help choose a health charity to
receive a donation from Google.

Updates to Google Maps

Now, whenever you search for a location on Google Maps, you'll get a
better understanding of locales around the world, because you can see
Paranoramio photos, view YouTube videos, find user-created maps, and
peruse popular queries specific to that location. All of these options
appear when you click the "Explore this area" link in the left-hand
side panel. Also, this month, we introduced rooftop geo-coding for 50
million homes and businesses in the U.S., which significantly improves
mapping accuracy. You'll see that address searches in Google Maps will
now often return results with pinpoint accuracy.

Google Sites now open to everyone

We've made it easy for anyone to set up a website and share all types
of information — team projects, company intranets, community groups,
classrooms, clubs, family updates, you name it — in one place, for a
few people, a group or the world. You can securely host your own
website and add as many pages as you like — all for free.

View Google Docs presentations offline

The presentations aspect of Google Docs received a number of exciting
feature upgrades. You can embed YouTube videos, select multiple
objects, create speaker notes and view presentations offline using
Gears, among others.

Google Health now available for public use

Wouldn't it be great if you could get access to and manage all of your
personal health information online? This would help you keep your
doctors and family members up-to-date on important medical conditions
and current medications. Well, after a successful pilot with the
Cleveland Clinic, we've opened up Google Health to everyone in the
U.S. It's easy to sign up, and free to use. All you need is a Google
username and password. You can import your medical records and
prescription history from our partners — well-known brands such as
Walgreens, Longs Drugs and Quest Diagnostics.


There's no question that "user-generated content" — most often meaning
words, photos, videos that you produce and upload — is a big part of
the Web 2.0 phenomenon. From homemade videos to blogs on everything
from gaming to traveling, the web is becoming a place for expressing
yourself, sharing and collaborating on what you create. It's
heartening to see people coming together in creative ways to rally
around important issues. In the last month alone, the world has
witnessed a 7.9-magnitude earthquake in China, a devastating cyclone
in Myanmar (Burma), and a voracious wildfire in the Santa Cruz
Mountains of California. People and groups have created everything
from My Maps and KML layers to live video, photos and satellite images
in an effort to share up-to-date information and keep people on the
ground informed. Of course, we can all enjoy a good video about hand-
holding sea otters from time to time, but it's inspiring to see the
power of the web harnessed during more difficult real-world situations

The Google Blog offers frequent updates and insights about our technology and products, and the company at large.

Share Google Friends with a friend through Google Groups (includes subscribe/unsubscribe information).

Google Friends archive:

Google Friends archive prior to May 2005:

To unsubscribe from the Google Friends Newsletter, send an empty message to:

Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043



links for 2008-05-30

Posted: 30 May 2008 10:31 AM CDT

Originally posted on: TechLifeBlogged

links for 2008-05-30

CNN.com: Radiohead to Prince: Hey, that's OUR song

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 * Please note, the sender's email address has not been verified.
All videos of Prince's unique rendition of Radiohead's early hit were quickly taken down, leaving only a message that his label, NPG Records, had removed the clips, claiming a copyright violation. But the posted videos were shot by fans and, obviously, the song isn't Prince's.

  Click the following to access the sent link:
Radiohead to Prince: Hey, that's OUR song - CNN.com* CNN.com will expire this article on 06/29/2008.CNN.com will expire this article on 06/29/2008.
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  *This article can also be accessed if you copy and paste the entire address below into your web browser.


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Thank you for your interest in the Alertbox
Jakob Nielsen

Nielsen Norman Group, 48105 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539 USA

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Hello ignoble.experiment@arconati.us,

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The email address you are subscribed with is: ignoble.experiment@arconati.us.

The request was received: 2008-05-29 19:26 pm (Eastern).

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Reflexive Presents Virtual Villagers - The Secret City!

- May 29nd 2008 -

Virtual Villagers ...

Explore a new side of the island of Isola in the next adventure with your favorite Virtual Villagers! Rebuild the remains of a lost city and help your tribe discover the hidden secrets that this mysterious city holds!
(44.28 MB)
Editor Picks!
Fashion Solitaire
Avernum IV
Mystery Cookbook
Titan Attacks

Pastry Passion

Ooo La La! Caboodles of colorful concoctions are waiting for you in Pastry Passion! Stop by the Patisserie today for this sweet treat!

More Info...

Download Now!

(21.60 MB)
Money Tree
Grow apple trees, cherry trees, money trees and more as you place leaves to help your garden prosper! In no time you'll be seeing green! More Info...

Download Now!

(23.19 MB)

*Tips & Trivia*
There are many challenging mini-games to play, but you might like some more than others. In Quest mode, if you don't like the mini-game chosen, click 'cancel' and then click on 'Travel' and you will have a new mini-game to play! Good luck!


Many people like to have flowers delivered by scheduling deliveries over the Internet...or do they? The advent of the Internet has affected the number of independent florist shops in North America in which of the following ways?

A. There are about 20% less shops than in 1998.
B. There are about 40% less shops than in 1998.
C. Not significantly - there are about the same number of shops now as in 1998.
D. Because of 'dot bomb' failures, there are actually about 5% more shops now than in 1998.
E. I don't really remember 1998.

Click here for the answer!

You have received this email because you previously purchased one of our products, or signed up for our weekly newsletter. If you do not wish to receive further communications from us regarding our PC games, please unsubscribe by clicking here. To view your current subscriptions, click here. Replies to this email address are not monitored.

Reflexive Entertainment - 21068 Bake Parkway, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone:949-420-0697

- May 29nd 2008 -



El pueblo donde habito es una villa con casas de piedra, pequeñita y muy amistosa. En él tengo un pequeño apartamento de campo muy cuco que está rodeado por un jardín y una pared que lo delimita. En el pueblo se pueden ver la iglesia recien restaurada y una ermita hecha honrando a San Antonio que se construyó hace poco. Tambien, como no, una visita al restaurante LA PARRILLA se hace imprescindible para tomar fuerzas y recorrer los alrededores.


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